Collingwood Supporters

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Collingwood Supporters

Post by gringo »

I know they are bad, but I didn't realise quite how disturbing Collingwood supporters were until this weekend.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that at least half of them are the result of some bloke throwing one through the family dog, looking to fill in time between one welfare cheque and the next. And then once the product appears some nine months later, taking to the product with a hammer and whipper-snipper once every three months throughout the duration of their life.

Take the space cadet who manged to worm his way into the members and park his ass next to me with a group of dubious looking mates. He started the day by declaring that Essendon had 19 players on the field before the first bounce. He then stood up to count the Essendon players before realising that this would involve taking his shoes off in order to count his toes and desisted with his investigation. He merely stated in a loud voice that Essendon were cheating c$%ts and that they'd snuck one off. His mates all agreed and clinked their hip flasks together as a sign of acknowledgement of this fact.

Everytime a pack would form and an Essendon player would dive in he'd yell excitedly that he was "trying to f#$k someone in the ass". I tried to explain to him that not all gatherings of humans worked in the same way as things did in his home, but he was adamant man love was alive and well at EFC.

Events like those above played out throughout the day. I was left fearing for my football team, Matthew Knights and society in general. A truly scary day.
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by F111 »

They are terrible aren't they. This week we have the "other" version, escaping from SA. They're no better.
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by jimmyc1985 »

Collingwood supporters are a bit like dog shit. You know that stepping in dog shit is not much fun and how bad it stinks, but you sort of forget exactly how bad it smells until the next time it happens, then you think to yourself: "bloody hell, this farkin reeks, how bad is this!". Everyone knows how bad Collingwood supporters are, but you sort of forget until you attend a match involving them, then you think to yourself: "ahh yes, now i remember that they're the biggest bunch of dispensable scum to infiltrate planet Earth".

Also, this stuff about the food affordability crisis is crap. There were at least half a dozen morbidly obese Collingwood supporters within my line of sight the whole day. Their welfare payments need to be reduced.
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by robbie67 »

Three incidents stand out in my football going life.

1. 1978, I was hit by a half full can of beer that had be thrown through the crowd. Venue = Victoria Park.

2. 1982, leaving the footy I am set upon by two blokes in their late teens/ early twenties. They start throwing punches into me, and some older blokes drag them off, and one of them gets a smack in the mouth. I was 15 at the time, and my crime was wearing an Essendon scarf. Venue = Victoria Park

3. 2002, hub caps stolen off Holden. Venue = Manuka Oval. Occasion = Collingwood V Nth Melbourne.

Dont even get me started on the way those fckers behaved in 1990.

They are cousin ******* scum. Especially my brother. My poor mother RIP, must have fcked a garbo when my old man's back was turned.
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by robbie67 »

F111 wrote:They are terrible aren't they. This week we have the "other" version, escaping from SA. They're no better.
Yeah they are dead shits as well. I work with one of them, and to rile him up I tell him that Port Adelaide are to Collingwood, what Shaken Stevens was to Elvis.
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by Megan »

Speaking of your dear old mum Robbo I spent all yesterday working in a kiosk serving food to Ringarooma supporters, f****** noisy bunch of arsebags they are. But they eat a lot. Pricks beat my Winnaleah Magpies too :(
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by robbie67 »

Megan wrote:Speaking of your dear old mum Robbo I spent all yesterday working in a kiosk serving food to Ringarooma supporters, f****** noisy bunch of arsebags they are. But they eat a lot. Pricks beat my Winnaleah Magpies too :(

Go the Mighty Ringarooma!!!!
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by Megan »

They wear the red and black Rob, the Robins, it feels odd cheering for the Magpies to beat the red and black...

Alas the wrong black and white won this weekend, and the wrong red and black!

There was one hot guy actually, you might be related ;)
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by robbie67 »

He looked like Brad Pitt as well? :lol:

I still reckon they should change thier name from The Robins to the Dial-A-Prayers.
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by nathanskinner »

anyone see the female collingwood supporter using her hands as fake binoculars during the anzac broadcast? was hilarious. Was def worth watching the replay.
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by Doctor Fish »

gringo wrote:I know they are bad, but I didn't realise quite how disturbing Collingwood supporters were until this weekend.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that at least half of them are the result of some bloke throwing one through the family dog, looking to fill in time between one welfare cheque and the next. And then once the product appears some nine months later, taking to the product with a hammer and whipper-snipper once every three months throughout the duration of their life.

Take the space cadet who manged to worm his way into the members and park his ass next to me with a group of dubious looking mates. He started the day by declaring that Essendon had 19 players on the field before the first bounce. He then stood up to count the Essendon players before realising that this would involve taking his shoes off in order to count his toes and desisted with his investigation. He merely stated in a loud voice that Essendon were cheating c$%ts and that they'd snuck one off. His mates all agreed and clinked their hip flasks together as a sign of acknowledgement of this fact.

Everytime a pack would form and an Essendon player would dive in he'd yell excitedly that he was "trying to f#$k someone in the ass". I tried to explain to him that not all gatherings of humans worked in the same way as things did in his home, but he was adamant man love was alive and well at EFC.

Events like those above played out throughout the day. I was left fearing for my football team, Matthew Knights and society in general. A truly scary day.
I had a eerily similar day to you Gringo. Someone must have shaken a rather large tree somewhere...

I was pretty much surrounded by them, high up in that mysterious place known as row AA at the very top of the Southern Stand. Maybe the altitude was taking a heavy toll as one of the Gronks kept saying "You are f****** shit McVeigh!" Every time Welshy went near the ball. After about the fifth time hearing such insightful commentary, I kindly told the lummox McVeigh wasn't playing and that he did his hammy the previous week. And that the player he was referring to in such glowing terms was in fact Welshy... A few minutes of relative silence passed by, then sure enough Welshy got the pill. "You're a useless c*** McVeigh!!!"

I kid you not...

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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by BERT »

I had them all around me as well. Had to spend 2 hours in the shower after the game washing there crap off me.

A lovely woman who suprise suprise was a single mum with her 5 kids call Houli a Towelhead all day. When she was told that if she did it again we will call security, she said that it wasn't as bad as when I said Didak was lucky he wasn't in jail. She was then called Roberta Williams for the rest of the day.

The idiot woman who called out every time Essendon took a mark to MAN UP MAGPIES even when we chipped it out from fullback really needs to watch more football.

The Dickhead next to me who thought Dale Thomas was a better player than James Hird. When I stopped laughing.

f*** I hate those pricks.
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by robrulz5 »

Collingwood supporters are pretty bad but I'm guessing none of you have ever met Rangers supporters...
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by Doctor Fish »

robrulz5 wrote:Collingwood supporters are pretty bad but I'm guessing none of you have ever met Rangers supporters...
Have seen the odd doco about them on Foxtel. Mind boggling stuff eh Rob...

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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by bomberdonnie »

robrulz5 wrote:Collingwood supporters are pretty bad but I'm guessing none of you have ever met Rangers supporters...
A work colleague of mine told me about when he went to a celtic v rangers game and he said he has never feared for his life as much as when he was walking out of the ground. He has been to pretty much every major sporting ground on the planet too and reckons he has seen nothing like the Rangers ferals anywhere

Filth fans are as close as we get in Australia though
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by rockhole »

Doctor Fish wrote:
gringo wrote:I know they are bad, but I didn't realise quite how disturbing Collingwood supporters were until this weekend.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that at least half of them are the result of some bloke throwing one through the family dog, looking to fill in time between one welfare cheque and the next. And then once the product appears some nine months later, taking to the product with a hammer and whipper-snipper once every three months throughout the duration of their life.

Take the space cadet who manged to worm his way into the members and park his ass next to me with a group of dubious looking mates. He started the day by declaring that Essendon had 19 players on the field before the first bounce. He then stood up to count the Essendon players before realising that this would involve taking his shoes off in order to count his toes and desisted with his investigation. He merely stated in a loud voice that Essendon were cheating c$%ts and that they'd snuck one off. His mates all agreed and clinked their hip flasks together as a sign of acknowledgement of this fact.

Everytime a pack would form and an Essendon player would dive in he'd yell excitedly that he was "trying to f#$k someone in the ass". I tried to explain to him that not all gatherings of humans worked in the same way as things did in his home, but he was adamant man love was alive and well at EFC.

Events like those above played out throughout the day. I was left fearing for my football team, Matthew Knights and society in general. A truly scary day.
I had a eerily similar day to you Gringo. Someone must have shaken a rather large tree somewhere...

I was pretty much surrounded by them, high up in that mysterious place known as row AA at the very top of the Southern Stand. Maybe the altitude was taking a heavy toll as one of the Gronks kept saying "You are f****** shit McVeigh!" Every time Welshy went near the ball. After about the fifth time hearing such insightful commentary, I kindly told the lummox McVeigh wasn't playing and that he did his hammy the previous week. And that the player he was referring to in such glowing terms was in fact Welshy... A few minutes of relative silence passed by, then sure enough Welshy got the pill. "You're a useless c*** McVeigh!!!"

I kid you not...

Thanks, Doc. That is the first time I have smiled since Friday.

I was once invited into the inner sanctum at Victoria Park to watch an Essendon Collingwood game during the "70's. Never having been a fan of our illustrious captain and potential jailbird, Des Tuddenham, I let fly after an solid afternoon on the singing syrup that Tuddy was an f'king thug and should go back to the turd heap from whence he came (or words to that effect!!). Suddenly, there was an eerie silence punctuated by the gasps of my patron who quickly realisd that my death was imminent. It suddenly dawned on my addled brain that I was deep in enemy territory and deep in the shit as well.

Fortunately, just as things were about to turn very pear shaped, a savior in the guise of John Cassin decided to flatten one of the filth right in front of the members. In the split second that attention was diverted, I made my escape and did not stop running until I hit Hoddle St. I was never invited back.
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by grassy1 »

.....and you shoulkd have sent JOHNNIE CASSIN a THANK-YOU Card for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.In BLUE and WHITE.

Apart from that,a good day was it Rock? :lol:

I imagine most of IBROX and TYNECASTLE would say NO to any SCOTTISH REPUBLIC,Rob.

How bad do they get?Any SECTARIAN BULLSHIT you can quote?

I don't follow CELTIC,I'm PROTESTANT.But I wouldn't give those BASTARDS TIME of DAY.

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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by grassy1 »

I tell a LIE!

I'm AETHEIST,but of Protestant upbringing.Casual,easygoing.But a generation or 3 upwards,you remember the BS about those CATHOLIC BUGGERS! :roll:
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by j-mac31 »

Funny, we were flanked on both sides by alright Filth supporters.

The only real bogan I saw on Anzac Day that you would have thought of as a Collingwood supporter was one of ours!
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Re: Collingwood Supporters

Post by bomberdonnie »

j-mac wrote:Funny, we were flanked on both sides by alright Filth supporters.

The only real bogan I saw on Anzac Day that you would have thought of as a Collingwood supporter was one of ours!
Thanks J mac way to ruin a good thread!!! :)
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