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Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:05 pm
by gringo

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:09 pm
by Windy_Hill
you just discovered how to post Polls Gringo?

As for my thoughts - what a pointless discussion given, as you have already noted in your poll, it depends on circumstances. Lets have this discussion when an informed judgement can be made. ie at the end of the 2010 season

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:20 pm
by gringo
Windy_Hill wrote:you just discovered how to post Polls Gringo?

As for my thoughts - what a pointless discussion given, as you have already noted in your poll, it depends on circumstances. Lets have this discussion when an informed judgement can be made. ie at the end of the 2010 season
Hence I've provided a range of circumstances rather than the flat yes or no.

Richmond put Wallace on notice prior to the start of the season that unless they made the finals he could hit the showers. And hit the showers he did. And Collwingwood have a two year plan in place, that is "set in stone." Hence it seems as good a time as any to discuss the longevity or otherwise of M. Knights.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:20 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
Hmmm dont think we should give up on Knighta just yet.... have to stick with him for the long haul!

If Hirdy wants to coach though then.... bye bye Knights!!! :D

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:21 pm
by ealesy
If we significantly dropped off from where we got to this year, ie bottom 3 with only 3-4 wins, he could be in some trouble.

If we improved on this year, he'll get another 3 year deal.

If we have a year similar to this year, he'll get a 2 year deal.

If we slipped slightly from where we got to this year, he could be in some trouble, but more likely we will look at giving him a 1 year extension to try and turn things around again.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:26 pm
by DC
I like his gameplan and what he is doing at the club. I say yes. I doubt we will be disgraceful, save massive injuries next season.

The competition is very even now. Plus the list is very young. All our KPP are new. Neagle, Hurley, Pears and Gumby. The transition is being made. Fact is Lucas was past it after his injury he didnt look the same and was never going to get "it" back. Lloyd looked horrible. I would rather Neagle at FF. I think Im the only one.

Lovett is the one we will miss the most. But at the end of the day this is a team sport and we have good youngsters coming up.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:57 pm
by swoodley
ealesy wrote:If we significantly dropped off from where we got to this year, ie bottom 3 with only 3-4 wins, he could be in some trouble.

If we improved on this year, he'll get another 3 year deal.

If we have a year similar to this year, he'll get a 2 year deal.

If we slipped slightly from where we got to this year, he could be in some trouble, but more likely we will look at giving him a 1 year extension to try and turn things around again.
I agree with ealesy on this.

I'd just like to add that I don't get the anti-Knights sentiment that is coming from a lot of supporters at present just because Lloyd has retired.

Their attitiude reminds me of a petulant child who takes their bat & ball and goes home if they don't get their way.

Knights has blooded a heap of kids in the two years he has been there and we are on the schedule set out by the club when they appointed him...give the guy some space to do the job he has been hired to do (and is doing reasonably well).

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:20 pm
by auditor
I think he should, however if someone say like, Bomber Thompson became available then I wouldn't hesitate to get him back home.

I still think the club should have pursued him a lot harder last time instead of a text message :? .

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:33 pm
by andrewb
We'll be five years into a rebuild next season. We should really be challenging for flags. There is enough talent of the list and barring another horror run with injuries finals is the bare minimum I'll accept. I'm a little sceptical that we'll get there because of the recent announcements but player management is one of Knights' responsibilities, too.

Knights was a roll of the dice - there were other candidates out there with much better winning records but we hired him because of his player development strengths. 2011 will not be a year for developing youth - if he doesn't look like winning us a premiership we need to get someone else.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:41 pm
by grassy1
Well if he's confident he can move on and into the Future without him SWOODS,we should expect NOTHING LESS than Improvement on last season.With a season less Injury Riddled(which can't be as bad next year,can it?)there should BE NO EXCUSES in not making Finals.

If we FAIL to qualify for the Finals,he should make the SAME PROMISE BARRY DAVIS did and HONOUR IT!

If we don't make the Finals,he WILL Step down and RESIGN.

Then open applications for the New Coach,come the end of AUGUST or early SPETEMBER.Hope it doesn't come to that and we're a FORCE to be RECKONED with.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:58 pm
by Sismis
I think the polls are good and el gringos has put some pertinent issues forward.

Knights is an excellent development coach. He gives guys a shot and they respond. He was beaten tactically on a number of occasions and needs to develop this side. But he has already shown improvement in this area from 2008.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:46 pm
by Rover 7
Prejudice is not a good thing but we all have it.
The emphatic answer is No.
Two has been enough.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:27 pm
by Jazz_84
ive always hated clubs changing Coaches all the time... and nothing has changed.

all i want from Knights is some motivation to the players... we all know how professional he is and everything that's great but sometimes need a gritty down to earth guy that can instill some pride on game night!

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:06 pm
by Western Red
Big yes from me!

I am more than happy with where we are at in the development and I think we are actually ahead of schedule.

Its a cut throat business but surely MK is doing what he promised and with a bit of a respite in the injuries next year we should be certainly playing finals again next year.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:37 pm
by Sismis
Jazz_84 wrote:ive always hated clubs changing Coaches all the time... and nothing has changed.

all i want from Knights is some motivation to the players... we all know how professional he is and everything that's great but sometimes need a gritty down to earth guy that can instill some pride on game night!
He's got us up for some pretty big ones.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:40 pm
by tom9779
Western Red wrote:Big yes from me!

I am more than happy with where we are at in the development and I think we are actually ahead of schedule.

Its a cut throat business but surely MK is doing what he promised and with a bit of a respite in the injuries next year we should be certainly playing finals again next year.
wouldnt feel differently if we were stinking up the bottom 4?

I think this thread should be bookmarked for reference in just under a years time.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:15 pm
by j-mac31
swoodley wrote:I'd just like to add that I don't get the anti-Knights sentiment that is coming from a lot of supporters at present just because Lloyd has retired.

Their attitiude reminds me of a petulant child who takes their bat & ball and goes home if they don't get their way.
Been reading the comments on the articles on the main site? So much stupidity. :roll:

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:38 pm
by Jazz_84
Sismis wrote:
Jazz_84 wrote:ive always hated clubs changing Coaches all the time... and nothing has changed.

all i want from Knights is some motivation to the players... we all know how professional he is and everything that's great but sometimes need a gritty down to earth guy that can instill some pride on game night!
He's got us up for some pretty big ones.
yeah thats true, i guess i want to hear a speech myself and see how it's done down there

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:31 pm
by gringo
Fair to say this little poll is irrelevant now! Interestingly, the second most popular choice was that Knights should go at the end of the year if we didn't make finals.

Re: Should Knights be reppointed if we don't make finals in 2010

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:42 pm
by j-mac31
I would have liked for the board to have waited at least half way into next season.
Yes, we made the finals this year, but we got smashed.

But I don't like re-signing coaches during the year; it can all go pear shaped or the team might suck in finals.

Really think we should have seen how next year pans out before giving him another two years.

But I am generally pleased with how it is all going.