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2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:42 pm
by Windy_Hill
Here is some food for thought

1) Laycock - will a year out of the game cause him to reassess where he wants to go in his football career - is it just possible that he will develop a hunger to make the most of a second chance. The guy has talent - needs to learn the meaning of hard work. Surely it will be his last season if he doesnt do somehting.

2) Hille and Ryder - although the word is that Knighta wants to let Ryder loose on the forward line, surely after his efforts in the ruck this season we can now look forward to an all conquering Ruck Duo?

3) Gumbleton - the forgotten gem. What if he can overcome his injuries and fulfill his No 2 draft status ?

4) Pre-seasons from Welsh, Reimers, Prismall and McVeigh - all of a sudden our midfield depth looks first class

5) Zaharakis - has a name made for over the top commentating ZA-HAAAA-RAAAAAA-KISSSSSSS!! Surely he is a legend in the making

6) No Lucas/Maybe No Lloyd - an era ends - who will provide the experienced heads when things get hot in the kitchen

7) Watson as captain - must happen and 2010 is the year for it to happen

8 ) Pears and Hurley - could be the best defensive double act since Langford and Mew or McIntosh and Jackovich

9) Neagle - a full season as the key forward option. He has to work on his body shape and endurance. Has the potential to be a more than adequate trplacement for Lloyd. I predict a 60 goal season in 2010

10) Mid Field Rotations - We have class in Watson, McVeigh, Winderlich and Prismall, Run and Dash in Dyson, Lovett and Stanton and Zaharakis, grunt in Lonergan, Hocking, Welsh and Reimers

11) Fletcher - Timeless Champion

12) Jetta, Monfries and Davey - The new mosquito fleet - just imagine if this trio could get some consistency into their games

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:38 am
by DC
nice post windy.

future definitely looks bright.

My mate isnt even a carlton supporter but he reckons they have a much better list than us. I just laugh. They may have Judd and their No.1 draft picks, but I think over all we have the better deeper list.

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:55 am
by Windy_Hill
DC wrote:nice post windy.

future definitely looks bright.

My mate isnt even a carlton supporter but he reckons they have a much better list than us. I just laugh. They may have Judd and their No.1 draft picks, but I think over all we have the better deeper list.

Get rid of him. dont need mates like that :wink:

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:43 am
by andrewb
If Gumby is the forgotten man, what is Myers? He looked SUPERB in his first season but has struggled after getting glandular fever in the pre-season and what looked like some sort of groin complaint. I get the feeling he's going to explode next year... lots of talent and exceptional work ethic.

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:37 am
by saladin
on point 1, i don't see a spot for laycock if hille returns to form from injury. hille and ryder will clearly be 1 and 2. i could even envisage port adelaide approaching us about him in the upcoming trade week.

big question mark over point three. here's hoping.

point 4 seems like a much safer bet. so much improvement to come from those boys. a fully fit prismall, winder and reimers will make a huge difference

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:22 pm
by Jazz_84
yeah Laycock simply doesn't fit into our team anymore, might be kept on for depth only and after being told that he might ask for a trade.....

only bad thing about this is every year there is a thread like this and every year less then 50% of promising ideas don't eventuate but yeah you are right, previously we might have been a little to optimistic on some area's but i think this time we have genuine talent and just everything needed to be at the pointy end of the season.

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:25 pm
by Crazyman
Windy_Hill wrote:Here is some food for thought

1) Laycock - will a year out of the game cause him to reassess where he wants to go in his football career - is it just possible that he will develop a hunger to make the most of a second chance. The guy has talent - needs to learn the meaning of hard work. Surely it will be his last season if he doesnt do somehting.

Definately on his last chance IMO...if he is fit and has an awesome preseason, he should be given every opportunity to be our second ruckman behind Hille. That said, I reckon Paddy has gone way way way ahead of Chook & Bellchambers seems to be developing quite nicely for the future as well...IMO, give him game time to boost his value and trade him to GC17...

2) Hille and Ryder - although the word is that Knighta wants to let Ryder loose on the forward line, surely after his efforts in the ruck this season we can now look forward to an all conquering Ruck Duo?

Would be awesome. Hille in the middle, Ryder up forward and Hooker down back all sharing the ruck duties...I think this year has gone a long way to taking pressure of Hille and Hille & Ryder can both go forward kicking goals or back to fill a hole

3) Gumbleton - the forgotten gem. What if he can overcome his injuries and fulfill his No 2 draft status ?
I seriously hope he overcomes his injury problems...if he can't get his body right, will probably struggle like CJ did because of all the missed footy...high hopes but little delivery so far...

4) Pre-seasons from Welsh, Reimers, Prismall and McVeigh - all of a sudden our midfield depth looks first class
Wouldn't that be awesome...

5) Zaharakis - has a name made for over the top commentating ZA-HAAAA-RAAAAAA-KISSSSSSS!! Surely he is a legend in the making
Young gun in the making...has the ability and talent and seems to rise to the occassion when it matters...

6) No Lucas/Maybe No Lloyd - an era ends - who will provide the experienced heads when things get hot in the kitchen
I think that this is where Watson, Hille & McVeigh will play an important role...not to mention Fletch if hangs around...

7) Watson as captain - must happen and 2010 is the year for it to happen
I am not so sure on this...for mine, if Lloyd hands over the captaincy, it should be to Hille for a few years who can then handover to Jobe-wan (either way, both are more than capable...

8 ) Pears and Hurley - could be the best defensive double act since Langford and Mew or McIntosh and Jackovich
Left out Fletcher & Lucas :mrgreen:

9) Neagle - a full season as the key forward option. He has to work on his body shape and endurance. Has the potential to be a more than adequate replacement for Lloyd. I predict a 60 goal season in 2010
Has come on reasonably well towards the end of the year. I would also like to see him work his arse off to get some of the puppy fat off...

10) Mid Field Rotations - We have class in Watson, McVeigh, Winderlich and Prismall, Run and Dash in Dyson, Lovett and Stanton and Zaharakis, grunt in Lonergan, Hocking, Welsh and Reimers
Plenty of options, but a few injuries could prove as a whole has come on really strong this year and very happy with our team balance on the whole

11) Fletcher - Timeless Champion
Nothing more to add (has a great date for his birthday too :wink: )

12) Jetta, Monfries and Davey - The new mosquito fleet - just imagine if this trio could get some consistency into their games
if, if, if...Jetta has been a bit of surprise this year, Monfries & Davey continue to their best, they are wow factor, at their worst you wonder how they get a gig...

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:13 pm
by Windy_Hill
andrewb wrote:If Gumby is the forgotten man, what is Myers? He looked SUPERB in his first season but has struggled after getting glandular fever in the pre-season and what looked like some sort of groin complaint. I get the feeling he's going to explode next year... lots of talent and exceptional work ethic.

I did forget him and you are right - wow, another big 'what if' player

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:15 pm
by Windy_Hill
Jazz_84 wrote: only bad thing about this is every year there is a thread like this and every year less then 50% of promising ideas don't eventuate but yeah you are right.
I know what you mean - I did also try to highlight a couple of areas of concern

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:22 pm
by rockhole
andrewb wrote:If Gumby is the forgotten man, what is Myers? He looked SUPERB in his first season but has struggled after getting glandular fever in the pre-season and what looked like some sort of groin complaint. I get the feeling he's going to explode next year... lots of talent and exceptional work ethic.
Have not forgotten Myers either. A couple of things he did in his initalial games just oozed class and that booming left foot...... Shades of Scotty.

No doubt that he will make it

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:27 pm
by Windy_Hill
My only concern for Myers is exactly where do you play him. Is he a forward or a defender, a midfielder or a KPP. Guys without obvious positions seem to struggle imo

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:52 pm
by Sismis
I see Myers as a winger/flanker. As Flithy said he one of the main reasons he was picked due to his maturity and attitude. I've just finished reading a book called "The Draft" which is about that year, it details Rioli, Mc Evoy, Ebert, Vespremmi and Cotchin through the year leading up to that draft. It also goes into Hawthorn's selection strategy which led them from the bottom to a premiership. Had Myers and Rioli both been available at their pick they would have gone with Myers.

It is an excellent read by the way.

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:20 pm
by BenDoolan
Windy_Hill wrote:My only concern for Myers is exactly where do you play him. Is he a forward or a defender, a midfielder or a KPP. Guys without obvious positions seem to struggle imo
The way the game is going (the new dynamic if you will) is that we will have 22 onballers. You already see large passages of play when all 36 players on the field are around a ball up. Position, what position? :lol:

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:22 pm
by Ossie
Windy_Hill wrote:My only concern for Myers is exactly where do you play him. Is he a forward or a defender, a midfielder or a KPP. Guys without obvious positions seem to struggle imo
The likeness to Hodge here is quite a good one - I can see Myers being able to switch between on-ball, a wing, a flank and that roving role across half back just like Hodge does.
Obviously a couple of years away and if he is anywhere near as good as Hodge I would be well happy, but similar players I reckon.

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:47 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
DC wrote:nice post windy.

future definitely looks bright.

My mate isnt even a carlton supporter but he reckons they have a much better list than us. I just laugh. They may have Judd and their No.1 draft picks, but I think over all we have the better deeper list.
Yep... without Judd, Fev and maybe Murphy and Gibbs... the Blues have nothing.

Re: 2010 - A New Dynamic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:52 pm
by DC
pretty big call comparing to hodge.

Myers decision making is very suspect. Doesnt seem to do much but bang it long. I hope he comes good, but to be honest I havent seen anything to rave about.