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Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:55 am
by Sol
I agree, I think sheeds has unbalanced what looked to be a strong formula by including Johns, Bolton and Bradley at the expense of running players.

It is common knowledge that our midfield is our greatest weakness and by incuding more talls we have further depleted our struggling midfield.

Dropping Watson is not the answer, but the fact that his main defficiency is being addressed is good news. He still has the most damaging hands in the business and earns his spot with clearences by hand alone.

For mine

Out: Johns, Bradley, Bolton
In: JJ, Licha, Hille or Houli

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:30 am
by andrewb
At least they're working on it instead of ignoring the problem. Bradley needs a couple of months in the twos and some concentrated work on his fast twitch muscles and kicking skills. Ideally, I'd like to see him spend at least an hour a day on drills that force him to both kick with precision to a marked, leading target and to improve his speed over 10m and lateral movement. He can get the ball (which is pretty tough at AFL level) but he needs to have confidence in his disposal.

DON'T bring him back until he's had three weeks in the best for bendigo.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:19 pm
by andrewb
Nah, just another frustrated supporter who knows everything :)

Re: Changes that should happen...

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:11 pm
by Rover 7
"Watson and Bradley trained away from the main group doing some kicking work with Barnes and Knights. The focus looked to be on kicking low stab pass's rather than the floaters they have been coming up with. They spent a good hour and a bit on it."

Yeah well,what a waste of time.
Every team in history,including premiership teams,have had players with average or poor kicking ability and those who are exceptional.
Get 'em to kick to their strengths not try and teach skills they are not and never will be good at,particularly Bradley.
Jesus stop trying to homogonise everybody which leads to,just like McDonald's one big tasteless and colourless package of nothing.
Some of our stars of premierships past couldn't kick well and never tried any short rubbish because they knew they couldn't get away with it.
Too many "coaches" with nothing else to do just like the public service.
As we say in the outer just KICK THE BLOODY THING.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:40 pm
by Sismis
Stanton was a very ordinary kick in his early days. He has completely turned it around with intensive work.

Watson has a great work eithic he will work untill he achieves it.

Bradley has a long way to go, and is still young enough to get there.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:09 pm
by Rover 7
Sismis wrote:Stanton was a very ordinary kick in his early days. He has completely turned it around with intensive work.

Watson has a great work eithic he will work untill he achieves it.

Bradley has a long way to go, and is still young enough to get there.

Dinky passes aint their go but both can kick if given the freedom to put the boot behind the ball,hard.
Let those at the other end worry about it.As long as it isn't Lloyd of course.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:18 pm
by Rossoneri
JJ wont come back in, he is not ready.

Doubt on Hille as well.

In: Welsh, Winderlich, Hille (if fit)
OutL Bolton, Slattery, Dyson

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:16 pm
by Ramanama
Rossoneri wrote:JJ wont come back in, he is not ready.

Doubt on Hille as well.

In: Welsh, Winderlich, Hille (if fit)
OutL Bolton, Slattery, Dyson

Does this mean you wont Bradley in the team still!? :? :shock: :? :shock:

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:01 pm
by CameronClayton
Ramanama wrote:
Rossoneri wrote:JJ wont come back in, he is not ready.

Doubt on Hille as well.

In: Welsh, Winderlich, Hille (if fit)
OutL Bolton, Slattery, Dyson

Does this mean you wont Bradley in the team still!? :? :shock: :? :shock:
We all know Rossi wouldn't have Bradley in the team (neither would I unless as a back up ruckman) but he knows Sheedy too well & the crap he gets up to with project players.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:30 pm
by pevfan
Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but if my memory serves, I can recall Timmy's kicking not being exactly spot on in his early days...just like his son's atm.

As for playing too many talls, as I've said on here recently Sheedy's obsessed with them, always has been. I think it goes back to his Richmond days. All those flag winning Tiger sides were very tall, (for that era anyway) I recall they were one of the first teams to introduce the tall wingman, the Clays and the Bourkes. They had six foot plussers on every line even the flankers at a time when usually only the KPP and Ruckmen generally speaking were over the six foot mark. It's a doctrine that Sheedy has always adopted with Essendon sides....the taller, the better as far as he's concerned.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:59 pm
by BenDoolan
Filthy wrote:
pevfan wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but if my memory serves, I can recall Timmy's kicking not being exactly spot on in his early days...just like his son's atm.

As for playing too many talls, as I've said on here recently Sheedy's obsessed with them, always has been. I think it goes back to his Richmond days. All those flag winning Tiger sides were very tall, (for that era anyway) I recall they were one of the first teams to introduce the tall wingman, the Clays and the Bourkes. They had six foot plussers on every line even the flankers at a time when usually only the KPP and Ruckmen generally speaking were over the six foot mark. It's a doctrine that Sheedy has always adopted with Essendon sides....the taller, the better as far as he's concerned.
No Pev....Tim was ALWAYS a good kick.....getting his 1st game as a 15yo!! :wink:
And he was a very good kick on EITHER foot.

But the thing is (and nmgilbert will also argue) that even if Tim Watson was a terrifc kick himself, doesn't mean he could "teach" Jobe how to erradicate a technical flaw. Jobe's problem could be a combination of a slight technical flaw as well as a psychological glitch....

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:00 pm
by pevfan
I stand corrected Filth and Ben.

On thinking more about it, I seem to recall criticisim being levelled at him for missing targets because he used to run too far with the ball, resulting in teammates being caught out of position. But I concede that Tim missing targets was not because he was a poor kick. I don't think Jobe could use that (running too far with the ball) as an excuse.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:25 pm
by Rossoneri
CameronClayton wrote:
Ramanama wrote:
Rossoneri wrote:JJ wont come back in, he is not ready.

Doubt on Hille as well.

In: Welsh, Winderlich, Hille (if fit)
OutL Bolton, Slattery, Dyson

Does this mean you wont Bradley in the team still!? :? :shock: :? :shock:
We all know Rossi wouldn't have Bradley in the team (neither would I unless as a back up ruckman) but he knows Sheedy too well & the crap he gets up to with project players.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:49 pm
by bombercol
In: Welsh, Winderlich, Hille, Houli

Out: Bolton, Bradley, Dyson, Johns

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:52 pm
by fordmania
bombercol wrote:In: Welsh, Winderlich, Hille, Houli

Out: Bolton, Bradley, Dyson, Johns
Yep, would like to see this happen. Give Houli a go and the other 3 are automatic when fit.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:25 pm
by bombercol
Saw in the paper that Hille is unlikely this week.

Could Bradley get a reprieve for another week because of this?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 2:10 pm
by hillchaser
I'm with Fordmania and bombercol.

Johns is there for when Lucas or Lloyd get injured.

If Hislop has a bit of hardness and speed then I think he might make i over Welsh at some stage.