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Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:43 pm
by bomberdon
spineless effort

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:08 pm
by stryper
Gutless,Pathetic I reckon Bendigo could have done better than to sit there and have to put up with that crap...
So much to play for yet they just didn't give a Yelp.
Beaten by Ninthmond God HELP US!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:30 pm
by Essendon4eva
The one thing I got from thsi game was the effort by lovett. I think he was the only guy who realy showed the respect he has for Hirdy.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:37 pm
by Lloyd is King
I still can't believe we lost.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:58 pm
by Boyler_Room
I've seen 10 year olds with more skill than what we saw from a lot of players tonight. That was disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:04 pm
by The Don
Good point: Lovett

Really Frustrating Annoying Point: How crap is Laycock!! :x Cost us goals, crappy hitouts, ordinary disposal. If Kepler Bradley is a candidate to be de-listed, Laycock's head, if he doesnt have a blinder next week is definitely on the block.

He is rapidly filling the position of my most hated player :twisted: . A prestigous award that has not been presented since the days of Useless Peter Somerville and Kevin Walsh before him.

If they leave Laycock in Melbourne next week, without Judd, Kerr and maybe Cousins, based on our midfield speed tonight, we could be a shot next week. Shameful and disgraceful performance against a side that is rubbish nonetheless, a lowlight for Essendon in many ways tonight.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:06 pm
by Megan
Being a bit friggen harsh on Chook there I reckon.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:15 pm
by tonysoprano
Megan wrote:Being a bit friggen harsh on Chook there I reckon.
very harsh - he did stuff up a few times - but who didn't - I reckon he is really trying his guts out - hopefully with fitness and experience he will make less errors and turn inot something impressive.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:18 pm
by Boyler_Room
Megan wrote:Being a bit friggen harsh on Chook there I reckon.
I agree. I had a big argument with my dad on the way home about Laycock. He reckons he's pathetic. I think he's an excellent player. I agree at times he was slow and lazy tonight but he did a whole lot more than Hille tonight (barring that beautiful goal he kicked from 50).

Lovett was pretty lazy at times as well, and he was certainly one of our best tonight. Taht blistering run through the middle.... man, oh man, that was sensational to watch. Dempsey showed signs of having the same ability.

Our skills were poor. Delivery into the forward line and decisions were shocking. Too many times we should have carried the ball another 10 - 20 metres further then delivered, instead we bombed to noone or a very poor option and Richmond cleared without pressure... running down the wing where we never have anyone guarding (except Hille on the edge of the centre square loping along looking like he has a major groin injury and can't actually walk/run) or else, when we do get guys out wide we leave the corridor open with loose Richmond players to roam freely.

We handballed too much, sold our teammates into trouble, missed targets by hand and foot, fumbled the ball at every opportunity, didn't fill the hole when needed... Like I said earlier, I've seen 10 year olds with better skills than what I witnessed tonight by a lot of the players. It was nothing short of pathetic. That's being polite. Forgetting the disgusting performance by the umpires, we lost that game and gave it to Richmond. They didn't win it.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:21 pm
by grassy1
Bit harsh on KEVIN WALSH.

That LOG Richo may have pulled his Pants down if they ever(never of course)matched up,but Walshie would have given 100% on a Day like today.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:40 pm
by bombers_rock
My only gripe about Chook is the number of times he actually won the ruck contests, but Richmond got the clearance because the ball was tapped to empty space. Chook can ruck, and well, there just needs to be some plans devised as to where players are positioned to make best use of the ball he's worked so hard to get for us. He's shown he can do it on his own at times, but you can't expect him to do it every time - bit of support wouldn't go astray.

Boyler_Room: you pretty much summed it up. The men in black and yellow had far too much space and ran the ball far too easily. It was just our luck that they were just as crap and our men were able to run free once they turned over the ball - when our defence actually stood up tonight. Not to mention their inaccuracy. The fellas behind me were tipping a blowout and it was only 16thmond's inaccuracy that kept us in it for so long.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:47 pm
by grassy1
LASTMOND you mean?Unless ST FAILURE really COCK IT UP!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:14 am
by Gatsid
Lovett was not as good as people think he was, sure he did some good things I will not deny that. But he applied ZERO defensive pressure, and was OFTEN found standing out away from packs looking for a cheap kick. I mean a few times he started running away from a 2 on 1 contest where he would have made it 2 on 2 just so if we happened to win the ball he would have got a goal out of it. I honestly think he needs to stop worrying about himself and start playing the team game. He was ok tonight but defensive pressure is a must of someone with his pace.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:24 am
by jimmyc1985
Gatsid wrote:Lovett was not as good as people think he was, sure he did some good things I will not deny that. But he applied ZERO defensive pressure, and was OFTEN found standing out away from packs looking for a cheap kick. I mean a few times he started running away from a 2 on 1 contest where he would have made it 2 on 2 just so if we happened to win the ball he would have got a goal out of it. I honestly think he needs to stop worrying about himself and start playing the team game. He was ok tonight but defensive pressure is a must of someone with his pace.
Yep. That's what the people watching on TV don't see.

I reckon if you watched the game on TV, he would've looked close to BOG. But when you're actually there, it's a different kettle of fish. Which is not to say he was bad (he wasn't - he was reasonable tonight and did some creative things), but he wasn't in our best 3 players for mine.

Re: Pathetic

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:12 am
by tonysoprano
bomberdon wrote:spineless effort
what is most devastating for me is how many times we have been spineless this season - it just seems to be part and parcel of who we are - I think someone said it a few weeks ago (Filth?) - that they have never seen a softer Essendon side in all the years they have been watching.

I have to agree.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:14 am
by merc_2
Very harsh on Laycock. If the disposal to him was cleaner, then he wouldnt make the errors he made. At least he was in there having a go!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:55 am
by BenDoolan
The criticisms towards Laycock in this thread is unwarranted. And this is coming from a bloke who posted a thread that blasted him about being lazy several weeks ago. Laycock was very good last week, and at least he showed endeavour last night, which was a darn sight more than can be said for about 15 others.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:33 am
by billyduckworth
I agree with the comments about no manning up. It looked like Richmond were on a training run at times, there was so little pressure from us. They always seemed to have a spare man running past to help out. The guy behind me yelled out "circle work" at one point!!

I reckon Laycock was okay. Made a few errors, but who didn't? Yet lots of people in the crowd around us were bagging him constantly. I can't really understand where that comes from. Heaps of times, he got the tap out, but with no Watson, there didn't seem to be anyone capable of getting the clearance.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:26 am
by The Don
billyduckworth wrote:I agree with the comments about no manning up. It looked like Richmond were on a training run at times, there was so little pressure from us. They always seemed to have a spare man running past to help out. The guy behind me yelled out "circle work" at one point!!

I reckon Laycock was okay. Made a few errors, but who didn't? Yet lots of people in the crowd around us were bagging him constantly. I can't really understand where that comes from. Heaps of times, he got the tap out, but with no Watson, there didn't seem to be anyone capable of getting the clearance.
More often than not he was tapping it to nobody, or to a Richmond bloke. The errors he makes are always dumb ones and usually in the opposition's 50. If he makes them in our forward pocket, there are hopefully friendly crumbers to cover, however this genius makes them at crucial times in all the wrong places. I dont remember Madden, Alessio Salmon or Barnesy even in their younger days blowing it like this bloke consistently does. If he needs to learn, send him to Bendigo or even better trade him to Lastmond.

Many obviously dont agree however watching him I find him the most frustratingly unproductive, unconstructive Ruckman since Somerville. For us to have a hope next week even without Judd, Kerr and Hansen, leave Laycock at home.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:48 am
by bomberdonnie
Is the fact that his taps kept getting cleaned up by tiger players his fault or our midfields fault?