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Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:41 pm
by Rossoneri
We were hit badly in 94 and 97.

Cant remember having this many soft-tissues though. I have said my bit on that.

Having little luck at the moment when the c*nts have had Judd, Stevens, Fevola, Murphy and Gibbs play all but 2 games between them, and they only sit one game ahead of us.

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:42 pm
by Ossie
So who's out now....

Reimers (due to return)
McVeigh (due to return)

Just mental. :shock:

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:50 pm
by Rossoneri
You forgot

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:45 pm
by pevfan
Just Sooo f***'n demoralising. When I saw Dempsey hobble off the ground after only 3% game time. I just lost all interest in the game. I just thought Oh No!! ...not again. Then when Fletch went down not long after that was it for me. I hate to admit it but I left the ground the earliest I've ever done so, about 10 mins into the 3rd Qtr. Wasn't on my own though, I was just one of 100's of Bomber fans streaming out of the gates. I spent the next 80 mins enjoying coffees and muffins at GJ's in Spencer St waiting for the 5pm back to Geelong. I'd seen enough and this is coming from someone who had endured watching our horror run during the 70's.

I know there's been plenty of optimism coming from you Filth (and others) but, for the life of me, if we can't address this chronic injury problem then anything else we try to come up with will just simply be purely academic. I very much fear that what it was our great misfortune to witness yesterday might just be a case of back to the future for us. For within the next couple of years it will be like it was Fleth, no Lucas and probably throw in no Lloyd as well. We can't get our up and comers onto the park to gain any experience at all. These new blokes, the Gumby's, Danihers, Neagles et al are going to be years behind the 8 ball with no experienced leaders there to guide them through.

And just to rub salt into the wounds, did we notice the scores kicked by Bendigo and their ressies yesterday 1.4 and 2 lousy points respectively. For Christ's sake these are our affiliate clubs. Bendigo only had 4 senior list players to chose from.While Bendigo Ressies ....well what can I say...they rimind me of the under age small town country club that I used to team manage . Couldn't field a full side from one week to the next, having to resort to picking kids from the opposition teams who hadn't been chosen just so the poor little beggars from both sides didn't miss out on a game altogether. But we are talking about a club that has direct affiliation with a multi million $ organisation here. If it wasn't so damn heart breaking it would be laughable....SO WHAT THE f*** IS GOING ON OUT THERE.

Anyway, that's my two bob's worth, so I can get back to the Olympics now....GO OZZIES!!

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:42 pm
by Ossie
Check it out:

B Dempsey Fletcher Atkinson
HB Slattery Daniher Pears
C Winderlich Houli Myers
HF Reimers Lucas Davey
F Neagle Gumbleton Hocking
R Hille Hislop McVeigh

I: Johns Lee

That is so depressing. #-o

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:34 pm
by Doctor Fish
The Dempsey one is a real worry. Broken bones now. I guess the upside, if there is one, is at least it's not his hammy eh...

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:51 pm
by Rossoneri
Give Dempsey one more year, if he breaks down again then cut our losses. How can you break a leg by chasing someone (a ruckman) at half pace?

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:55 pm
by BenDoolan
Ossie wrote:Check it out:

B Dempsey Fletcher Atkinson
HB Slattery Daniher Pears
C Winderlich Houli Myers
HF Reimers Lucas Davey
F Neagle Gumbleton Hocking
R Hille Hislop McVeigh

I: Johns Lee

That is so depressing. #-o
Coach: J. Quinn

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:17 pm
by 2QIK4U
To be honest, I cant wait for the season to be over so that the new fitness staff can get in there and workout how to fix the problem.

We have the talent, but its no good seeing them on the sidelines. All I want to see happen between now and next year is an injury free solid pre-season from the boys. I hope I am not asking for to much.

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:47 pm
by Windy_Hill
[quote="pevfan"]Just Sooo f***'n demoralising.



Hang in there Pevfan - it can only get better.

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:29 am
by tom9779
is hille def injured?

mcveigh and reimers will be right this week going by what i have read from the various snippets in the news/from the club.

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:59 am
by andrewb
Hille has a broken hand, gone for season.

This is definitely the worst we've been in the last 20 years. We've already promoted two rookies this season and we're still struggling to field a team.

Hooker will debut this week which is great news for him, but it's fair to say that we're going to get an absolute flogging. I suppose someone had to play the doggies back into form before the finals!

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:47 pm
by Ossie

Injury Update
Heath Hocking - General soreness - Resume
Jarrod Atkinson - Leg - Test
Mark McVeigh - Knee - Test
Scott Lucas - Back - Test
Courtenay Dempsey - Leg - Assess
Kyle Reimers - Hamstring - 1 week
Dustin Fletcher - Groin - 1-2 weeks
David Hille - Fractured hand - Season
Tom Hislop - Hip - Season
Darcy Daniher - Back - Season
Alwyn Davey - Knee - Season
Bachar Houli - Groin - Season
Andrew Lee - Shoulder - Season
Courtney Johns - Knee - Season
David Myers - Foot - Season
Jay Neagle - Ankle - Season
Tayte Pears - Hip - Season
Jason Winderlich - Back - Season
Scott Gumbleton - Collarbone - Season


Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:11 pm
by rednblack
Re our injuries. I know a lot has been made of out fitness staff and the methods used. but have you all noticed of all our injuries only one hamstring and 2 groin thr rest cannot have been prevented.
Also dont West Coast have allot of injuries also?

Before you shoot me down im all for change it may help. Fingers crossed!!!!

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:13 pm
by rednblack
Re our injuries. I know a lot has been made of out fitness staff and the methods used. but have you all noticed of all our injuries only one hamstring and 2 groin thr rest cannot have been prevented.
Also dont West Coast have allot of injuries also?

Before you shoot me down im all for change it may help. Fingers crossed!!!!

Re: Injuries worse ever in our History?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:41 pm
by Rossoneri
rednblack wrote:Re our injuries. I know a lot has been made of out fitness staff and the methods used. but have you all noticed of all our injuries only one hamstring and 2 groin thr rest cannot have been prevented.
Also dont West Coast have allot of injuries also?

Before you shoot me down im all for change it may help. Fingers crossed!!!!
AT the moment, thats what they are saying, but we have had many soft tissue injuries this year.
Welsh (PS)
Lloyd (PS)

They are the ones I can think of, there have probably been a couple more.