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Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:58 pm
by Madden
You can't drop any blokes this week, not when you have 5 compulsory outs.

Out: Hird, Davey, Fletcher, McVeigh, Hislop

In: Monfries, Lloyd, Lovett-Murray, Houli, Stanton (if fit).

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:14 pm
by JimboC
Spot on Staggy...

Agree with your ins 100%

Don't like the thought of CJ playing down back, he isn't agile enough and gets blown away on the lead from quicker opponents...Unless of course he was playing on a Luke Darcy, but I suspect that's Mal Michael's job.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:30 pm
by Madden
Filthy wrote:
Staggy wrote:You can't drop any blokes this week, not when you have 5 compulsory outs.

Out: Hird, Davey, Fletcher, McVeigh, Hislop

In: Monfries, Lloyd, Lovett-Murray, Houli, Stanton (if fit).
Dyson has had enough chances.....doesn't like it tough.
I agree, but you shouldn't drop him this week, too many outs will destabilise.

Also, who you going to replace him with? Campo? He doesn't like it much tougher. Given the choice, I'd much rather play Dys and see what he's made of then play a bloke who will be gone at the end of the year.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:06 pm
by BenDoolan
Filthy wrote: I want enthusiastic, hard at it types in like Hislop (gotta think up a nickname!!)

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:20 pm
by Madden
BenDoolan wrote:
Filthy wrote: I want enthusiastic, hard at it types in like Hislop (gotta think up a nickname!!)

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:30 pm
by BenDoolan
Staggy wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Filthy wrote: I want enthusiastic, hard at it types in like Hislop (gotta think up a nickname!!)
Snappy Tom Slop

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:01 pm
by Rossoneri
Staggy wrote:You can't drop any blokes this week, not when you have 5 compulsory outs.

Out: Hird, Davey, Fletcher, McVeigh, Hislop

In: Monfries, Lloyd, Lovett-Murray, Houli, Stanton (if fit).
What about Ryder? He is out isnt he?

I reckon Hislop will come up.

If Stanton doesnt come up, I would expect Campo in.

Out: Davey, Hird, Fletch, McVeigh, Ryder
In: Lloyd, NLM*, Gus, Houli, Stants/Campo

* NLM hasnt done anything in the 2's apparently after a long layoff. If we didnt have the injury issues I wouldnt have picked him, but he is much needed. If McVeigh gets off then NLM is the one I wouldnt bring in.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:13 pm
by Madden
I forgot about Ryder.

In that case, with Fletcher and Ryder out, you can guarantee that Bradley or Bolton (or both) will be coming in.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:18 pm
by Rossoneri
Thankfully West and Grant are out, adding to Griffin and Cross.

We need to stop Johnson, hence why we are challenging the McVeigh verdict.

Id chuck Slattery on Robbins.

What I have noticed in the past 3 matches is that when our ruckmen have got on top, our midfield looks much better. I know its sounds simple, but if our ruckman get on top and we kick the pill long, we should win.

Lloyd vs Harris: Lloydy will be fuming after missing last week
Lucas vs Hargraves: If Lucas loses this battle he should be ashamed of himself.

Welsh will go to Gilbee and create an option while playing a tagging role.

Lovett has got to keep his feet whe chasing. It looks ok when you rn fast with the ball, but tackling an opponent from behind really lifts the team. Davey did that so often it was scary.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:51 pm
by Rossoneri
You picked Bolton.

Re: OK punters, lets pick a team...

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:13 pm
by Boyler_Room
Filthy wrote:....with what the AFL "Justice" system and the Footy Gods have left us with.

I am assumimg Spike doesn't get off because he, well he plays for Essendon.

Backs MJ Mal Nash

Half Backs Natrat Johns Hank

Centres Pev JJ Smokey

Half Fwds Woosha Scotty Houli

Forwards Gus Matty Chook

Rucks Hille Watson Stanton

I/c Campo Hislop Bolton Rama


PS Dyson has shot his bolt I think...goes MIA in the tough ones. :? And'd be in if it wasn't for you being dumb and unprofessional. Apparently there is an attitude problem there?
Geez, that's an awfully slow midfield on paper. Up against a youngish, fast moving outfit enhanced with Acnemanis. He was pretty good last week. MJ has been nothing short of disgraceful in the last month or so. Unfortunately, we can't afford to drop anyone because our team is suddenly in tatters thanks to injury and the AFL trying to make an example of our club.

Is Nash a defender or a midfielder? He looks like he's got pretty decent skills, haven't really noticed how quick/slow he is, but he seems to be stuck across half back. If he can move and has the skills would we expect to see him rotate through the middle to give it a bit of umph here and there? Welsh and Lovett will be rotated through along with Slats, Monfries (although he should stay in the forward line) and Rama.

We might be forced to endue a midfield at tiimes consisting of Pev, JJ, Watson and Campo. That could really hurt in terms of leg speed.