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Are the Bombers Broke?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:33 pm
by dheal
As a long time supporter & member of this famous club i decided to take my parents to the Dinner at Windy Hill on the arena this coming Saturday night & was shocked to discover that the tickets are $220 EACH {including drinks} I have attended many Essendon functions eg The Dick Reynolds Club at Crown Palladium Room for approximately $90 drinks inclusive. The Crown venue is much more upmarket than a
dinner under a tent on a cold night in May. I understand that this a special occasion but $220 a head,get real, i won't be going . What is the club doing for the long standing rank & file supporters? Instead of having functions for the corporate types who only go to games on grand final day at the expense of the REAL supporters. Anyone else have any opinions. The club must be down to their last $5 million dollars!!!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:03 pm
by swoodley
I'm sure the club will have thought of the pros and cons of charging such an amount and have obviously made the decison that the market can support such a price.

Realistically, functions like this are really just an excuse to suck money out of the corporates and the really dedicated.

And as for being broke or down to their last $5mill...I doubt it very much as the Boer War bonds must be worth a fortune now.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 6:03 pm
by danstar84
It must be that price for a reason. The setup would no doubt cost more than a night at Crown. Plus, it will be sold out, so there must be people who will pay the money for the night.

Re: Are the Bombers Broke?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:58 am
by tom9779
dheal wrote:As a long time supporter & member of this famous club i decided to take my parents to the Dinner at Windy Hill on the arena this coming Saturday night & was shocked to discover that the tickets are $220 EACH {including drinks} I have attended many Essendon functions eg The Dick Reynolds Club at Crown Palladium Room for approximately $90 drinks inclusive. The Crown venue is much more upmarket than a
dinner under a tent on a cold night in May. I understand that this a special occasion but $220 a head,get real, i won't be going . What is the club doing for the long standing rank & file supporters? Instead of having functions for the corporate types who only go to games on grand final day at the expense of the REAL supporters. Anyone else have any opinions. The club must be down to their last $5 million dollars!!!
yeah it sucks...why not write to the club and ask them to organise an event a little less expensive?

eg say a BBQ? or attend Longys walk to the MCG....

Re: Are the Bombers Broke?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:58 am
by tom9779
dheal wrote:As a long time supporter & member of this famous club i decided to take my parents to the Dinner at Windy Hill on the arena this coming Saturday night & was shocked to discover that the tickets are $220 EACH {including drinks} I have attended many Essendon functions eg The Dick Reynolds Club at Crown Palladium Room for approximately $90 drinks inclusive. The Crown venue is much more upmarket than a
dinner under a tent on a cold night in May. I understand that this a special occasion but $220 a head,get real, i won't be going . What is the club doing for the long standing rank & file supporters? Instead of having functions for the corporate types who only go to games on grand final day at the expense of the REAL supporters. Anyone else have any opinions. The club must be down to their last $5 million dollars!!!
yeah it sucks...why not write to the club and ask them to organise an event a little less expensive?

eg say a BBQ? or attend Longys walk to the MCG....

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:43 pm
by Windy_Hill
Get over it.

Family Day is free.

If it werent for the corporate types you wouldnt have a club.

But for your information, the corporate types you so obviusly despise, are passionate and proud of their club. So much so that they pay thousands of dollars a year to ensure the clubs financial future

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:48 pm
by Koala
I've paid more than that for concerts that go for half as long!

Plus I'll be getting a beautiful meal, all the wine and beer I can drink, and will be rubbing shoulders with some of Essendon's greats, under a huge marquee on the hallowed turf, something I'll never again have the chance to experience.

I'm quite willing to pay $50 an hour for all of that!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 9:22 am
by Madden
Koala wrote:I've paid more than that for concerts that go for half as long!
A concert that costs over $220? For that price, I hope your seats were on the frickin stage....

Seriously though, the cost is unreasonable. For an event like this I would have expected a cost of about $120- $150, but not much over that. If the Club were intending to make this a nice night for the fans they could have at least priced the tickets so they would be within range of most fans.

If they had priced them at about $150 they still would have made a monster profit on the event. $220 is pretty greedy in my opinion.