Boncers Rant

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Boncers Rant

Post by boncer34 »

First of all I dont care where they are on the ladder or whatever bullshit, WHAT A WIN!! Never heard noise like that, everyone around me was just jumping, hugging and doing all that stuff. Great moment to be apart of.

Farewell to Neale, personally I think you've been screwed but meh please dont come to Essendon. As for the morons complaining about the Essendon theme song playing as he walked off you idiots are all wrong, its not the utmost poor sportsmanship by Essendon. Bloody tools do you really think we control everything? :twisted:

Next on my hit list is those scum, rat infested things known as maggots. What the f*** where they doing last night? Seemed to me that they came together at 3/4 time and decided they'd help Neale get his farewell win. As I so politely told them as they walked off the ground, "Get f***** you useless yellow maggot pieces of shit." "f*** off back to whichever rubbish pile it is you crawled out from."

Next is Kevin Sheedy's handling of James Hird, its only a minor thing but I was rather unimpressed at the time. The free kick he gave away for holding the ball was stupid on his part BUT the following 50 was simply inexcusable. I dont care if your Hird, Lloyd, Lucas or Kepler Bradley if you give away a 50 BENCH HIM.

Finally to all the Melbourne, Collingwood and Carlton "fans" I listened to ring in and whinge about how Essendon got lucky. Go get f*****, once is luck maybe even 2. But 4 times? Thats not luck thats the makings of a good team. So piss off back to your bottom spots Blues and Dee's and to the Pie's enjoy watching the slide.

On a positive note, with about 5 minutes to go I told my old man I was never going to the footy with him. '98 was the last time he saw a win, every game I've been to without him we win. Everytime hes come we lose, needless to say he was absoloutely bloody rapt.

I could say more but your all probably sick of me so Ciao.
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Post by Jazz_84 »

but wait this post wasn't self involved at all???

haha na i agree with everything there, except why do you even care what the Melbourne, Collingwood and Carlton "fans" say?? i sure dont
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Post by boncer34 »

2 more little things-

Lovett's game on Davey was a master stroke, didn't play there all day but when he did it showed the boy knows how to play both offensive and defensive.

Chook. Do I have to say anymore? Same as the big Alessio. Whens he's hot he's awesome but when he's cold my god is he bloody frustrating. Lets see a few more goal square pack marks Chook.
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Post by Doctor Fish »

boncer34 wrote:2 more little things-

Lovett's game on Davey was a master stroke, didn't play there all day but when he did it showed the boy knows how to play both offensive and defensive.

Chook. Do I have to say anymore? Same as the big Alessio. Whens he's hot he's awesome but when he's cold my god is he bloody frustrating. Lets see a few more goal square pack marks Chook.
I reckon Chook holds the key to where we're going to end up this year. If he can compete as he did last night for the rest of the year, and play a forward role as well, we might surprise a few more "top sides". Just needs to make the gap between his good games and bad games a bit smaller eh. Go the Cock!!!

You're right about Lovey too Bonce. Good to see him back. His efforts around the ground was fantastic to see from a guy who hasn't played for a month or so... :wink:
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Post by dheal »

Was at the game last night & the atmosphere was electric, in the last quarter it was the loudest i have heard at the dome. I thought boncer was too soft on the maggots, these "no names"were are appaling, just as well we were not playing at Windy Hill they would not have got off the ground. As for those slime saying were we lucky well i was told you make your own luck with courage & persistence, never give up. Never heard any saying Melb. had in any luck with goals kicked off the ground 40 metres from goal or long shots bouncing through etc. Anyway Collingwood filth can't complain when one of their players, "Dickhead Didak" should be sent far away never to be seen again.
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Re: Boncers Rant

Post by bombers_rock »

boncer34 wrote:First of all I dont care where they are on the ladder or whatever bullshit, WHAT A WIN!! Never heard noise like that, everyone around me was just jumping, hugging and doing all that stuff. Great moment to be apart of.
Being down the Melbourne Cheer Squad end, I thought it was loud when they kicked a goal. But their efforts were absolutely NOTHING compared to when we grabbed the lead back and the final siren.

Although, it still doesn't top the West Coast win. That was something special. :)
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