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If we had of won..

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:25 pm
by rama_fan
Ok, I know our first half was shite, and our midfield got killed and so did our rucks and our kicking for goal was terrible, and our forward line didn't fire together but if we had of won the game what would everyone be saying?

This was a crucial game for us to win from a marketing perspective and a mentality perspective.

However I'm just wondering what the general reaction would have been had we kicked one more goal in that last quarter, "lucky win we still played shit", "good sides win games even when they're playing bad", "
opposition brought us down to their level?"

I'd like to think that our improvement in performance can be quite substantial. I reckon if we get things right we are about a 10 goal better side then Carlton.

Major area's of concern for me were:

- Rucks, beaten by who?
- Kicking for goal - cost us the game
- Lack of accountability and defensive pressure in the midfield
- Forward line not working well together

Most of those things, except maybe the first one can hopefully be fixed in time for round 1.

I don't think we'll make the 8 this year, simply don't have the list and our young kids are still too young - But all this talk of us being worse than last year is a bit off I reckon, we're on the way back, it's just not going to be as quick as some people (who may have been led by Sheedy to believe) expected.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:30 am
by Windy_Hill
We didnt - end of story

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:37 am
by rama_fan
And neither did Sydney - like they have the previous two years as well, but you don't see all their supporters jumping off the ship now do you?

Everyone seems so fickle at the moment, one minute we are winning the flag next minute we are doomed to the wooden spoon for the next 5 years.

Sure Sheedy may have inflated expectations somewhat but maybe this was just the reality check that the supporters needed.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:09 am
by dodgey
rama_fan wrote:And neither did Sydney - like they have the previous two years as well, but you don't see all their supporters jumping off the ship now do you?

Everyone seems so fickle at the moment, one minute we are winning the flag next minute we are doomed to the wooden spoon for the next 5 years.

Sure Sheedy may have inflated expectations somewhat but maybe this was just the reality check that the supporters needed.

Sydney ALWAYS play understrength sides in the pre-season and ALWAYS say RD 1 is their Aim.... with the exception of Smokey and the 2 Johnson's we were basically at full strength. And with the coach on the last year of his contract and having stepped up the match practise early this year in comparison to previous, I DID expect an improvement. And you have to take into account that we played carlton who were wooden spooners for the last 2 years, and who's disposal was shitty as well. If we had played a half decent team we would have been 10-12 goals down at half time.

I agree that it's the reality check SOME supporters needed. I certainly don't have us in the finals mix this year, but i do expect some improvement on 15th. But there are some who think we are Monty's for the finals and even a delusional few wasting their hard earned ( and easily parted) Money on us for the flag.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:01 pm
by Windy_Hill
I havent jumped off

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:20 pm
by Essendon4eva
We have not jumped off the Essendon team. Alot of people are just so frustrated because we can see how good this side can be.

I see a team that has been under achieving.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:26 am
by Filthy
Windy_Hill wrote:I havent jumped off
Nor have I...just bitterly disappointed at an inexplicable spiritless, disorganised, incompetent 1st half.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:46 am
by tom9779
it was a poor game all round really.

I am sure Carlton aren't too stoked about managing only a 4 point win as well.

We will improve tho, it was a bad day at the office which thankfully meant nothing except the shot at winning some cash.

we played pretty well with the all stars, and I would expect the team will improve with every game at the moment. As most supporters think, team has plenty of potential, just waiting to be realised.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:25 am
by Sismis
I must have missed something as I am still confident about this year.

1. Our senior players were ordinary. Fletch, Lloyd, Lucas, Hird, Hille were all off the mark. These guys between them have to be worth a 2 - God knows how many goal improvement.

2. We foughtback hard in the last half, this was off the back of some confident young guys having a genuine dip. These guys are the real deal and will add some exciting options to our line-up. I for one can't wait to see who lines up on the wings this year.

3. Lovett, genuine matchwinner looks to have his spark back. He is going to tear the heart of of teams this year, and with 2-3 other speedsters he will have some support rebounding. His run through the middle brought a tear to my, took me back to 93 and another no.13 doing the same thing against the same team except in a GF.

4. GUS MONFRIES! FFS with all the whinging that is going on I have heard f*** and all praise for this guy. He has the whole package and is not scared to use it. I had fears that rainy day V Hawthorn that he might lose a bit of his spark. His confidence and poise has put paid to that. This guy will be a top line player.

I've heard comments lamenting the lack of a game plan. Have you considered the game plan might have been "Young fellas, go out there and show me what you've got"?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:12 pm
by robbie67
We were shit house. The mid-field is an absolute rabble.

Dont get too excited Sismis. ALL teams have good young players.

How the hell did Welsh finish so high in our B&F last year? Absolute passenger.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:36 pm
by swoodley
robbie67 wrote:We were shit house. The mid-field is an absolute rabble.

Dont get too excited Sismis. ALL teams have good young players.

How the hell did Welsh finish so high in our B&F last year? Absolute passenger.
What's the relevance of this in context to last week's game and the coming season?

Welsh played reasonably well on Saturday...very few of the floating hospital passes of last year.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:42 pm
by gringo
Sismis wrote:I must have missed something as I am still confident about this year.

1. Our senior players were ordinary. Fletch, Lloyd, Lucas, Hird, Hille were all off the mark. These guys between them have to be worth a 2 - God knows how many goal improvement.

2. We foughtback hard in the last half, this was off the back of some confident young guys having a genuine dip. These guys are the real deal and will add some exciting options to our line-up. I for one can't wait to see who lines up on the wings this year.

3. Lovett, genuine matchwinner looks to have his spark back. He is going to tear the heart of of teams this year, and with 2-3 other speedsters he will have some support rebounding. His run through the middle brought a tear to my, took me back to 93 and another no.13 doing the same thing against the same team except in a GF.

4. GUS MONFRIES! FFS with all the whinging that is going on I have heard f*** and all praise for this guy. He has the whole package and is not scared to use it. I had fears that rainy day V Hawthorn that he might lose a bit of his spark. His confidence and poise has put paid to that. This guy will be a top line player.

I've heard comments lamenting the lack of a game plan. Have you considered the game plan might have been "Young fellas, go out there and show me what you've got"?

I've considered it, and then quickly dismissed it. This is senior AFL football, not some bush league!!!!!! If all Sheedy and his merry band of coaches can come up with is "show me what you've got" we are absolutely stuffed.

Hmmm, going on that logic, I wonder if he stands there at quarter time saying "kick more goals" "stop them kicking goals" "stop stuffing up" "try and run faster".

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:47 pm
by Windy_Hill
Looking forward to the boys going better than last year - will be cheering them all the way.

However, we have some obvious weaknesses that no amount of Sismis Sugar can sweeten the prognosis.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:55 pm
by Sismis
gringo wrote:
Sismis wrote: I've considered it, and then quickly dismissed it. This is senior AFL football, not some bush league!!!!!! If all Sheedy and his merry band of coaches can come up with is "show me what you've got" we are absolutely stuffed.

Hmmm, going on that logic, I wonder if he stands there at quarter time saying "kick more goals" "stop them kicking goals" "stop stuffing up" "try and run faster".
Young players backing themselves is what got us back in the game. The same young players didn't apply enough pressure the other way which contributed to costing us the game.

These are the guys who are going to force the improvement this year. For a few of them it was there first time on a the big stage. I think giving them that opportunity may be worth slightly more in the real game than winning a preseason cup game.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:56 pm
by swoodley
All this talk of a lack of a game plan is quite interesting to me.

As a regular follower of the training reports on bomberblitz, it is quite apparent that there is a game plan being put in place.

Maybe it didn't work on Saturday because:

A) The players panicked and didn't carry out the plan as required
B) They're still getting used to it under game conditions.

Both of these are more reasonable assumptions than carrying on about there being no game plan at all.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:58 pm
by Makaveli
^ Can you please run me through what essendons game plan is?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:13 pm
by swoodley
Makaveli wrote:^ Can you please run me through what essendons game plan is?
Not being part of the inner circle or even living in Melbourne, I am unable to provide that information.

The point I am making is that no modern day AFL team goes into a game without a definite game plan.

I know that and so do you.

Any attempts to say differently are just plain stupid.

I understand why people are frustrated and annoyed after losing last week but talk of no game plan is pretty infantile.

I would think that as keen followers of our team, we would all understand that things went wrong last week and hope that they improve in the coming weeks.

I'll be at Subiaco on Saturday and maybe after that I'll be able to answer the question a little better.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:35 pm
by BenDoolan
Makaveli wrote:^ Can you please run me through what essendons game plan is?
I am curious to know what the bloody hell this means at the beginning of every post?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:14 pm
by boncer34
It refers to the post above.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:28 pm
by Ramanama
as he said ^^^