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Sorting the Men from the Boys

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:24 pm
by dheal
Difficult times like these reveals at lot about the character & attitude of players, coaches, administrators & even supporters. It sorts out the men from the boys, those who can't do the hard yards are OUT. We have to stick tough in these times , they won't last forever. I recall the tough times in th 70's but by the end of the decade we recruited young players ( not recycled rejects) such as Madden, Watson, Neagle, Merrett, Andrews, Van Der Haar, Hawker, Foulds etc which formed the basis of the successful 80's & beyond. Notice something about those players, They were tough nuts,big hearts. hard at it men who never gave up. The likes of Winderlich, Lazycock, Dyson & perhaps Stanton should take notice as these types of players are required NOW.
Knights inherited a lot of this (recruiters & training staff also) so give him time to weed out the non performers but perhaps he should have a hard nut on the coaching panel ( eg Hardwick, Merrret etc) to rev up some of the players, his panel consist of ex mid field types. Maybe some more Grunt is needed here also!

Re: Sorting the Men from the Boys

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:55 pm
by tom9779
like your 'hard nuts' eh?

We have got O'donnell as a defensive coach, and he has spent years under Matthews at Brisbane.

Recruited Tommy Hislop from Tassie who was described as a tough hard at it player.

I think your a bit tough on Winderlich, he has been in and out with injuries all year...(i wondered the same, but apparently thats the case).

Agree on Stanton, and I think Laycock like all big men needs plenty of game time. I'd play him every game this year then look at him hard at season end, he should be a lot better, if he aint let him go. His career has been too interrupted as well.

the boys running around for essendon at the moment will be men in 1-2 years time. hardened in the gym and intense training.

I think aside from us getting a 3/4th year recruit from another club, we have to suck it up. I agree it is poor 23-26 year olds at the club are what are costing us. not the kids or the old blokes.

Re: Sorting the Men from the Boys

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:58 pm
by Windy_Hill
tom9779 wrote: I agree it is poor 23-26 year olds at the club are what are costing us. not the kids or the old blokes.

I actually think its poor 21-30 year olds that are hurting us

Our best players (Lucas Lloyd, Fletcher are al 30+) or (Myers, Daniher, Gumbleton, Ryder, Houli, Jetta, Demspey etc are all 21 under)

Our best players between 21-30 are limited to probably McVeigh, Hille and Davey