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Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:50 pm
by andrewb
Gut feeling is that he's gone. Apparently had his meeting with Knights today and has been "given some time to think about his decision". To be honest I think from the look on his face at times he's been gone since Scotty was dropped to Bendigo.

I really hope he doesn't - he's got a big role to play next year if he can get the weight down and play that third forward role. We gain a lot just having him around the club. He's got to stop training to be a gorilla if he's going to be asked to play like a gazelle. Stay out of the gym, put the hard yards in on the track over the off-season and come back 87-88kg.

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:59 pm
by j-mac31
andrewb wrote:I really hope he doesn't - he's got a big role to play next year if he can get the weight down and play that third forward role. We gain a lot just having him around the club. He's got to stop training to be a gorilla if he's going to be asked to play like a gazelle. Stay out of the gym, put the hard yards in on the track over the off-season and come back 87-88kg.
That's a really interesting point.

It's funny looking back at him in '99 and 2000 and seeing how much more athletic he was than from probably about 2004 or 2005 when he decided to bulk up some more. Obviously he's not going to get back to that same level, but it would probably help.
Also, his floppy hair back then was hilarious.

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:05 pm
by ealesy
Never understood his decision to bulk up.

He wasn't exactly small to start with, but contested marking was never his forte, it was his speed and agility which allowed him to get away on a lead that was his greatest strength.

He bulked up, lost some of his speed and agility and that was when his input started to decline from his peak output, simply because he was not able to get away on the lead as much and his contested work really did not improve.

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:06 pm
by j-mac31
Indeed Ealsey and to this day he still sucks in the "one out"* contests.
Usually manages to work his way to the back of the contest.

*where the f*** does "one out" mean/come from?

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:11 pm
by Boyler_Room
ealesy wrote:Never understood his decision to bulk up.

He wasn't exactly small to start with, but contested marking was never his forte, it was his speed and agility which allowed him to get away on a lead that was his greatest strength.

He bulked up, lost some of his speed and agility and that was when his input started to decline from his peak output, simply because he was not able to get away on the lead as much and his contested work really did not improve.
Remember Hird's experiment with bulking up? Didn't end well... and contributed to additional injury. Wonder if bulking up had any impact on Lloyd's hamstring...

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:13 pm
by grassy1

Preferably FULL FORWARD,but we'll cross that BRIDGE when we get there,right.You MAKE THE DECISION to STAY,KNIGHTA will COME TO HIS SENSES when we NEED IT MOST!


Re: Lloyd

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:43 pm
by auditor
I love Lloydy. If he retires then so be it, he's a Champion of Essendon and that's all there is to it.

I think that the way the MK is prepared to deal with the situation is correct and I am sure that Lloydy respects that.

There would be no shortage of jobs for Matt out there in the football media world but I will say it would break my heart if Matty finished his days with another club. :(

I would also hate to see him become bitter towards Essendon such as Mr.Sheedy appears to be heading.

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:54 pm
by Jazz_84
im starting to get over all this back and forth buisness... hurry up and have the meeting and decide!
Matthew Lloyd delay indicates doubts - Matthew Knights

Essendon coach Matthew Knights believes captain Matthew Lloyd is not convinced he wants to play on next season.

Knights said on Thursday he planned to meet with the 31-year-old, the Bombers' greatest ever goal-kicker, within 48 hours to discuss his future.

While the coach said there was still a place at Windy Hill for Lloyd, if he wanted it, Knights said the fact the champion full-forward had not already come knocking on his door suggested there were doubts.

"It's a real tough one, the fact that it's been deferred and he's not sure obviously puts a question mark around that," Knights said on Melbourne radio's SEN.

"If he was very, very sure about playing on he probably would have come to me earlier."

Knights said the key factor if Lloyd wants to play on is whether he will be willing to accept a back seat to the club's young emerging key forwards.

He compared it to the role 34-year-old defender Dustin Fletcher is filling as a third tall backman, alongside Tayte Pears and Cale Hooker.

"Most importantly I need him to commit but more so to embrace (that role)," Knights said.

"That's the most important thing and Dustin Fletcher has really had the same choice.

"I said Dustin, you're going to play as a third or fourth tall, we need these young guys to help reinvent our defence.

"Dustin's come through that door, he's bashed it down and said I'm ready to go and I want to play."

Knights said he could not guarantee Lloyd or any other player regular selection in the senior side.

But he said the skipper was smart enough to understand that.

"We're going to talk about his role for next year, what I'm looking for out of him as coach next season, about his body and his hunger for the game and then Matthew will have a choice to make," he said.

"... He deserves that respect as a champion of the club, he deserves all the cards to be on the table so he can make a valued decision on whether he wants to be part of this young group moving forward.

"... We've given him enough time, a long time to do that.

"I am pretty sure when we meet he is going to be pretty concrete on what he wants to do or what he doesn't."

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:22 pm
by BenDoolan
What is it?

Does he want to be the focal point and the only focal point? Does he want to get 1000 goals? Does he want to play the way he wants to play and not be told otherwise? Afraid of being dropped?

How about saying, I've only got one season of AFL left in my body and I will spend that doing everything I possibly can, and however I can, to help lead my young team mates into another finals series next year.


Re: Lloyd

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:31 pm
by Jazz_84
BenDoolan wrote:What is it?

Does he want to be the focal point and the only focal point? Does he want to get 1000 goals? Does he want to play the way he wants to play and not be told otherwise? Afraid of being dropped?

How about saying, I've only got one season of AFL left in my body and I will spend that doing everything I possibly can, and however I can, to help lead my young team mates into another finals series next year.


thats what i said in the other thread with a bit more aggression i must admit and didn't get much agreement, it's a combo of wanting to play at FF and the worry about getting dropped....

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:01 am
by grassy1
When you put it like that Ben,it's hard to disagree.

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:07 pm
by Jazz_84
Knights and Lloyd have had their planned meeting and Knights has told Lloyd he is a required player, and he outlined what his role will be next year and the expectations that will go with it. Lloyd has now gone away to think about what he wants to do in 2010, decision is expected inside of a week

other players have also met with Knights yesterday to talk about the future, i hope Lovett is one of them and i hope the talk went well :D

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:21 pm
by robbie67
BenDoolan wrote:What is it?

Does he want to be the focal point and the only focal point? Does he want to get 1000 goals? Does he want to play the way he wants to play and not be told otherwise? Afraid of being dropped?

How about saying, I've only got one season of AFL left in my body and I will spend that doing everything I possibly can, and however I can, to help lead my young team mates into another finals series next year.



And if he cant see himself doing it, just do the dignified thing and retire. I would never forgive him if he went to Collingwood.

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:48 pm
by Jazz_84
just watching Before the game and saw an interview with Lloyd during the day, and he looks content and happy enough. i think he'll play on with Essendon, he pretty much shut the door on going anywhere else. well thats what i got from it, anyone else see this?

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:04 pm
by auditor

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:29 pm
by BenDoolan
If you're afraid to play with the Reserves, just f***'n play well in the seniors!

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:16 am
by Crazyman
BenDoolan wrote:If you're afraid to play with the Reserves, just f***'n play well in the seniors!
Couldn't have put it better BD...

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:12 pm
by Rossoneri
Poor Sheeds, probably still bitter that Dean Bailey was judged a better coaching prospect than him.
And Sheeds would know about dealing with champions when they retire, Gary O'Donnell springs to mind.

Also Sheeds, glad you are able to work out when a player has a strained relationship with the coach despite no one at Essendon being in contact with you. How was your relationship with Lloyd, Hille, Watson, Dyson, Lovett? In fact, 90% of the playing group.

Poor Sheeds, he writes an article based on his opinion, which has not been relevant since 2002, and refuses to use any sort of quotes or facts.

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:19 pm
by BenDoolan
I reckon he's right with this one. All indicators with Lloyd's actions shows that there is tension between he and Knights. And I reckon it has showed on the field more often than not.

Re: Lloyd

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:27 pm
by Rossoneri
What has Lloyd got to be bitter about? Being played out of position?

Correct if im wrong, but didn't Lloyd credit that move by Knights as saving his career in 2007?