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Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:25 am
by hop
I know this bloke has been a whipping boy for some and a messiah for others.

I think we all hoped that he would make it as a footballer and were prepared to wait the prerequisite time for him to prove himself and come good. A long term project which when submitted might just reward you with an 'A+'

When we were still 'in it' mid way through the second quarter this bloke provided the turning point. Dropped a chest mark 30 to 40 out - the filth rebound and then bang on the next 5 goals to end the contest. If you were there and did not sense the wind just rush from our sails at this point - you were out buying chips and beer.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury - have you reached a verdict.

I have!

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:41 am
by Mick
My jury was out a long time ago and the verdict is TOTAL DUD!!!!!!
Can't play up forward, can't play down back. Yet another Sheedy project player that DID NOT DELIVER. I emphasise the did not deliver because that list is about 10 times longer than the delivered list.

Just as Kepler played his last game for Essendon on Anzac DAy 2007 so it should be that Johns has played his last game for the EFC.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:48 am
by BenDoolan
Mick wrote:My jury was out a long time ago and the verdict is TOTAL DUD!!!!!!
Can't play up forward, can't play down back. Yet another Sheedy project player that DID NOT DELIVER. I emphasise the did not deliver because that list is about 10 times longer than the delivered list.

Just as Kepler played his last game for Essendon on Anzac DAy 2007 so it should be that Johns has played his last game for the EFC.
Just a point or order - Kepler Bradley played 2 more games after Anzac Day 2007 :wink:

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:58 am
by tonysoprano

What about the brilliant pass CJ made in the 1st qtr to Fletch - who then failed to convert. What about the set shot Stants missed that went out on the full. What about the complete lack of defensive pressure all over the ground for 2 and a half-quarters.

To blame CJ for what was a complete team non-performance is way off the mark.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:00 am
by Mick
OK Ben you got me there. Technically he was named in those teams and run out on the ground but no one would pass it to him because they knew he would stuff it up :)

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:02 am
by Mick
tonysoprano wrote:Bullshit.

What about the brilliant pass CJ made in the 1st qtr to Fletch - who then failed to convert. What about the set shot Stants missed that went out on the full. What about the complete lack of defensive pressure all over the ground for 2 and a half-quarters.

To blame CJ for what was a complete team non-performance is way off the mark.
I never said he was to blame for the loss, I just pointed out that he is not an AFL footballer and never will be.
The failure to put any defensive pressure and man up on Collingwood and stupid turnovers cost us the match.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:04 am
by tonysoprano
Mick wrote:
tonysoprano wrote:Bullshit.

What about the brilliant pass CJ made in the 1st qtr to Fletch - who then failed to convert. What about the set shot Stants missed that went out on the full. What about the complete lack of defensive pressure all over the ground for 2 and a half-quarters.

To blame CJ for what was a complete team non-performance is way off the mark.
I never said he was to blame for the loss, I just pointed out that he is not an AFL footballer and never will be.
The failure to put any defensive pressure and man up on Collingwood and stupid turnovers cost us the match.
Hop said CJ's dropped mark was the turning point. One moment in a match rarely decides the result, and certainly doesn't result in 12 goal losses.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:05 am
by stryper
At least he had some heart out there and did some really big physical things... Kicked a nice goal too...

You people at times are idiots... Always looking for a scapegoat...

So tell me something What did Laycock do, Andrew Lovett,Monfries,Mcphee,...etc... Even Lloydy after a first year gamer was taken off him...

I could go on and on...

So what he dropped a chest mark so crucify the Guy...

I for 1 believe he showed enough yesterday to warrant another game...

I would seriously look at other very Lazy players before attacking a 20 gamer...

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:11 am
by billyduckworth
You're right, stryper. We are all desperately searching for a scapegoat:

Watson/Stanton for turning the ball over so often?
Knights for making unusual positional moves?
Bad game plan?
Laycock for being lazy?
Monfries for not getting enough of it?
Lloyd for being past it?
CJ for being CJ?

I guess the truth is it is a combination of all these things...just an all round bad performance.
The sooner we get over it and focus on next week, the better.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:31 am
by tonysoprano
Filthy wrote:Rohan Connolly is an Essendon Fan :roll: ... 57587.html
That's a f***** article.

Headline says "woeful Johns" - he was far from woeful - unlike many of his teammates.

It admits CJ had a shit match-up on Pendlebury but still pans him for the "ridiculous ease" that Penlebury slips him.

He describes the contact on Pendlebury that lead to 50 and Cj's report as unnecessary - rubbish - it was unavoidable. No-one can leap for the ball and change direction midflight.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:34 am
by stryper
Not a fair comparison to Kepler Bradley - Who looked awkward in many games and didn't deliver in many games Not 1...

Kepler has never got a look in since because he isn't any good at the moment anyway... Can't get a look in at Freo...

CJ - Easy Scapegoat for people and it shits me to tears...

I say give him another 2-3 games and see what he can deliver...

That Connelly is a Moron...

Since when do the Media know much anyways...

Just paid to type a Load of dribble!!!

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:37 am
by billyduckworth
stryper wrote:I say give him another 2-3 games and see what he can deliver...
I agree. Then, if he is still doing nothing, it really is the end for him.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:54 am
by andrewb
Should have kicked that one with the open goal square and should have taken that mark (though it wasn't a "simple chest mark", there was a fair bit of pressure there). Probaby should have had a shot from the pocket rather than giving it off. Kicked 1.1, could easily have been 3 or 4. Spent about a third of the game in the forward line.

The rest of the game he was trying to play in the backline against a torrent of ball. His first opponent was pendlebury who was always going to flog him at ground level, then he eventually went to cloke who was on song all day no matter who was on him. Note that Cloke did just as much damage on Ryder, Mal and McPhee as he did on CJ.

We were way too top heavy down back and were completely outcoached. As soon as we realised that Cloke was the only marking target in their forward fifty we should have restructured and got Fletch or McPhee down there. At least those guys can play small. CJ should have spent the game in front of Lloyd as a lead up forward, applying physical pressure (as he did on countless occasions) and taking some of the pressure off.

I don't care if we're grooming him as a backman. If you're going to bring him in, he needs to have a match-up. Mal was always going to get Rocca and Ryder was always going to get Cloke so I can't see why he was brought in other than to play CHF. Will get his opportunity now that Fletch is out.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:45 am
by canberrabomber
Courtney might get 2 or 3 more games this year - I suspect this will be because of injuries, rather than his form and/or ability justifying selection.

He doen't have an obvious position that justifies his selection before somebody else.

He doesn't have the agility or nous to play against most of the decent tall forwards.

Similarly as forward - in addition to which his current goal average is no better than a small forward or extra midfielder could provide, whilst giving versitility to the team.

His drafting was always a gamble based on some good performances as a junior and the hope he might demonstrate that form once he recovered from the injury. It hasn't eventuated and he has been on out list for nearly 6 years. There are other players, current and prospective that time and effort should be focused on.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:49 am
by jimmyc1985
Filthy wrote:Rohan Connolly is an Essendon Fan :roll: ... 57587.html
Perhaps the article was slightly too negative/harsh on Johns (particularly coming from Connolly - he's usually pretty mild in any criticism he makes), but it's generally on the money.

As a forward, he's too cumbersome, and he's totally out of the contest the moment the ball hits the ground. As a defender, he got slipped too easily by Cloke a couple times yesterday to the point where he couldn't even attempt a spoil - how many times do guys like Fletcher, or perhaps even Ryder, put themselves in a position where they can't at least attempt a spoil on their opponent? Very few.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:54 am
by bombercol
He shouldn't have got rid of the dread locks!

Seriously, he teased us late 2005, but over all he has been an injury prone liability.

It's a shame, but he IMO on borrowed time.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:41 am
by Royza
Very harsh article by Rohan (& I favour him to the other journo pricks). Probably needed to cool down before writing the article as he would've felt like most of us after the game.

Don't disagree with his points, just the timing. If it was an end of season(or over a few weeks) summary & assessing the entire list I'd have no issue. But to single out CJ just as he's come into the side for what was an ordinary effort all-round, isn't fair. The ease of which Collingwood got inside 50 & restricted our entries is where I'd focus the criticism.

I can just see the media sticking their boots into us for the rest of the season. Even though we have a young list, new coach & significant injuries.
We weren't rated before the season started anyway, but they'll be looking for headlines I'm sure.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:55 am
by merc_2
Not up to it. I would be playing the likes of Myers and Pears. They are our future. This guy will never make it.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:20 pm
by BenDoolan
Gee wizz that is a shit article and totally unprofessional. As a journalist, you should be able to dissect a game and express the strengths and weaknesses within it. All he's done is unload on one bloke out of 22 who contributed to a shocking performance. He has gone personal and used his predisposed opinions to unleash this attack. That is very ordinary Rohan.

Re: C.J.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:04 pm
by j-mac31
The following players were confirmed as duds on Anzac Day, in alphabetical order:

Johns, Courtney

That is all.