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and the sun shines on us....

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:18 pm
by tom9779
IF the boys do the job tomorrow....then well.

normally I am all about playing a team at full strength.

but this news, along with kerr missing is great. ... 42,00.html

Re: and the sun shines on us....

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:04 pm
by uptick
tom9779 wrote:IF the boys do the job tomorrow....then well.

normally I am all about playing a team at full strength.

but this news, along with kerr missing is great. ... 42,00.html
We are so , so, far from being a threat to the Weagles, it ain't funny. They would have to all get on the "hootch" for us to win, christ, we'll battle to beat the tigers. Put yourself in the latters shoes, what would be nicer than to spoil someone else's party, I know we would know the answer !!.

Re: and the sun shines on us....

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:33 pm
by billyduckworth
[quote="uptickThey would have to all get on the "hootch" for us to win, !!.[/quote]

I thought their drug of choice was a little "cooler" than that. :!:

Re: and the sun shines on us....

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:50 pm
by uptick
billyduckworth wrote:[quote="uptickThey would have to all get on the "hootch" for us to win, !!.
I thought their drug of choice was a little "cooler" than that. :!:[/quote]

Your so right, Alla, I'm showing my age.!!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:39 pm
by bombers_rock
Yep, the sun is shining. I hope the boys realise the time to bask in the sunlight is NOW. Got every chance, but it's in our hands. Win this week and next and we'd be desperately unlucky not to make it considering most results are going the way we need them.

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Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:55 am
by Boyler_Room
bombers_rock wrote:Yep, the sun is shining. I hope the boys realise the time to bask in the sunlight is NOW. Got every chance, but it's in our hands. Win this week and next and we'd be desperately unlucky not to make it considering most results are going the way we need them.

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Especially now that we're not relying on just one result. If either Sydney or Adelaide lose next week, and we manage to sneak a win at Subi, then we slide into the 8. Before last night it was really just Adelaide that we were looking at. Now Sydney have provided an opportunity as well.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:36 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
If we win tonight then we are 9th on the ladder going into next week, it will be a tough ask going over to perth but hopefully the boys will play with the thought that they can still make the final 8 and therefore extend Hirdy and Sheed's careers in the red and black.