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Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:45 pm
by robrulz5
With what he has been through playing AFL again this year would just be a bonus.

It will be great to see him back whenever he makes his return.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:54 pm
by ZRS
i think would be an excellent thing to see him run out on friday night.

one question, if he was put on for neagle, and neagle makes a bit of a recovery in a few weeks, can he play for bendigo? or if he is listed as long term injury can he not play for bendigo either?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:57 pm
If you are on the LTI list you can't play at all untill you come off it so Neagle couldn't play for Bendigo.

For purely selfish purposes I hope they delay his comeback for a week, just so I can be there. It would be great fro Rama to play his 1st game back in Hirds 250th.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:05 pm
by Gatsid
What a special night it would be to have him return against melbourne for the clash for cancer. I have huge amounts of respect for Adam and I hope he does play on friday night and for his sake tears melbourne a new one. I hope he's around the club for many years after he has retired as he is the perfect role model for any footballer, never say die attitude and never gave in when times got tough. Best of luck Rama.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:14 pm
by BenDoolan
I reckon they'll make sure he plays this week.

I could never understand why teams require motivation outside of just winning, but here you would have 21 other blokes busting their proverbial guts to win it for this guy.

More motivation for the guys to win it for Hirdy's 250th the following week as well,

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:14 pm
by rama_fan
I'm sure Adam will be wanting a rather low key return, however it doesn't look like he'll be getting it.

Will be the football story of the year when he walks out on the field.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:35 pm
by lozza89
The moment he steps onto the field, will be the moment he knows he has won the battle. I know all the wanted was to be able to fight through the cancer, but to get back to play an extremely physical, mental and emotional demanding sport at the highest possible level, adam will know he has won. And every single player who plays will him when this happens will just want to do absolutely anything to win and show to Adam what he means to them.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:35 pm
by pevfan
I know this is very much from left field...but does any one think Rama just might do a Jason McCartney.... play one more senior game and then call it quits, just to show that he could do it.

I (along with everyone else I'm sure) personally hope it doesn't happen like that and that it's just another silly notion that's popped into my head.

Not saying that it will happen that way but I wouldn't think it would be entirely beyond the realms of possibility

C'mon BT'ers tell me I'm crazy.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:40 pm
by tonysoprano
I hope it is not like the Jason McCartney thing - and Rama retires at the end of the game (I say this with utmost respect).

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:03 pm
by BenDoolan
pevfan wrote:I know this is very much from left field...but does any one think Rama just might do a Jason McCartney.... play one more senior game and then call it quits, just to show that he could do it.

I (along with everyone else I'm sure) personally hope it doesn't happen like that and that it's just another silly notion that's popped into my head.

Not saying that it will happen that way but I wouldn't think it would be entirely beyond the realms of possibility

C'mon BT'ers tell me I'm crazy.
There's a possibility, but I reckon he's in it for the long haul.

I always thought they would have brought McCartney back the week before they actually did when we played them. That way, he literally could have gone out defeating the "Bombers".

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:12 pm
by Jazz_84
tonysoprano wrote:I hope it is not like the Jason McCartney thing - and Rama retires at the end of the game (I say this with utmost respect).
i really can't see that happening mate, don't worry

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:17 pm
by KaaN10
I hope he plays.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:23 pm
by topdon
I hope he pulls on that No.9 jumper this Friday night!!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:07 pm
by F111
Is anyone on the lti list?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:53 am
by rockhole
GOD suggested in thei morning's Age that it was unlikely, but I still believe that he is a chance.

Sheedy is the game's great sentimentalist and Rama returning for this game in particular would be hard for him to resist.

It would be one of Footy's great stories when he finally pulls on the number 9 in the ones. Let's hope it is this weekend.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:20 am
by The Man from Bomberland
When Rama takes the field for the first time in a long time - man that is going to be special. I can just picture it.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:37 pm
by jayden1990
from wat gary odonell said on bomber radio doesnt sound like he will be playin !! ... not for a few more anyways !!... not gunna happen unless we get A LTI

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:18 pm
by boncer34
For f*** sake we need something to counter Melbournes bullshit. This is it.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:24 pm
by BenDoolan
It's not happenin'

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:49 pm
by boncer34
Shh BD im using Boncer logic here.