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Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:49 pm
by robbie67
Ok, so we all know it was a step backwards today, and playing the "you know who twins" was a big mistake. But we are still going forward. We have 3 wins from 5 games, which compared to last year is excellent. Admittedly the two we lost have made me want to vomit, but we have so much to look forward to now.

1. Alwyn Davey - Instant star.
2. Paddy Ryder - Will be a great, and already improved immensley.
3. Scott Lucas - Gone from great player to superstar.
4. Winderlich - Now belongs.
5. Stants - Taken another step up the ladder to the elite mid-fielders.
6. Lovett - Personally think he has improved.
7. Smokey - Over his OP, and is back to his 2004 form.
8. Fletch - Looks like he can go another 4 years.
9. Lloyd - The hammy is fine.
10. NLM, JJ, Welsh, Hille to return, and Gumby Houli etc waiting in the wings, not to mention Jetta who has shown glimpses already.
11. McVeigh and Pev playing career best footy.
12. Watson's kicking can only get better.

We are a lot closer to doing something that anybody apart from Sismis could have hoped for.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:52 pm
by Essendon4eva
Thats a fair analysis. I think Ryder cna potentially be our Adam Goodes. He can ruck, play loose in defense and will certaintly be at home in the forward line.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:54 pm
by DYSON#2
at 19 years of age the boy Ryder is a F****** brownlow medalist in the making. The kids development has gone leaps and bounds in such short time

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:55 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
I agree totally with this post... while our two losses were against teams we expected to beat, look at our three wins for the year... adelaide at aami, freo and the sainters. Thats a good effort for a team that finished 15th last season. Davey and Ryder are super exciting while Lucas, Licha, Fletch and McPhee along with McVeigh and Pev are in career best form.

There is a hell of a lot to like about this team!!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:57 pm
by pear
Excellent post, couldn't agree more

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:59 pm
by robbie67
pear wrote:Excellent post, couldn't agree more
I couldnt agree with me more either. :P

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:05 pm
by swooper
That's a lot of positives, and they're all pretty much on the money.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:09 pm
by bomberdonnie
Makes you sit down and wonder how the f*** we could lose to the the filth and scum within 1.5 weeks FFS

Good post but you dont need to hear that do you mate??

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:10 pm
by robbie67
bomberdonnie wrote:Makes you sit down and wonder how the f*** we could lose to the the filth and scum within 1.5 weeks FFS

Good post but you dont need to hear that do you mate??
No mate, I'm pretty comfortable with my abilities. :lol:

Re: Expectations.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:10 pm
by Rem
robbie67 wrote:Ok, so we all know it was a step backwards today, and playing the "you know who twins" was a big mistake. But we are still going forward. We have 3 wins from 5 games, which compared to last year is excellent. Admittedly the two we lost have made me want to vomit, but we have so much to look forward to now.

1. Alwyn Davey - Instant star.
2. Paddy Ryder - Will be a great, and already improved immensley.
3. Scott Lucas - Gone from great player to superstar.
4. Winderlich - Now belongs.
5. Stants - Taken another step up the ladder to the elite mid-fielders.
6. Lovett - Personally think he has improved.
7. Smokey - Over his OP, and is back to his 2004 form.
8. Fletch - Looks like he can go another 4 years.
9. Lloyd - The hammy is fine.
10. NLM, JJ, Welsh, Hille to return, and Gumby Houli etc waiting in the wings, not to mention Jetta who has shown glimpses already.
11. McVeigh and Pev playing career best footy.
12. Watson's kicking can only get better.

We are a lot closer to doing something that anybody apart from Sismis could have hoped for.
Excellent post, great analysis.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:11 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
bomberdonnie wrote:Makes you sit down and wonder how the f*** we could lose to the the filth and scum within 1.5 weeks FFS

Good post but you dont need to hear that do you mate??
Carl and Coll simply lifted for the occasion and we didn't. We were expected to win the games we jhave lost so far this year and won the games in which we were underdogs... this will need to be fixed before we are a genuine top 4 chance.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:17 pm
by Boyler_Room
I tend to think we lost those 2 games rather than being beaten. That's why I'm annoyed. We could just as easily be 5-0 right now. Instead we're 3-2 ... and the 2 are both against teams we should have beaten. Both games we were in control and then handed over the reigns without so much as a whimper.

My expectations? I agree with what robbie has said, but I would add that I expect that Bradley would not play again this year. That gives us another 2 players.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:19 pm
by robbie67
Boyler_Room wrote: Both games we were in control and then handed over the reigns without so much as a whimper.
We were never in control today. We got the fast start, but once the game settled we were in deep trouble.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:25 pm
by danstar84
robbie67 wrote:
Boyler_Room wrote: Both games we were in control and then handed over the reigns without so much as a whimper.
We were never in control today. We got the fast start, but once the game settled we were in deep trouble.
They controlled the tempo from the 7 min mark of the first. Had they kicked straight the game would have been over much sooner. They kept us in it for most of the arvo.

We were flat as tacks today.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:34 pm
by bombercol
Rob, you could also ad young Monfries to that list being still his courageous self, creating opportunities for others and being an important part of our structure.

My only concern is part of what happened today with Hille being out we have some problems in the ruck. Laycock does some nice things but not often enough, Ryder's not ready and has really added a dimension to our back line, young Bradley and Bolton are not the answers. Wondering whether or not not Cartledge should have stayed instead of Bolton.

Outside of that I do think we've got a lot to look forward to.

Re: Expectations.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:36 pm
by BenDoolan
robbie67 wrote:Ok, so we all know it was a step backwards today, and playing the "you know who twins" was a big mistake. But we are still going forward. We have 3 wins from 5 games, which compared to last year is excellent. Admittedly the two we lost have made me want to vomit, but we have so much to look forward to now.

1. Alwyn Davey - Instant star.
2. Paddy Ryder - Will be a great, and already improved immensley.
3. Scott Lucas - Gone from great player to superstar.
4. Winderlich - Now belongs.
5. Stants - Taken another step up the ladder to the elite mid-fielders.
6. Lovett - Personally think he has improved.
7. Smokey - Over his OP, and is back to his 2004 form.
8. Fletch - Looks like he can go another 4 years.
9. Lloyd - The hammy is fine.
10. NLM, JJ, Welsh, Hille to return, and Gumby Houli etc waiting in the wings, not to mention Jetta who has shown glimpses already.
11. McVeigh and Pev playing career best footy.
12. Watson's kicking can only get better.

We are a lot closer to doing something that anybody apart from Sismis could have hoped for.
Has anyone told you this is a good post? Good post!

We have been shown flashes of brilliance from this fast developing team which gives us plenty of optimism, which can lead to expecting too much too soon from them. Realistically, we should only expect a 50% win/loss ratio due to blending youth with experience. Anything more than that is a remarkable turn around from last season.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:38 pm
by robbie67
Yes Col, dont know why I forgot about young Angus, but very true.

I dont think the ruck is that big an issue. Hille is capable while not being outstanding. Laycock is just not fit, but can play and needs time, Ryder will be top notch. Long term I think it looks very good. Carts is no good, Bolts the same.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:39 pm
by tonysoprano
You're Sheeds aren't you Robbie?! Its you or Gossy - I'm sure of it.

Come on Sheeds - own up. :wink:

Great post - but...

We have won against injury ravaged sides (Adel and Saints) and a side that has barely won a game interstate or the Telstra Dome (Freo) and we have lost to a club with three wooden spoons in 5 years, and another that played in a wet weather slog only 4 days ago.

We are a still a long shot to make the finals. Worse still - is how bad we can play. Our best and worst is a long way apart. I agree with your individual player analysis - but why is it we can't gel consistently or get pumped up for the biggest game imaginable outside of a final?

Sheeds (Robbie) - I think it may be time to coach to win games - not to hope that project players will one day show something. The future is now!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:06 pm
by lozza89
Excellent post Robbie. Although we have lost 2 game we should of won, in those games there has still been glimpses of how far we have improved, and in the games we have won all our improvements came together for us to win.

Dyson agree with you, Paddy Ryder is a brownlow medalist in the making. This kid could be absolutely anything. He looks right at home at centre half back, in the ruck or even when he gets the rare oppurtunity to play up forward. It's been good for him to have the 2 best full backmen for the last decade with him down there to help him. They will help him get his game right so he can start ripping games to pieces. Another good thing about having Paddy as CHB, means we won't be seeing Bradley there again anytime soon!

I'm amazed at just how much courage and commitment Gussy has for the ball, seeing how small he is. He would just about be the smallest kid in the AFL and he does not flinch one little bit when backing back into a pack, running down a ball etc.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:19 pm
by BenDoolan
tonysoprano wrote:You're Sheeds aren't you Robbie?! Its you or Gossy - I'm sure of it.

Come on Sheeds - own up. :wink:

Great post - but...

We have won against injury ravaged sides (Adel and Saints) and a side that has barely won a game interstate or the Telstra Dome (Freo) and we have lost to a club with three wooden spoons in 5 years, and another that played in a wet weather slog only 4 days ago.

We are a still a long shot to make the finals. Worse still - is how bad we can play. Our best and worst is a long way apart. I agree with your individual player analysis - but why is it we can't gel consistently or get pumped up for the biggest game imaginable outside of a final?

Sheeds (Robbie) - I think it may be time to coach to win games - not to hope that project players will one day show something. The future is now!
Robbie is Sheeds? :lol:

There's no f****** way Robbie would ever pick Bradley and Bolton!!