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Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:13 pm
by robbie67
For the second week in a row, you lot didnt show up with a final place on the line. Hang your heads in ******* shame. Dont give me the bullshit excuse of the "kids running out of legs" either. Only 3 weeks ago, we thumped Sydney. The fact of the matter is Essendon didnt show up with the required intensity when it mattered the most. This season has been a complete ******* waste of time. No finals, and no draft pick. We dont have anyone in the side who can steady us when required. We have the exact opposite problem Carlton does. It's our top 6 thats just about the worst in the comp.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:16 pm
by Jazz_84
Matthew Knights needs to ask each individual if they want to play for the EFC again. if they don't have absolute passion then f*** him off i don't care who it is... i seriously don't anymore

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:17 pm
by BenDoolan
Spot on. Our top 6 are a ******* mess.


Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:32 pm
by bombercol
Jazz_84 wrote:Matthew Knights needs to ask each individual if they want to play for the EFC again. if they don't have absolute passion then f*** him off i don't care who it is... i seriously don't anymore
Today was horrible....Now for some controversy I am ready to see one B Stanton offered around come trade time. Given the No 5, should be producing more, we NEED him to be producing more. He has the ability but sadly I think he's gone backwards this year in a year where others have stepped up.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:51 pm
by robrulz5
bombercol wrote:
Jazz_84 wrote:Matthew Knights needs to ask each individual if they want to play for the EFC again. if they don't have absolute passion then f*** him off i don't care who it is... i seriously don't anymore
Today was horrible....Now for some controversy I am ready to see one B Stanton offered around come trade time. Given the No 5, should be producing more, we NEED him to be producing more. He has the ability but sadly I think he's gone backwards this year in a year where others have stepped up.
He had a case of the McFumbles today, couldn't hold onto the ball at all.

2 games in 2 weeks where we should have won, finals on the line and we lose. Simply not good enough.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:54 pm
by auditor
As well as Stanton you can add Mcphee to a trade option as well.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:55 pm
by robrulz5
auditor wrote:As well as Stanton you can add Mcphee to a trade option as well.
It would be a huge steal if we get something for McPhee.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:57 pm
by Jazz_84
auditor wrote:As well as Stanton you can add Mcphee to a trade option as well.
McPhee? na i think he starting to become solid again.... great marking target

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:59 pm
by auditor
You may have point there Jazz. He surely must play forward then a lot more.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:03 pm
by Windy_Hill
Definitely agree

Stanton, McPhee, NLM, Slattery, Nash to be traded - try to get a second round draft pick (top 25)

As for our top 6 - this has and will be our problem for a while due to abysmall drafting in 2001-2004

However, going forward we have real stars in the making with Ryder, Pears, Zaharakis, Dempsey and Hurley.

I still think Myers, Gumbleton, Houli have great futures and will come good

Lonergan, Reimers, Hocking, Hooker, Daniher, Neagle, are all steady and can improve

Watson, Winderlich, Hille, McVeigh, Davey, Lovett and Welsh are all solid to strong(when not injured)

Fletch is Fletch

Its adios time for Lloyd and Lucas I am afraid.

Free up some salary cap and maybe make a play for a couple of ready made recruits - offer Stanton, McPhee, Lovett-Murray, Slattery, Nash

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:04 pm
by Jazz_84
that i'll agree on

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:16 pm
by canberrabomber
An insipid and pitiful 'effort' even considering it was possibly the worst side selected this year.

I don't think the year has been a complete waste - yet, but it will be if we lose the last four games badly, which we will if we select the same or similar team and demonstrate the same lack of endeavour.

More worrying is if Lloyd retires at the end of the year or at the least hand over the captaincy - who would we give it to??

Some players will be offered for trade, although I wouldn't be expecting much; teams will be reluctant to give up high draft picks given the draft will be compromised for the next 5 years or so. That is asuming you are delusional enough to think the players suggested in this thread would obtain anything of value. They'll either be delisted or more likely kept as 'depth'.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:23 pm
by hop
If Lloyd and Lucas both go -it'll free up a shit load in the salary cap.

There wouldn't be too many on our list you'd be tripping over yourself to offer big pay rise in order to keep them - as most of our 'potential' guns have been signed up.

We need a CHF and we need a genuine crumbing forward. We also nee a ruckman - but with Hille and Laypenis due back next year this might be O.K.

Is it time to wave some bucks around - and if so who do we target?

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:52 pm
by nomolos
I cant believe you all got sucked in.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:43 pm
by Madden
I have said the following before on this board and got shouted down. I have enjoyed our year and we have played some good footy. But people have been going on as if it has been an unqualified success. It hasn't. The following things have not happened this year;

Hille becoming a top-line ruckman;
Gumbleton coming on;
Neagle playing regularly;
Houli. Jetta and Laycock establishing themselves in the seniors;
McVeigh and Welsh establishing themselves as elite players;
McPhee, Lovett-Murray establishing themselves as reliable senior players.

and thats to name a few.

There have been some positives though, I'll grant you. But as far as our win loss record goes: we are now 8 wins 10 losses. Two games this year (Anzac Day and the first Carlton game) we were extremely lucky to win. Let's say, hypothetically, that we lost both those games (and that's entirely possible, in hindsight). We would be 6 wins 12 losses. Is the season still a success? Is Knights still a genius?

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:45 pm
by Rossoneri
9th position is flattering us at the moment. Have not won two games in a row, and all we are doing is costing us a top 5 pick, of which we will surely waste again.

Shouldn't have been so close to finals to begin with, too many "hangers on", need to make some hard decisions on Lloyd, Lucas, McVeigh (discipline) and Stanton.

Wont be seeing finals for at least another 2 years after this one.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:34 am
by dom_105
I can't f****** believe how the last two weeks have panned out.

Shit me. It's f****** Richmond, and f****** West Coast.
There have been some positives though, I'll grant you. But as far as our win loss record goes: we are now 8 wins 10 losses. Two games this year (Anzac Day and the first Carlton game) we were extremely lucky to win. Let's say, hypothetically, that we lost both those games (and that's entirely possible, in hindsight). We would be 6 wins 12 losses. Is the season still a success? Is Knights still a genius?
It's the old story Staggy. We could have beaten Richmond if we got a lucky free kick in the last handful of minutes, Could have beaten Adelaide if they didn't pull goals out of their asses. Could have beaten the Dogs if we didn't get bent over by the umps. You can judge Knights on results, or team development, or game style, but it's hard to judge a season's successfullness or otherwise, or his performance specifically, on ifs and buts.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:56 am
by grassy1
It's the OLD STORY Dom.


Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:15 am
by danstar84
Most of what I have been thinking has already been posted in here. What a terrible two weeks. Losing to two bottom dwelling teams when a finals place is at stake.

Some of the major concerns:
- Skill level. How can you miss a clear target with no pressure by 10 meters?
- Goals from direct turnovers, and a lot from senior players. Must be a high number.
- Forward line is dysfunctional. No crumbers, no structure.
- Small forwards playing up the ground i.e. Monfries. I though he had a good game, but what use is he as a forward if he is not kicking goals?
- Inside 50 delivery is absolute rubbish.
- Senior players not delivering and coughing the ball up too easily. Welsh, Lucas, NLM, Mcphee. WTF is wrong with Welsh, he was fantastic for two games after returning and now can't hit a target.

Re: Well Done Muppets

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:25 am
by billyduckworth
danstar84 wrote: Forward line is dysfunctional. No crumbers, no structure.
- Small forwards playing up the ground i.e. Monfries. I though he had a good game, but what use is he as a forward if he is not kicking goals?
- Inside 50 delivery is absolute rubbish.
Agree 100% with these three points.
Can anyone tell me, do we actually have a FORWARD COACH?
If so, who is it? Sack him now. If not, why not?