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Another entertaining team performance

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:48 pm
by Lloyd is King
An excellent but not unexpected win. I tipped us to beat the mentally fragile Freo anyway, although Pavlich's late poster really cost the Dockers.

Nevertheless, we deserved the win. Good game too. Such an entertaining call from Tony and Rex on 3AW.

I love seeing Lucas getting so many of the goals. He really is a fabulous player. The kids look so promising. The midfield is evenly balanced with strength and pace. The pace we so missed for 3 seasons has finally showed up, never more evident from the likes of Stiff Jetta and Andy Lovett. The stadium just ignites when they get it.

It's just so nice to have a nice, 2-win buffer to start the year.


PLEASE BOMBERS.... for once... beat Carlton in Round 3.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:08 pm
by Windy_Hill
Lucas has almost 50 goals in his last 9 games

This is a better strike rate than Lloydy at his best in 2000.

Great win today

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:14 pm
by Jazz_84
man do we have the players to go a long way, but hope we can pull performances like that each week and we'll be there in september with out a doubt

gotta love Lucas

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:31 pm
by Boyler_Room
We need to be able to shut the door on games too though, which is something we struggled to do today. A good team will run over us if we did what we did in the last 15 minutes today.

If Pavlich kicked that goal it could have been a very different finish. If we do that to a WCE or the like, we'll be in big trouble.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:35 pm
by jimmyc1985
Awesome game. At times we looked a little stagnant going forward with all the chipping around, but that was because Freo were getting players back (particularly early on). At other times though, we looked really good with Lovett, McPhee and Winders especially creating some quick ball movement through the midfield.

Perhaps the most pleasing aspect is that, like last week, we were challenged (Freo headed us in the 3rd) but we had the ticker to go on with it. They really had two guys keeping them in it: Pavlich up forward, and Sandilands was massacring us in the clearances, and in tandem those two just about won Freo the game. But in the 4th Hille neautralised Sandilands much better and we started breaking even at the clearances and from then on we looked pretty good.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:11 pm
by Lloyd is King
Like Sheeds said, we would have lost a game like that last year.

It shows now that we are improving and learning. We came back after being headed and won.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:25 pm
by j-mac31
Very pleased with the win after Freo came back in the third.

Davey, Lovett and Jetta are so valuable, even though they don't get tons of kicks. I don't want to see any of them dropped this year, even the first years. Davey had at least 8 tackles which is excellent and Jetta and Lovett applied good pressure, but when they got the ball they were phenomenal!

Laycock looked really good for a guy who has been out for so long.

Lloyd was great as was Lucas. One thing I felt Lloyd did poorly - on both of Lovett's big runs, Lloyd ran up to sheppherd, even though the Freo player wasn't going to catch Lovett, and got in hi way. He should have run back into the 50 so that Lovett could either goal himself or if Lloyd's man went to Lovett, Lloyd was open. But they both worked out so its all good.

The midfielders were good when we had the ball but would it be too much to ask for some manning up when the other team has it!? The players didn't man up and never seemed to want to push back hard. Wheneever they saw an open man, they'd just point to someone else to get them.

Michael on Tarrant didn't work I felt. Tarrant was too quick I would have gone with McPhee on him, Big Mal could have taken Pavlich and then Fletcher would have been on some random, so he could zone off very effectively.

But we won and that's the most important thing.

Oh and suprise, Solomon is still a knob. You can always trust a dickhead to be a dickhead, no matter which club they're at.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:41 pm
by bomberflyer
And your credentials are what exactly J-Mac?

He is actually a friend of mine and a Bomber premiership player probably a little more than you have ever done armchair critic.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:21 pm
by Jazz_84
bomberflyer wrote:And your credentials are what exactly J-Mac?

He is actually a friend of mine and a Bomber premiership player probably a little more than you have ever done armchair critic.
do you say that to all the journalists and column writers or just on chat forums on the internet??

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:30 pm
by jimmyc1985
bomberflyer wrote:And your credentials are what exactly J-Mac?

He is actually a friend of mine and a Bomber premiership player probably a little more than you have ever done armchair critic.
Well tell your friend Solly that he's about as brainless as they come on field. Was once an excellent player, but on the evidence of the last 3 years he should start seeking an alternate career. Been reported twice for Freo already, given away countless free kicks and gives doughnuts. Gutless wonder who only ever lays the hits on smaller players, and even then those hits are usually cheap shots that end up in free kicks or reports.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:39 pm
by tonysoprano
I didn't think we were that good today - and still managed to win - that for me was the best thing.

For most of the 2nd & 3rd qtrs I thought we were outplayed - but fighting back late in the 3rd after being headed was fantastic

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:10 pm
by BenDoolan
The most impressive aspect of our game in the first two weeks is definitely the offensive and defensive pace. The amount of tackles that have resulted in turnovers is really rewarding us, and we have the ball carriers that are as quick as lightening and that gives us plenty of forward thrust.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:19 pm
by F111
The chasing down and the run thru the middle sure brings ones arse to the edge of the seat huh!

Relatively straight kicking, but Laycock could've been huge if he'd have kicked better. He looked ok nonetheless.

Paddy Ryder also looks to have made a leap from the fragile looker from last year.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:19 pm
by robrulz5
A pretty good performance with plenty of room to improve. The run through the midfield was solid and Lloyd and Lucas work so well together within the forward 50 and even beyond at times.

Finally having some speed is good and alot of teams will be looking over their shoulder.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:28 pm
by Brumaz
a great game!
our style of play is so entertaining to watch aswel

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:35 pm
by tom9779
bias aside, i reckon we would have to one of the best teams to watch at the moment.

whether it be scotty lucas long goals or the run from lovett, davey, winders and jetta.

I just love the confidence that sheeds has imparted in the whole team.

we are playing like winners from the get go. if we can do that, week in week out regardless of the result, its going to take a champion team to beat us.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:18 pm
by azza78
Agree with Michael struggling with Tarrant, although some of the delivery he and Pavlich recieved was unstoppable anyway. However, throwing Michael on Pavlich would have been suicide cos Michael does not have the petrol to go with him.

It would be fair to say that Fletch is fitter than Mal at this stage, and at times even he looked buggered chasing Pav around.