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Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:33 pm
by Sismis
Ready for the backlash from From CC :wink:

Draft him 3rd round or PSD (theres fuckall else there) Get him back.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:34 pm
by The Man from Bomberland
Maybe the EFC could recruit me as well Sissy?

Get off the crack pipe ;) Cupido is set in his ways when it comes to football and he's unlikel to change.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:38 pm
by Sismis
It's MYcrack pipe and I'll smoke it if I want to.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:48 pm
by jimmyc1985
No. Apparently he's going great guns selling Vista blinds anyway, so let him be.

As a basis for comparison, i'm much happier for Mark Bolton to remain on the list than give Cupido another chance.

BTW, i realise you're probably just winding everyone up Sis, you know Cupes isn't coming back, and congratulations for succeeding; you had me annoyed for about 2.5 seconds when i read this thread before realising you were just joking :) .

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:52 pm
by Sismis
I'm not joking.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:02 pm
by Rossoneri
Im with ya sissy. Much prefer him on the team than that hack Henneman.

I wouldnt take him 3rd round though, I would only take him in the PSD and only if there is nothing else available. The ND goes too deep to use the pick on him.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:10 pm
by BenDoolan
I actually like the idea. PSD only though. I have to admit, I was a critic of the suggestion on the old BT, but I think our situation warrants a re-think on the dude. We all know he can be totally Stupido, but he can win you games as well, and that is something we severely lack. There are far worse 24 year olds actually on senior lists at the moment than Cupido. He may have matured a little, who's to know, but I'll tell you what sounds more stupid than suggesting his return, and that is, retaining a player who has been a strain on our list for seven seasons. Cupido would cost us FA, and you'd put him on a year by year contract. Imagine a switched on Andy Lovett and Cupido running around our forward 50....and imagine the quality of skills in delivery. The more I think, the more I like.....

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:21 pm
by boncer34
I'd take Henneman before him. We have Lovett to cover Cupidos role.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:32 pm
by Rossoneri
boncer34 wrote:I'd take Henneman before him. We have Lovett to cover Cupidos role.
And we have the local drunk to cover Hennemans role.

Henneman before cupdio, that is f****** gold!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:34 pm
by Rossoneri
BenDoolan wrote:I actually like the idea. PSD only though. I have to admit, I was a critic of the suggestion on the old BT, but I think our situation warrants a re-think on the dude. We all know he can be totally Stupido, but he can win you games as well, and that is something we severely lack. There are far worse 24 year olds actually on senior lists at the moment than Cupido. He may have matured a little, who's to know, but I'll tell you what sounds more stupid than suggesting his return, and that is, retaining a player who has been a strain on our list for seven seasons. Cupido would cost us FA, and you'd put him on a year by year contract. Imagine a switched on Andy Lovett and Cupido running around our forward 50....and imagine the quality of skills in delivery. The more I think, the more I like.....
Exactly what I have been saying. Put him on a one year deal, minimum wage. If he f**** up, then goodbye. If he goes ok, then give him another one year deal, with maybe an extra 10k on it.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:15 pm
by DYSON#2
its a dicey one... 50/50

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:18 pm
by Windy_Hill
I dont understand why you guys are so pumped about Cupido. Why is it that no other club wants a bar of him? Why did we flick him? Why did Brisbane flick him? Its not becaue he cant play. The guy is simply too hard and frankly for coaches like Sheedy and Matthews to have given up on him is really saying something!!!!

I wouldnt have him back in a pink fit.

Bad news

He is from the past, our club is now about the future

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:41 pm
by Rossoneri
I suppose, it is saying something that Sheeds would give up on Cupes when he will never give up on brain-dead hacks.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:53 pm
by jimmyc1985
Windy_Hill wrote:I dont understand why you guys are so pumped about Cupido. Why is it that no other club wants a bar of him? Why did we flick him? Why did Brisbane flick him? Its not becaue he cant play. The guy is simply too hard and frankly for coaches like Sheedy and Matthews to have given up on him is really saying something!!!!

I wouldnt have him back in a pink fit.

Bad news

He is from the past, our club is now about the future
That's exactly what i would've said if: a) i didn't think Sismis was just trying to wind people up (i still think you are, Sis), and b) i hadn't already said words to that effect 20 times and couldn't be bothered repeating myself.

Let Cupido install f****** Vista blinds and kick around in the SANFL. He blew two chances at two of the most reputable clubs in the league with two of the best coaches ever.

I'd also add that what people say and do are two totally different things. Usually, once people show a behavioural pattern, that's just the way they are and they won't change. If you want to have a good old-fashioned belly laugh, read the statements put out by the club when we recruited 'troublesome' players like Zantuck, Cupido, Cole etc in the past. They always say words to the effect of "I'm going to bust a gut and really try this time. I'm so glad i've got an opportunity at another club and there's no way i'll be letting them down". And, of course, about 8 times out of 10 they let you down dismally. So, no matter how much Cupido bleats about how he's 'turned the corner' and is ready for another shot at AFL, my cynicism remains that he just doesn't have the application required.

In summation: f*** him.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:42 pm
by BenDoolan
jimmyc1985 wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:I dont understand why you guys are so pumped about Cupido. Why is it that no other club wants a bar of him? Why did we flick him? Why did Brisbane flick him? Its not becaue he cant play. The guy is simply too hard and frankly for coaches like Sheedy and Matthews to have given up on him is really saying something!!!!

I wouldnt have him back in a pink fit.

Bad news

He is from the past, our club is now about the future
That's exactly what i would've said if: a) i didn't think Sismis was just trying to wind people up (i still think you are, Sis), and b) i hadn't already said words to that effect 20 times and couldn't be bothered repeating myself.

Let Cupido install f****** Vista blinds and kick around in the SANFL. He blew two chances at two of the most reputable clubs in the league with two of the best coaches ever.

I'd also add that what people say and do are two totally different things. Usually, once people show a behavioural pattern, that's just the way they are and they won't change. If you want to have a good old-fashioned belly laugh, read the statements put out by the club when we recruited 'troublesome' players like Zantuck, Cupido, Cole etc in the past. They always say words to the effect of "I'm going to bust a gut and really try this time. I'm so glad i've got an opportunity at another club and there's no way i'll be letting them down". And, of course, about 8 times out of 10 they let you down dismally. So, no matter how much Cupido bleats about how he's 'turned the corner' and is ready for another shot at AFL, my cynicism remains that he just doesn't have the application required.

In summation: f*** him.
I cannot argue with your comments because this is exactly what I said a few months back. However, if you had both Henno and Cupido lined up against the wall and had to pick one, surely you'd go with the one that is likely to win you games. Yes I know he took AFL for granted and doesn't deserve another crack, but what value do you add by keeping a guy who simply cannot provide or deliver anything? Na, you don't have to answer it, I understand where you're coming from and in fact we're considering something that isn't even a possibility at this stage.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:30 am
by F111
Fat people can lose weight.
Lazy people are always lazy.
Cupido is lazy.
We know he has skill, but it's the attitude that sucks.
That demeanour is poison.
Leave him selling Vista's!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:26 am
by BenDoolan
F111 wrote:Fat people can lose weight.
Lazy people are always lazy.
Cupido is lazy.
We know he has skill, but it's the attitude that sucks.
That demeanour is poison.
Leave him selling Vista's!
Yes, and crap players will always be crap re: No.3

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:22 am
by Rossoneri
BenDoolan wrote:
F111 wrote:Fat people can lose weight.
Lazy people are always lazy.
Cupido is lazy.
We know he has skill, but it's the attitude that sucks.
That demeanour is poison.
Leave him selling Vista's!
Yes, and crap players will always be crap re: No.3
He has to improve ten fold just to be crap.

It is a disgrace that he is on the list!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:58 am
by Sismis
People can't change/mature? None of you have had a reality check in their lives? Players of Cupido's ability are extremely rare. He has issues, it is a risk. BUT WHAT ELSE IS IN THE PSD!

At worst he is on the list for one year at minimum wage.

At best.......

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:05 am
by Ossie
Ha, don't be silly. It would be an absolute waste. We've been there before gents, he's had his chance. See ya later.