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5 Reasons Why Essendon Will Be Premiers in 2007

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:28 pm
by Windy_Hill
OK , so humour me.

1) Hungry Lloyd - Remember the season Jim Hird had in 2000 after being out for most of 1999. Watch out for Lloydy next year. 100+ Goals means we will win at least 10 more games.

2) The Courtney Johns Principle - With Lloyd back, he now gets the third defender (Lucas takes the second). Expect 2007 to be the year that the Messiah finally takes the competition by the scruff of the neck.

3) Full Season from Jason Laycock - Meaning we have the option of resting Hille as an attacking tall forward, allowing Lucas to go back into defence providing so many more options.

4) A Good Mid Field Emerges - Not Great (Yet) But Good. - Expect Dyson, Stanton, Monfries, Watson and Winderlich to all go up a gear. Look out for Dempsey and Nash. A full pre-season from JJ will make a difference.

5) The Final Farewell - Make the Finals and Hird gets to have his Swansong at the G - perhaps. It may be the incentive that gets us over the line in a final crunch game at Subiaco in round 22

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:45 pm
by swoodley
5 alternative reasons:

1. The other 15 clubs go into receivership and are unable to field a team

2. Vlad decides he's been too mean to the bombers over a long period of time and decides to gives us the flag regardless of results

3. The top ten players of the other 15 clubs are exposed as habitual crackheads and are given life bans effective immediately (which means we'll probably win 2008 and 2009 as well)

4. The AFL gives Sheeds permission to send five players from the opposing side to exile island for three days the day before we play them

5. It is revealed that a secret set of rules that governed the game 100 years ago has been found and must now be adhered to. Rule one states that only teams whose name starts with the letter "E" are eligible to win the flag in years that add up to 9 (2+0+0+7 =9)


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:04 pm
by Rossoneri
1 - Aaron Henneman will be our key at CHB.

2 - Lloyd will be so hungry he will kick 120 goals, even though the only way it will get delivered properly is if he kicks it to himself

3 - Full year out of Laycock, so Henneman doesnt have to go in the ruck

4 - Kepler Bradley will be a driving force. His shithouse kicking wont hurt him as much this year because he will just handpass it to the runners.

5 - Scott bigsworth, a player who didnt even want to go in the draft, will be drafted by Sheedy at number 2 and prove to be the sensation that McAlister was.

Re: 5 Reasons Why Essendon Will Be Premiers in 2007

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:08 pm
by Boyler_Room
Windy_Hill wrote:OK , so humour me.

1) Hungry Lloyd - Remember the season Jim Hird had in 2000 after being out for most of 1999. Watch out for Lloydy next year. 100+ Goals means we will win at least 10 more games.

2) The Courtney Johns Principle - With Lloyd back, he now gets the third defender (Lucas takes the second). Expect 2007 to be the year that the Messiah finally takes the competition by the scruff of the neck.

3) Full Season from Jason Laycock - Meaning we have the option of resting Hille as an attacking tall forward, allowing Lucas to go back into defence providing so many more options.

4) A Good Mid Field Emerges - Not Great (Yet) But Good. - Expect Dyson, Stanton, Monfries, Watson and Winderlich to all go up a gear. Look out for Dempsey and Nash. A full pre-season from JJ will make a difference.

5) The Final Farewell - Make the Finals and Hird gets to have his Swansong at the G - perhaps. It may be the incentive that gets us over the line in a final crunch game at Subiaco in round 22
I must be living in la-la land because I don't think that's all that far-fetched. I still believe we'll play finals next year. Once you get there... anything can happen.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:09 pm
by Sismis
While I admire and respect the optimism Windy i think you have missed 2 of the most importnt factors for next year. McPhee and Lovett. Both had shockers by their standards this year, but will be fired up for 07. These guys are the immediate future of the club. Both have the potential to be superstars and matchwinners.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:13 pm
by Rossoneri
Our problem is depth. We get a couple of injuries, and we are f*****. We have a decent 10-15 players, but it drops off too far after that.

The key to winning premierships is not how good your top5 players are, its how good players 18-24 on the list are. Face it, if Heffernan and Pev are in our best 22, we aint much chop. If we were any good, these players would be playing for Bendigo, and only called upon when we have abot 4-5 injuries.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:15 pm
by Rossoneri
Sissy is also right about McPhee and Lovett. McPhee is the key here. If we can get him running off the HBF and kicking long, we are in with a shot of the top8 at least.

Lets face it, he is the best kick in our team outside Lucas. He runs off HB, he becomes a 65 meter player. Runs 15, kicks it 50 and it usually hits the target.

Re: 5 Reasons Why Essendon Will Be Premiers in 2007

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:28 pm
by robrulz5
Windy_Hill wrote:OK , so humour me.

2) The Courtney Johns Principle - With Lloyd back, he now gets the third defender (Lucas takes the second). Expect 2007 to be the year that the Messiah finally takes the competition by the scruff of the neck.

3) Full Season from Jason Laycock - Meaning we have the option of resting Hille as an attacking tall forward, allowing Lucas to go back into defence providing so many more options.

So Lucas will take the 2nd defender and also go to CHB?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:43 pm
by Filthy
Rossoneri wrote:Our problem is depth. We get a couple of injuries, and we are f*****. We have a decent 10-15 players, but it drops off too far after that.

The key to winning premierships is not how good your top5 players are, its how good players 18-24 on the list are. Face it, if Heffernan and Pev are in our best 22, we aint much chop. If we were any good, these players would be playing for Bendigo, and only called upon when we have abot 4-5 injuries.
In this "comp" Ross, who isn't? Imagine if WCE lost Judd and Kerr or AFL Lovechild#1 Hall...just Hall???

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:57 pm
by Rossoneri
WC would still be a very good team.

They struggled without Judd and Cox, but they would be ok without Judd and Kerr.

Spot on about Hall, which leads me to believe that in a couple of years time, Sydney are f*****. O'laughlin, Barry, Hall, Everitt and a couple other will be gone.

How old is Kirk?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:26 pm
by Boyler_Room
Rossoneri wrote:WC would still be a very good team.

They struggled without Judd and Cox, but they would be ok without Judd and Kerr.

Spot on about Hall, which leads me to believe that in a couple of years time, Sydney are f*****. O'laughlin, Barry, Hall, Everitt and a couple other will be gone.

How old is Kirk?
Turned 30 late last month.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:44 pm
by boncer34
For the record Windy I just totally ripped off your thread and put it on bigfooty to see what the trolls would say. Sorry but Im bored and these guys can put up some amusing things occasionaly.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:50 pm
by BenDoolan
We need a full, available list for the majority of the season, as Rosso said, we don't have much depth. We will have an improved list due to good delistings, and hopefully good recruiting, but so will a few other clubs. We also have to re-shape the support staff/football department to a level where we give our players the best possible training and development aides there are. With a combination of these things, a few wins under the belt, increased confidence and momentum we can go a long way to winning enough games to #1 Make the eight #2 have some impact when we get there.

We may witness some of the young players stepping up a gear but like every season, we also see other "senior" players going off the boil. Hopefully we have more improved players than declining players next season.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:07 pm
by antcl
Its all nice to have hope, but don't go overboard. Last year people predicted we'd make the finals or with the premiership, and we weren't close.

Reasons why we won't:
Our only decent tall KP player is Fletcher, and Lucas if played there. After that there is Lee, who is totally untested, and no-one else.
Nowhere near enough midfield depth. Our midfield can't compete with Judd/Kerr/Cousins/Embley/Waters/Stenglein/Braun/Fletcher/Butler or Ricciutto/McLeod/Goodwin/Edwards/Thompson/Burton, or Sydneys, or Melbournes, or the Bulldogs.
Lloyd may come back, but if he does so Lucas won't have as much impact.
Way way way too much reliance on HEAPS of youngsters stepping up, after only one or two did so this year.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:40 pm
by Windy_Hill
antcl wrote:Its all nice to have hope, but don't go overboard. Last year people predicted we'd make the finals or with the premiership, and we weren't close.

Reasons why we won't:

Our only decent tall KP player is Fletcher, and Lucas if played there. After that there is Lee, who is totally untested, and no-one else.

Are you telling me that Johns and Lloyd are not KPP's? What about Laycock, Hille, Bradley and the liklihood that we draft Hansen?

Nowhere near enough midfield depth. Our midfield can't compete with Judd/Kerr/Cousins/Embley/Waters/Stenglein/Braun/Fletcher/Butler or Ricciutto/McLeod/Goodwin/Edwards/Thompson/Burton, or Sydneys, or Melbournes, or the Bulldogs.

Maybe on this year's form - however, Stanton, Lovett, Watson, Dyson, JJ, Winderlich, Monfries, Dempsy, Nash, McVeigh, MJ represent a group with huge potential (or realised potential in MJ and JJ)

Lloyd may come back, but if he does so Lucas won't have as much impact.

That makes no sense. 1) Lucas kicked 50 plus goals last year and in 2000 with Lloyd at Full forward. and 2) Maybe Lucas becomes even more effective as a CHB

Way way way too much reliance on HEAPS of youngsters stepping up, after only one or two did so this year.

Young guys with heaps of potential and 10 yrs future - where is the problem?

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:05 pm
by gringo
Windy_Hill wrote:
antcl wrote:Its all nice to have hope, but don't go overboard. Last year people predicted we'd make the finals or with the premiership, and we weren't close.

Reasons why we won't:

Our only decent tall KP player is Fletcher, and Lucas if played there. After that there is Lee, who is totally untested, and no-one else.

Are you telling me that Johns and Lloyd are not KPP's? What about Laycock, Hille, Bradley and the liklihood that we draft Hansen?

Nowhere near enough midfield depth. Our midfield can't compete with Judd/Kerr/Cousins/Embley/Waters/Stenglein/Braun/Fletcher/Butler or Ricciutto/McLeod/Goodwin/Edwards/Thompson/Burton, or Sydneys, or Melbournes, or the Bulldogs.

Maybe on this year's form - however, Stanton, Lovett, Watson, Dyson, JJ, Winderlich, Monfries, Dempsy, Nash, McVeigh, MJ represent a group with huge potential (or realised potential in MJ and JJ)

Lloyd may come back, but if he does so Lucas won't have as much impact.

That makes no sense. 1) Lucas kicked 50 plus goals last year and in 2000 with Lloyd at Full forward. and 2) Maybe Lucas becomes even more effective as a CHB

Way way way too much reliance on HEAPS of youngsters stepping up, after only one or two did so this year.

Young guys with heaps of potential and 10 yrs future - where is the problem?

The problem is that our youngsters, whilst they have shown glimpses, are miles from becomming good or even adequate AFL players.

Dyson, Winda, Bradley, Monfries and I'd argue Watson, wouldn't be close to getting a game with any of the top 8 teams at the moment. With the exception of Monfries, I can't see any of these players becomming good players for us.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:54 pm
by Windy_Hill

The problem is that our youngsters, whilst they have shown glimpses, are miles from becomming good or even adequate AFL players.

Dyson, Winda, Bradley, Monfries and I'd argue Watson, wouldn't be close to getting a game with any of the top 8 teams at the moment. With the exception of Monfries, I can't see any of these players becomming good players for us.

We shall see I guess.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:37 pm
by 2QIK4U
gringo wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:
antcl wrote:Its all nice to have hope, but don't go overboard. Last year people predicted we'd make the finals or with the premiership, and we weren't close.

Reasons why we won't:

Our only decent tall KP player is Fletcher, and Lucas if played there. After that there is Lee, who is totally untested, and no-one else.

Are you telling me that Johns and Lloyd are not KPP's? What about Laycock, Hille, Bradley and the liklihood that we draft Hansen?

Nowhere near enough midfield depth. Our midfield can't compete with Judd/Kerr/Cousins/Embley/Waters/Stenglein/Braun/Fletcher/Butler or Ricciutto/McLeod/Goodwin/Edwards/Thompson/Burton, or Sydneys, or Melbournes, or the Bulldogs.

Maybe on this year's form - however, Stanton, Lovett, Watson, Dyson, JJ, Winderlich, Monfries, Dempsy, Nash, McVeigh, MJ represent a group with huge potential (or realised potential in MJ and JJ)

Lloyd may come back, but if he does so Lucas won't have as much impact.

That makes no sense. 1) Lucas kicked 50 plus goals last year and in 2000 with Lloyd at Full forward. and 2) Maybe Lucas becomes even more effective as a CHB

Way way way too much reliance on HEAPS of youngsters stepping up, after only one or two did so this year.

Young guys with heaps of potential and 10 yrs future - where is the problem?

The problem is that our youngsters, whilst they have shown glimpses, are miles from becomming good or even adequate AFL players.

Dyson, Winda, Bradley, Monfries and I'd argue Watson, wouldn't be close to getting a game with any of the top 8 teams at the moment. With the exception of Monfries, I can't see any of these players becomming good players for us.
And where does Stanton rate then?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:32 pm
by antcl
Windy_Hill wrote:
antcl wrote:Its all nice to have hope, but don't go overboard. Last year people predicted we'd make the finals or with the premiership, and we weren't close.

Reasons why we won't:

Our only decent tall KP player is Fletcher, and Lucas if played there. After that there is Lee, who is totally untested, and no-one else.

Are you telling me that Johns and Lloyd are not KPP's? What about Laycock, Hille, Bradley and the liklihood that we draft Hansen?

Nowhere near enough midfield depth. Our midfield can't compete with Judd/Kerr/Cousins/Embley/Waters/Stenglein/Braun/Fletcher/Butler or Ricciutto/McLeod/Goodwin/Edwards/Thompson/Burton, or Sydneys, or Melbournes, or the Bulldogs.

Maybe on this year's form - however, Stanton, Lovett, Watson, Dyson, JJ, Winderlich, Monfries, Dempsy, Nash, McVeigh, MJ represent a group with huge potential (or realised potential in MJ and JJ)

Lloyd may come back, but if he does so Lucas won't have as much impact.

That makes no sense. 1) Lucas kicked 50 plus goals last year and in 2000 with Lloyd at Full forward. and 2) Maybe Lucas becomes even more effective as a CHB

Way way way too much reliance on HEAPS of youngsters stepping up, after only one or two did so this year.

Young guys with heaps of potential and 10 yrs future - where is the problem?
Point 1: Ok, I meant to say tall KP defenders, which is why I excluded Lloyd, Johns & the rucks. I don't consider Bradley a future defender. And sure, we may get Hansen. But who knows if he'll come off, or if we'll get him. The rumour is we may get Launberger.

Point 4: The problem is that out of all those youngsters, TWO stepped up last year - Watson & NLM. Monfries progressed, but he still isn't AFL level - he wouldn't get many games if he was 29. Name another youngster who became an AFL quality player last year? Johns, Nash, Winda & Slattery showed signs, but none of them stepped up.
So to then say we'll be finals/premiership chances next year, but need probably 5+ youngsters to step up is slightly hopeful.

Point 2: You're relying on youngsters, see Point 4 discussed above.

Point 3: Lucas kicking 50 goals is less impact than last year, which is what I said. And given their history, the odds are if they both play Lucas will kick less than 50 goals. That said, if he's actually played at CHB we could get a huge plus out of Lloyds return. But Sheedy hasn't played Lucas there since 2002. If they both play forward, it won't be a matter of adding 90 goals from Lloyd to what Lucas kicked last year.