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Your Rankings: The Retirees

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:36 pm
by Madden
Heard this on the radio last week and thought it would be a good topic.

With so many great players retiring this year and getting a lap around the G this year, how would you rank them?

Keep in mind this list is made even more difficult by the fact that Michael Voss is going to get a lap around the G on Grand Final day because he retired in the off-season last year.

So including Voss, the list of (elite) players getting a lap this year are (alphabetical):

Archer / Buckley / Grant / Harvey (likely), Hird, Koutoufides, Neitz, Ricciuto and Voss.

One wonders whether so many great players would have ever retired in one year?

So here’s the exercise, rank those players from 1 to 9. And if anyone decides to put Hird anywhere but No 1, good luck…

My list:

1. Hird
2. Harvey
3. Voss
4. Ricciuto
5. Archer
6. Buckley
7. Koutoufides
8. Grant
9. Neitz

Anyone else want to have a crack?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:40 pm
by Rossoneri
very similar

1. Hird
2. Harvey
3. Voss
4. Archer
5. Roo
6. Buckley
7. Koutoufides
8. Grant
9. Neitz

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:44 pm
by jimmyc1985
1. Hird
2. Voss
3. Harvey
4. Buckley
5. Ricciuto
6. Archer
7. Koutoufides
8. Grant
9. Neitz

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:54 pm
by billyduckworth
Pretty similar, though I might rank Kouta a bit higher. I remember him carving us up a few times in the mid to late 90s.

1. Hird
2. Harvey
3. Voss
4. Koutoufides
5. Buckley
6. Ricciuto
7. Archer
8. Grant
9. Neitz

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:58 pm
by andrewb
1. Eeek! I can't split Hird and Voss. Hird the more gifted, Voss the more imposing. Maybe Jim in a playoff because he wears the black and red.
3. Buckley
4. Ricciuto
5. Harvey
6. Archer
7. Kouta
8. Grant
9. Neitz

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:16 pm
by dingus
1. Jimbob
2. Voss
3. Ricciuto
4. Koutifidimidiatrikos
5. Harvey
6. Archer
7. Buckley
8. Grant
9. Neitz

Harvey would be higher up the list if he had ever used his enormous skill to impact on his teams performance, but he's a top player with a massive engine. Buckley would not, because I hate the pea-hearted pack skirter.

Archer is high on the list because he's gutsy, but let's be honest, out of that very impressive list, he's the battler.

Neitz should be on a different list.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:22 pm
by swoodley
1. Hird - because I'm biased
2. Voss - Pure class and guts
3. Ricciuto - Pure guts and a shit load of skill
4. Buckley - Possibly underrated because of our hate of the filth but he's done enough in my eyes to rate right up there with the best
5. Harvey - 2 Brownlows but not the game breaker of the above
6. Archer - still getting it done right to the end
7. Koutoufides - one of the most gifted on the list, injuries slowed him a lot
8. Grant - great player over a long period but not really a game winner
9. Neitz - On the list because he's retiring and played a lot of football but not in the same league as the others...missed too many captain's goals over the years to be a true champion

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:50 pm
by BenDoolan
jimmyc1985 wrote:1. Hird
2. Voss
3. Harvey
4. Buckley
5. Ricciuto
6. Archer
7. Koutoufides
8. Grant
9. Neitz
Ditto, except I'd swap Archer with Buckley.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:54 pm
by rama_fan
So tough to pick No.1, it's pretty much impossible.

1. Hird
1. Voss
3. Harvey
4. Archer
5. Riccutio
6. Buckley
7. Grant
8. Kouta
9. Daylight
10. Neitz

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:56 pm
by stonersmate
1. Hird
2. Voss
3. Harvey
4. Arch
5. Bucks
6. Riccutio
7. Grant
8. Neitz
9. Kouta

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:58 pm
by KaaN10
1. Hird
2. Voss
3. Harvey
4. Riccutio
5. Bucks
6. Kouta
7. Grant
8. Neitz

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:10 pm
by dom_105
1. Hird
2. Voss

3. Harvey
4. Roo
5. Archer
6. Buckley
7. Kouta

8. Grant
9. Neitz

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:17 pm
by Essendon4eva
1. Hird
2. Voss
3. Rucciuto
4. Archer
5. Harvey
6. Buckley
7. Neitz
8. Grant
9. Koutoufides

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:21 pm
by Megan
I'm going to be rudely blunt. I don't think Neitz deserves to be on the list.

1. Hird
2. Voss
3. Roo
4. Arch
5. Harvey
6. Koutoufides
7. Grant
8. Buckley
9. Neitz

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:22 pm
by ZRS
1. Hird
2. Voss


3. Buckley
4. Roo
5. Harvey
6. Archer
7. Grant
8. Kouta
9. Neitz

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:26 pm
by robrulz5
1. Hird
2. Voss
3. Harvey
4. Buckley
5. Riccuito
6. Kouta
7. Archer
8. Grant
9. Neitz

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:28 am
by F111
1. Hird. Class, esoteric, skill and composure.
2. Voss. Class, grunt.

3. Harvey. Enduralasts!
4. Riccuito. Sublime.
5. Grant. Underestimated by this thread.

6. Buckley. Was a tosser from the day he was drafted.
Can play however.
7. Kouta. ravaged by injury...coodabeen.

8. Archer. Tough, but I've always thought he's a bit of an on field wanker.
Starring at the umpires with a dirty look...pulleasse!

9. Neitz. Wrong list.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:54 am
by Ossie
1. Hird
2. Voss
3. Harvey (Sensational player IMHO)
4. Ricciuto
5. Buckley
6. Kouta
7. Archer
8. Grant
9. Neitz

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:13 pm
by robbie67
1. Hird
2. Voss
3. Buckley
4. Harvey
5. Archer
6. Kouta
7. Riccuito
8. Grant
9. Darcy
10. Neitz

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:03 pm
by sconsey
So Neitz has called it quits for sure??? or is it just speculation?