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More evidence Ben

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:08 pm
by Filthy

Getting off our pampered arses and doing something.....interesting to see Jay Nash is highly thought of and I agree with that 100%. Note the titles of Quinn and Knights. Its happened the shakeup!!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:57 pm
by Western Red
Why Rama????

Where is he going to fit into the future of the EFC???

Nice guy all that shit but is he taking the place of a guy who will be playing next year??

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:06 pm
by jimmyc1985
Filthy, this Japan stunt is, in my humble opinion, COMPLETE BULLSHIT and a waste of money. They did it a couple years back with the older blokes and it made SFA difference.

I'd rather they go overseas and bust their arses in an altitude training camp like Collingwood did last pre-season. They can learn all this 'self-development', soft stuff through a seminar conducted in Australia.

It sounds very Grant Thomas-ish, and if Grant Thomas were to announce a similar initiative with his St. Kilda mob (prior to getting sacked), we'd all poke fun, wouldn't we???

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:12 pm
by Crowny
I agree Jimmy, sounds like a load of shit to me. Wasnt Solomon one of the guys that went overseas last time? Fat load of good that did. Also didnt Butch Thomas send his players to Africa or something like that? It didnt bring them any closer to a premiership.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:18 pm
by BenDoolan
I'd be far more impressed when I hear about high tech training camps incorporating sophisticated scientific skills training. I agree that psychological training is just as important, but we severely lack in the physical training area. I look forward to reading about pre-season cutting edge programs that will give our youngsters every chance of improving their talented abilities. Honing in on individual weaknesses and putting as much time and effort into correcting them is vital. Otherwise, our list will never improve and will plod along with the usual suspects making the usual mistakes.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:51 pm
by Boyler_Room
jimmyc1985 wrote:Filthy, this Japan stunt is, in my humble opinion, COMPLETE BULLSHIT and a waste of money. They did it a couple years back with the older blokes and it made SFA difference.

I'd rather they go overseas and bust their arses in an altitude training camp like Collingwood did last pre-season. They can learn all this 'self-development', soft stuff through a seminar conducted in Australia.

It sounds very Grant Thomas-ish, and if Grant Thomas were to announce a similar initiative with his St. Kilda mob (prior to getting sacked), we'd all poke fun, wouldn't we???
Bingo. Snap. Etc, etc.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:52 pm
by Rossoneri
jimmyc1985 wrote:Filthy, this Japan stunt is, in my humble opinion, COMPLETE BULLSHIT and a waste of money. They did it a couple years back with the older blokes and it made SFA difference.
Agree! Though they say that 90% of football is played above the shoulders, I wouldnt mind seeing some of these blokes with decent size shoulders on them.

Why dont we do some altitude training or something, something to make us fitter and stringer?

Maybe we could go to Japan and get them to teach us how to kick and handpass to a teammate?

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:55 pm
by Rossoneri
Perhaps we should send them to Iraq to teach them a lesson?
And if they go worse next year, we will send them to Adelaide for a week!
Sorry Boyler_room

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:21 pm
by Boyler_Room
Ha! :P

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:30 pm
by topdon
My first impression was ... why Rama?

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:59 pm
by BenDoolan
Rossoneri wrote: Why dont we do some altitude training or something, something to make us fitter and stringer?
Yep, altitude and ATTITUDE training will be good!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:11 pm
by Rossoneri
BenDoolan wrote:
Rossoneri wrote: Why dont we do some altitude training or something, something to make us fitter and stringer?
Yep, altitude and ATTITUDE training will be good!
I think the attitude is fine, especially with some of the players we have now cleared out in the last 12 months.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:52 am
by Filthy
Yeah thats what the Club needs when its down. affirmation and positive comment from "supporters" for trying things.

And those knocking Rama's going? Ever thought he is going in preparation for a role in Footy admin following his probable retirement from illness?

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:57 am
by ealesy
topdon wrote:My first impression was ... why Rama?
Pretty clear to me.

Even though he most likely is going to be chopped from the senior list he is still going to be kept at the club in a fairly significant role, and will be brought back on the senior list if/when he's capable of playing AFL football again.

As he is 25 he has links to the senior playing group and is well respected and admired at the club and has a great work ethic and view on life.

I would not be surprised in the least if the club use him in some sort of development role with the younger players, which would mean it would make sense for him to be going on this trip with them.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:15 am
by gringo
Hmmm, no Kepler Bradley in that list of young players. It could be for a number of reasons:

a) Essendon were expecting to trade him during trade week but couldn't

b) He's home in WA loving life

c) The Japanese would laugh uncontrollably at him; or

d) Essendon don't see him wearing the red and black much beyond 2007.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:25 am
by ealesy
or maybe they simply don't view him as leadership material, plenty of good players would make lousy leaders.

I mean Brent Stanton has been in our top 5 in the B&F the past two seasons, and he isn't going over there.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:38 am
by Filthy
ealesy wrote:
topdon wrote:My first impression was ... why Rama?
Pretty clear to me.

Even though he most likely is going to be chopped from the senior list he is still going to be kept at the club in a fairly significant role, and will be brought back on the senior list if/when he's capable of playing AFL football again.

As he is 25 he has links to the senior playing group and is well respected and admired at the club and has a great work ethic and view on life.

I would not be surprised in the least if the club use him in some sort of development role with the younger players, which would mean it would make sense for him to be going on this trip with them.
What he said and re Stants Ealsey...I think he is a quiet sort of bloke who just as soon as go about his business and keep in the background....Footy Clubs have all types!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:05 am
by BenDoolan
gringo wrote:Hmmm, no Kepler Bradley in that list of young players. It could be for a number of reasons:

a) Essendon were expecting to trade him during trade week but couldn't

b) He's home in WA loving life

c) The Japanese would laugh uncontrollably at him; or

d) Essendon don't see him wearing the red and black much beyond 2007.
Ah yes, but they are taking Jobe Watson, you know the bloke who got zero Brownlow votes, can't kick, can't run, is unskilled, who wouldn't get a game in any team in the top 8, who is outside the top 40 midfielders in the comp and who is outside the top 100 players in the league? I guess you better get used to seeing Watson "running" around in the number 4 for a few more seasons yet. How does that make you feel? :lol: :lol: Good, isn't it!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:32 am
by Doctor Fish
Ah yes, but they are taking Jobe Watson, you know the bloke who got zero Brownlow votes, can't kick, can't run, is unskilled, who wouldn't get a game in any team in the top 8, who is outside the top 40 midfielders in the comp and who is outside the top 100 players in the league? I guess you better get used to seeing Watson "running" around in the number 4 for a few more seasons yet. How does that make you feel? :lol: :lol: Good, isn't it!!![/quote]

Yeah. It'll be good next year when the kid rubs it right in your face Ben... :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:45 am
by BenDoolan
Doctor Fish wrote:Ah yes, but they are taking Jobe Watson, you know the bloke who got zero Brownlow votes, can't kick, can't run, is unskilled, who wouldn't get a game in any team in the top 8, who is outside the top 40 midfielders in the comp and who is outside the top 100 players in the league? I guess you better get used to seeing Watson "running" around in the number 4 for a few more seasons yet. How does that make you feel? :lol: :lol: Good, isn't it!!!
Yeah. It'll be good next year when the kid rubs it right in your face Ben... :mrgreen:[/quote]

Umm, Dr.Fish........I'm gagging, I was re-quoting gringo's assessment of one Jobe Watson from a while ago. He has a compulsive disorder to slag every player at the club......perhaps you can prescribe him something Doc?