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Matthew Lloyd

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:53 pm
by Gyoza
What is it with Lloydy?

- Seems to be giving away A LOT more free kicks this year

- VERY focused on the umpires and free kicks. (Terrible incident last week when the ball spilled to the pocket. Crows player took off head down after the ball, Lloydy ran for the ball but also had his head turned looking at the umpire)

- Obsessed with trying to run his man under the ball and turn back towards goal.

- Terrible goal kicking and kicking in general compared with previous years

Is is the captaincy? Is it the injury? Is it just crap disposal into the forward 50? Is it all of these problems?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:58 pm
by bombers_rock
I don't think theres 1 factor alone that is contributing to it. The game has changed, the rules are continuing to change, and not for the better. The game that Lloyd likes to play, he can't play it anymore.

Forwards are being double teamed (or tripled-teamed as they were today) and the umpiring is consistently apalling (about the only thing in the AFL that is consistent).

He's due for a big one, but maybe it's a confidence thing thats keeping him from it? He could've easily had it last week, but only kicked 1 goal after quarter time.

Somethings up and I seriously hope it's only a temporary thing and we will see Lloydy back to his best. He's one of the best forwards in the league, it's just not showing at the moment. :(

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:06 pm
by Lloyd is King
Lloydy used to kick a big bag of 5-6 every few weeks.

This year: 2, 5, 3, 1, DNP, 4, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, DNP, DNP, 3, 3, 5, 4, 2.

He's also missing a lot more than he used to.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:14 pm
by Boyler_Room
I disagree about Lloyd not being able to play the game he "likes to play". He showed last week in the 1st quarter that he can. He just DOESN'T. He plays far too close to the middle of the ground. Runs too far up the ground instead of prodiving a target inside 50 and CLOSE TO GOALS. That's where he plays his best footy.

Get him concentrating on hitting the ball hard and staying close to home then he's back to the Lloyd we all know and love. He needs to get this concern about who's playing on him and where they are out of his head and the focus he has on free kicks needs to disappear. Focus on the ball and marking one grab, beating his opponent and kicking straight (while staying close to home) and he'll be doing his job again.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:15 pm
by Gyoza
Boyler_Room wrote:I disagree about Lloyd not being able to play the game he "likes to play". He showed last week in the 1st quarter that he can. He just DOESN'T. He plays far too close to the middle of the ground. Runs too far up the ground instead of prodiving a target inside 50 and CLOSE TO GOALS. That's where he plays his best footy.

Get him concentrating on hitting the ball hard and staying close to home then he's back to the Lloyd we all know and love. He needs to get this concern about who's playing on him and where they are out of his head and the focus he has on free kicks needs to disappear. Focus on the ball and marking one grab, beating his opponent and kicking straight (while staying close to home) and he'll be doing his job again.
Would you agree that the captaincy is the reason he`s doing this?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:19 pm
by Boyler_Room
I would think that would be a significant factor.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:24 pm
by Gyoza
Boyler_Room wrote:I would think that would be a significant factor.
Yeah...that`s my thinking too. I would hate to start a "change the captaincy" rant right at the same time Hirdy is retiring and Sheeds is leaving....but gee I wish we`d chosen someone else.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:09 pm
by KaaN10
He should NEVER leave the forward 50.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:26 pm
by dingus
BomberinJapan wrote:
Boyler_Room wrote:I would think that would be a significant factor.
Yeah...that`s my thinking too. I would hate to start a "change the captaincy" rant right at the same time Hirdy is retiring and Sheeds is leaving....but gee I wish we`d chosen someone else.
No better time to be ruthless.

I'm sorry, he's one of the best FF I have ever seen, but he's a sook, a diver, and has no control over his temper. He needs to be replaced as captain at the end of the year and told to lead hard from the square and focus on nothing else but grabbing the f****** ball.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:33 pm
by swoodley
I didn't see today's game (not on TV until 11.30 tonight here in WA) but what is being said about him is what has been said all year.

He needs to play as a full forward and inspire the team by scoring goals and making the players around him better.

I hate to say this but watching Fevola in the second half yesterday was what a full forward is all about. Fast leads straight up the middle, takes the mark and then kicks the goal most times.

Maybe Lloyd should have a look at old tapes of his games to see how he became such a champion in the first place.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:40 pm
by jimmyc1985
swoodley wrote:I didn't see today's game (not on TV until 11.30 tonight here in WA) but what is being said about him is what has been said all year.

He needs to play as a full forward and inspire the team by scoring goals and making the players around him better.

I hate to say this but watching Fevola in the second half yesterday was what a full forward is all about. Fast leads straight up the middle, takes the mark and then kicks the goal most times.

Maybe Lloyd should have a look at old tapes of his games to see how he became such a champion in the first place.
I think the biggest criticism of Lloyd today was that he really (really) spat the dummy on far too many occasions. Gave away a handful of free kicks and a 50m penalty and squibbed it heaps.

It was a really disappointing performance. I'd say it was "Matthew Richardson-esque" on one of his bad days.

But i think we all agree with the stuff about him playing too far up the field. When you watch the game tonight, you'll scream at the TV at the number of occasions when Lloyd takes a mark on the wing..........and then has no one to kick to :evil:!

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:05 pm
by tonysoprano
[quote="jimmyc1985"]...when you watch the game on tv tonight...quote]

no chance of that - wouldn't subject myself to what I know was insipid and gutless.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:15 pm
by bomberdonnie
Has anyone seen Lloyd play a worse game??

It was so disappointing watching him today he really showed me why all my non EFC mates hate him. WTF was he doing in the first quarter when he was around the 50 and could have taken an easy mark but instead pushed back and shrugged waiting for the non-existant contant from behind totally f***** the whole play up???

That miss in the third was shocking too almost made me smash my coffee table!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:15 pm
by bomberdonnie
tonysoprano wrote:
jimmyc1985 wrote:...when you watch the game on tv tonight...quote]

no chance of that - wouldn't subject myself to what I know was insipid and gutless.
I wouldnt bother either Tony

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:12 pm
by Windy_Hill
Guys, Lloydy was out of the game for pretty much 12 months with a potentially career ending injury.

He has come back into a team that is, to be honest, going through a significant transition.

He is clearly NOT getting the pin point service that was the case in 99-02 when we had the likes of Misiti, Mercuri, Carracella pumping the ball onto his chest.

He also has to contend now with signifcant flooding and congestion in the forward line.

I would think any full forward, especially in the mould of Lloyd, will struggle to kick more than 70 goals in a season.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:15 pm
by Jazz_84
yeah but windy you have to admit he isn't playing like we all know he can, regardless of flooding and whatever else

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:25 pm
by F111
His role has changed and his accuracy has deteriorated. This year he has missed far to many from within the 50.

He has been "expecting" or looking for far too many free kicks, when he should just go for the ball, in the way we know he can. If he does that, he'll earn the frees ok.

I agree with some of the commentary in here. Stay within the fifty, attack the ball and go find those kicking boots from a few years back.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:56 pm
by Dr P
He's crap, he is worse than an Italian soccer player in front of goal.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:04 pm
by bombers_rock
Dr P wrote:He's crap, he is worse than an Italian soccer player in front of goal.
What a load of "crap", as you put it.

Of the 4 posts you've made, all but 1 is of a negative nature. Are you capable of a strike rate of more than 25% positivity? :P

Re: Matthew Lloyd

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:12 pm
by Essendon4eva
BomberinJapan wrote:What is it with Lloydy?

- Seems to be giving away A LOT more free kicks this year

- VERY focused on the umpires and free kicks. (Terrible incident last week when the ball spilled to the pocket. Crows player took off head down after the ball, Lloydy ran for the ball but also had his head turned looking at the umpire)

- Obsessed with trying to run his man under the ball and turn back towards goal.

- Terrible goal kicking and kicking in general compared with previous years

Is is the captaincy? Is it the injury? Is it just crap disposal into the forward 50? Is it all of these problems?
I thin the third one has alot to do wiht the 30 second rule. he still takes a very long run up, which means he has to rush through everything else. Shorten the run up and I think his accuracy will increase.