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Re: Shite Mike hates us: official

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:36 pm
by Jazz_84
probably being a bit nice when he said he wasn't too fond of the Red and Black but overall i thought he was quite encouraging about the Bombers. like being involved i the best game of the year and even better we won it :)

Re: Shite Mike hates us: official

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:39 pm
by robbie67
Mike hates us for good reason. Think about it Filth, how many times has a big story leaked from inside Essendon? Now think about the other clubs.

Re: Shite Mike hates us: official

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:38 pm
by pevfan
Robbie67 wrote ...

Re: Shite Mike hates us: official
by robbie67 on Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:39 pm

Mike hates us for good reason. Think about it Filth, how many times has a big story leaked from inside Essendon? Now think about the other clubs.

And it has always been thus Robbie. I can recall a story Alec Epis told one day a few years ago about how he and his coach, none other that the great JC no less, came to blows in the dressing room one night at training. The incident taking place in front of Alf Brown, the then doyen of football journos. Coley told Brown that if anything was ever reported about the little fracas that the Hun would never get another story out of Windy Hill again. Guess what, it worked, the incident never ever did make it to that little rag or any other paper for that matter.....and nothing much has changed since those days.

Imagine that happening today... No, unlike certain other unmentionable clubs, Essendon has never been one to air it's dirty washing in public and long may it remain so. it's one of the reasons why I remain so proud and passionate about this great club.