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Trade Deals that will never happen

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:43 pm
by Windy_Hill
But probably should

1. Carlisle to Fremantle for either their First Pick (let's say 15 or 16) or a Top 5 mid from their squad. They will come under increasing salary cap pressure and need a long term key defensive tall.

2. Watson to either GWS or Suns for a 2nd Round Pick plus squad player. OK before you all go nuclear, this is a classic Sydney or Geelong trade. Allow a club Champ to leave in his twilight years in order to gain a long term replacement. Of course Jobe will never be forced into this situation but he would have significant currency with GWS for example who are on the rise whereas we are in decline.

3. Zaharakis for a similar yet smarter version. You see, I don't think Zaka adds enough to our squad yet in the right team could be very handy. I would see him being a decent trade to a club which has a player wanting to return to Victoria. For example, Zaharakis plus a depth player for Dangerfield.

From the above scenario we could pick up 3 to 4 quality mids and or draft picks. Losing Jobe would hurt for a year but his replacement could add value for a decade. Zaka and Carlisle are big enough names to attract interest with the trade result being a net gain in terms of what the team needs.

Re: Trade Deals that will never happen

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:09 pm
by BenDoolan
What about Mysey and Hocksy? They'd be worth good picks.

Re: Trade Deals that will never happen

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:32 pm
by kelvin_sheedy
Good young midfielder coming to Essendon.

Re: Trade Deals that will never happen

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:06 pm
by Windy_Hill
BenDoolan wrote:What about Mysey and Hocksy? They'd be worth good picks.
Yeah Benny, can see tongue planted firmly in cheek. But seriously, we have to do something. How long can this rot go on for.

I can't see us winning another flag in my lifetime if we persist with being the League's most cautious trading club.

Gary Ablett left Geelong in his prime and they have seen generational change occur by being realistic about their list and how to deal with aging champions. They are showing the benefits of such foresight as we speak.

The club has to realise that some net positive trades will give us the best chance at building a competitive team for the next 5 years around 6 to 8 pretty decent players.

If we don't act NOW, then we will be in even worse shape in 3 years....not better