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Our list and were its going !!

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:02 pm
by jayden1990
1. M.Johnson - been servicable for long time but we are seeing far from his best....

2. R.Dyson - bit hard to see were this young man is goin. seems to do great things one week an then nutin the next... at the crossroads

3. S.Gumbleton - looking good from what we've seen... bit hard to judge.

4. J.Watson - Probly turned into our most attacking midfielder an playin well but we lack attacking midfielders wit speed.

5. J.Hird - Dont even need to say anythin...but its almost ova

6. A.Monfries - looked lik he was goin to be a star an i reckon he still will be... but there is problems there this year without a doubt.

7. L.Jetta - Lookin fairly good from wat we have seen !

8. .J.Winderlich - starting to really establish himself was bit worries couple of years ago but now seeems to be one of our more important players..

9. A.Ramanaskus - Pretty hard to judge... but has showed a few signs since coming back why he is a great footballer.

10. M.McVeigh - True leader at the club now had a great year...

11. D.Peveril - A guy that finds the ball wit ease !!... its just when he gets it.. it can become a problem...poor decisions sometimes.

12. A.Welsh - Had a bit of a interesting season... bit all ova the joint but has done reasonable job... has a future still

13. A.Lovett - Has all the talent in the world !!... few inurys this year but wuld be great to see him to get back to that exciting player that tkaes the game on an kiks a couple a game !!

14. J.Johnson - This guy is is trouble i think... bit lik pev.. gets te ball ok but an lost skill by foot badly an has lost pace an is strugling to keep up !...

15. C.Dempsey - very hard to judge really... been struct wit injury bad this year hopfully he can get ova it !!.... looks like he culd be somethin special...

16. K.Bradley - Had his chance i think... trade bait !!.. not in the future of the club.

17. S.Camporeale - still capable not in our long term plans thats obvious but has done reasonable things wen he has played !!.... not sure if he will be tere next year tho !!...

18. M.Llyod - been a gr8 playin for over a decade.... looks like he has lacked confidence this year tho !!.. just play him at FF were he belongs... i think he feels like he has to come further up the ground because he is skipper to try an hav more influence on the game !!..

19. D.Hille - Been a serviceable ruckman an a reasonable player !!... would lik to see him take that next step tho from a ood ruckman to a very good ruckman..

20. H.Slattery - had a reasonable season really... done some good shut down rolls.. would lik to see how he goes in a more attacking role tho...

21. C.Johns - Hard to see him establish himself with llyod an lucas there... an mal an fletch !!... trade bait i think.

22. M.Michael - Has had a serviceable season really.. even tho his implact may hav not been gr8 it has released fletch.

23. M.Bolton - I really dunno wit this guy !!... i thought he was goin to be a good footballer a few years ago..... just not up to it as a KPP or a tall wingman (unless playin on goodes lol) ... trade bait an at the crossroads

24. B.Stanton - Been great and is a serious part of the future of the midfield !!...however disposal by foot has ben bit average in patched tis year afta it hought it was good last year.

25. S.Lucas - Been great for long time an had great year but like most of our good players is geting on..

26. C.Heffernan - Will be the end of a AFL career at the end of the year !!... been a reasonable career..

27. J.Laycock - Consistency is the key !!..... in patches looks like he could be anything then other moments looks average (i think he plays alot on confidence).

28. R.Cole - Worless sack of shit get ride of him nutin else to say.

29. A.Davey - Looks like he goin to be a super player hopfuly continues on again next year..... would like to see him get little bit more of the ball tho..

30. P.Ryder - Going to be a fantastic player over at least the next decade... eventually maybe into a ruckman or a permanent backmen.

31. D.FLetcher - Prob be unlucky not to earn All Aus status this year really !!.... but at 32 hes geting old an wont be around for eva

32. A.Lee - Havnt really seen a great deal but from wat i have seen at VFL level... prob will struggle to make it i think !!....

33. A.McPee - Once again alot of potential but hasnt been the mcphee of 2004 !!... not sure if its cause of injury or just a form slump !!... i still tink he is important to the future IMO...

34. J.Neagle - Too hard to judge really... but was lookin good in Pre season before injuries..

35. T.Hislop - Nice an hard at it !!... prob havnt seen a great deal to judge fairly but lookin reasonable from wat we hav seen.

36. S.Lonergan - Even tho he has only played 1 AFL game i think he will become a reasonable player... sows good signs in the VFL... prob hasnt got opportunity's he has deserved.

37. K.Riemers - Cant judge

38. J.Nash - I really really like tis guy... polised footballer by foot an knows how to tackle reasonable speed to... is def a futur prospect.

39. H.Hocking - as to get elevated soon !!.... gets alot of it in the VFL .

40. D.Dick - Cant judge

41. D.Charters - Looked good in the indiginus game in the pre season an has been named in best few times for bendigo so... hopfully might get a go...

42. N.Lovett-Murray - Very talented footballer.... gives us important run of HB when hes in form an is startin to show back that form last few weeks.... is important player for future...

43. B.Houli - Looking very good in his first hand full of games an looks like he shuld be a good footballer... has reasonable skills by the looks of it...

44. L.Mckinnon - cant judge...

Im a bit worried that in the next few years wen the likes of... Lucas, Llyod, Fletch, Hird, Mal we are goin to be left in a bit of a ditch !!.... i realy dunt kno if we have the cattle on that list to fill shoes lik that.... an we arnt exactly on top now !!!....

wat are peoples thoughts on this !!

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:37 pm
by Gatsid