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This is why...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:40 am
by auditor
This is why incidents such as Hurleys are so damaging.


They make me sick. I don't see them tracking down the arshole who gave me a kicking after getting of the bus coming home from work or bothering to asking me how it upset my life.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:45 am
by Rossoneri
auditor wrote:This is why incidents such as Hurleys are so damaging.


They make me sick. I don't see them tracking down the arshole who gave me a kicking after getting of the bus coming home from work or bothering to asking me how it upset my life.
Well der!!!!!!! It is only a racist attack when a white person does it, you should know that.

It wasn't a race attack when three asians killed Luke Mitchell in Brunswick, or when a group of asians bashed an indian on a train that was caught on security cameras.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:11 pm
by auditor
I take your point Rosso.

IMHO the media should not be reporting any further on the incident until such times the law has its way with the incident.

I personally do not care if he was Indian or not, it shouldn't have happened but what makes me angry is that the Media will be the judge and jury and if there is anyway they link the current racism row to the story then they will do their best.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:12 pm
by bomberdonnie
it is only race related when the media says it is :roll:

Re: This is why...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:13 pm
by hop
Interesting that Hurl's old man came out with "It remains to be seen if there is anything to apologise about"

Clearly there is more to this than what has been disclosed thus far.

Still that wont stop the gutter press from sensationalising it.

I also liked what Dermie and Plough said on SEN yesterday. 'Hurley is a terrific kid, respectful, polite, keen learner etc. etc. This is ONE mistake that he WILL learn from......unlike citizen Fevola'.

Dermie was actually sitting on the same table as Hurley at the Footy Show's last go-round on Thursday. When the Fevola antics were shown Dermie said to Hurls "I hope you don't do anything like that". Hurls was definitive in his "No" evidently..........Just hours later this happens?

Re: This is why...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:31 pm
by Rossoneri
Filthy wrote:I am a person I don't consider to be rascist but I must admit I do not like Indians.....especially within there own country there is so much rascism, religious intolerance and the massive gulf between rich and poor.

I remember in business, that when wet behind the ears, finding "trying" to do business with them is impossible. You would spend hours negotiating the tiniest details and then "they would want to think about it!" In the end, any voice ringing up to say that "i am wanting a coat (quote)." we would tell them we were going out of business...waste of time.

And in the last tour here when Harbighan called Roy and a monkey and then denied it, their President.....all the way from India....said he didn't say it and said the real rascists were us...and our blokes got crucified and they didn't do anything (this time :roll: )

I wouldn't trust the bastards as far as I could kick them.

We recruit guys on character as well as talent. Hurls shouldn't have been out on the piss at 5.30am and will get a whack for that. However when the well regarded patriarch of the Hurley family says "there remains to be seen if he has anything to apologise for yet", it makes me think that there is more to this than the usual standard of reporting in the Murdoch Rag.

Watch this space. As for the c.nt being depressed....sounds like he talked to a lawyer then got depressed.
You should try working in the freight industry and dealing with them. Apparently, as a freight forwarder, it is our fault that the ships get delayed.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:19 pm
by BenDoolan
I'm sick of hearing about their complaints about racism. Their f***'n petulance is for all to see in their c*** of a cricket team. They can all get f*****. A nation that aims nuclear weapons at its neighbours has no right to take the high moral ground on "racism".

Most of these ******** would not realise that it wouldn't have mattered if the cabbie was Indian or Irish, the incident still would have occured given the same circumstances.

So piss off.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:08 pm
by Windy_Hill
BenDoolan wrote:I'm sick of hearing about their complaints about racism. Their f***'n petulance is for all to see in their c*** of a cricket team. They can all get f*****. A nation that aims nuclear weapons at its neighbours has no right to take the high moral ground on "racism".

Most of these ******** would not realise that it wouldn't have mattered if the cabbie was Indian or Irish, the incident still would have occured given the same circumstances.

So piss off.
Difference being he would have thought twice about hitting an Irishman as the Irishman wouldnt have collapsed like a mouldy sack of poppadoms!!! Trouble with these Indian guys is they're all built like stick figures so when you smack them in the head it looks so much worse. Bloody Brumby should be over in India telling their government to get their people to bulk up a bit or dont bother coming to Melbourne!!

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:11 pm
by Sismis
If you don't believe Australia is a racist country,then this thread is all the evidence you need.

Rosso you are correct when you say that just because a different race was involved it is not necessarily racially motivated. In this instance, it is drawing a long bow indeed when there is clearly another reason for the altercation.

But, it is a very bad time to be involved in such a public altercation with an an Indian ex-pat. Michael could well become a pawn in this very politcal issue.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:56 pm
by Windy_Hill
Sismis wrote:If you don't believe Australia is a racist country,then this thread is all the evidence you need.
Lighten up Sis, dont think its your position to cast such a judgment on the people in this forum - I for one certainly dont appreciate such a suggestion. Particularly if you knew my background.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:08 pm
by Sismis
Sorry, but if you make sweeping judgements about a culture based on the actions of a few, that is the very definition of racism.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:12 pm
by s'dreams
Sismis wrote:If you don't believe Australia is a racist country,then this thread is all the evidence you need.

Rosso you are correct when you say that just because a different race was involved it is not necessarily racially motivated. In this instance, it is drawing a long bow indeed when there is clearly another reason for the altercation.

But, it is a very bad time to be involved in such a public altercation with an an Indian ex-pat. Michael could well become a pawn in this very politcal issue.
Sismis - hear hear!!!

I have been disturbed about the direction this thread has taken - for 3 reasons.

1. The EFC has been a leader in embracing racial diversity amongst its supported and its players - the club and supporters have been at the forefront of embracing multiculturalism - Italians, Kooris, Jews and now Muslems in our playing list. This thread does not reflect this.

2. Believe it or not, the EFC has the Indian HIgh Commissioner to Victoria as an EFC member (at least until his death earlier this year) - and he recommended to any Indian migrant that supporting the EFC would help them "Australianise" (his words not mine). I work with his daughter and she is a rabid Dons fan who is more pissed that Hurley's alleged actions may hinder his playing future than any other consideration.

3. The thread recently was moving towards blaming the alleged victim for the incident based soley on their race. We don't know the facts, but we know the incident occurred in a highly sensitive environment. IMO - there is far too much violence on the streets of the CBD at night from a few d'heads who shouldnt be drinking and knives ... and yes the Indian students have been effective in raising the issue ... but we should all be concerned about what's happening.

In the end - lets see how it plays out. Without providing fodder for any trawling journo.

Cheers - STI

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:21 pm
by DC
I agree with sismis, Australia is a very racist country no doubt. I dont think I know anyone who thinks differently. I am not saying everyone here is a racist, but this thread does raise my eyebrows. Not all Indians are bad, just like not all whites are neo nazi's or skinheads.

Anyway Hurleys a goose and shouldnt have hit this bloke. Maybe there is more to it than it seems?

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:38 pm
by Sismis
One thing that needs to be said, is I believe everyone is inherantly predjudiced. Whether it is conditioning or a predispostion (or both) we recognise difference and similarity before we aer even able to speak.

We will also tend to more easily remember very positive or negative experiences and associate them with strongly with the sterotypes we have formed. Once formed we subconsiously reinforce these sterotypes with any evidence that supports it while practically ignoring anything contrary.

We are no more responsible for feeling "racism" than we are of feeling happy or sad or angry. But it is what we do with feeling that makes the difference.

Pschological,Philosophical, Sociological hypothosising over!

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:57 pm
by Sismis
Filthy wrote: As a guy who married an Italian girl of parents who migrated and has been thus involved in that family who married into Greek families :shock: , as a person of Irish descent, my family is as multi-cultural as they come.
How does this proclude you from being predjudiced?
Filthy wrote:I can only comment on my professional and personal relationships with Indians and I stand by what I have experienced. I don't like them. I don't trust them and they lie at the drop off a hat. Look at the Cricket Team as BD said.
Case in point of my theory above
Filthy wrote: As regards Hurley....young dumb and full of cum as they say for being out at 5.30am...what happened after that...well lets wait and see. F.cking depressed, my arse.
Agree, 19 year old cocking up. Nothing more to it.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:00 pm
by s'dreams
[quote="Filthy] As regards Hurley....young dumb and full of cum as they say for being out at 5.30am...what happened after that...well lets wait and see. [/quote]

Hi Filthy

This is the core message ... the rest is window dressing. Lets deal with MH first and any potential legal action (if it comes to that ...) next.

[quote="Filthy]F.cking depressed, my arse.[/quote]

Hmm .. dunno ... if my b***s were blue and brused - I certainly wouldn't be happy (and unlikely to want to sit in a cab for 12 hours). Give the guy some grace - he was put upon by a journo and if this is the most controversial the journo could come up with???

Cheers - STI

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:12 pm
by auditor
I would like to make this quite clear.

By creating this thread I had NO INTENTION for it to be a thread relating to race.

The point I have made in this thread is that given the current climate that the issue Hurley is now faced with and mainly thanks to the media has the potential of being far greater than the actual incident and the media should not comment on it until such times all has been bought before the court.

As I have stated I personally do not care if he was Indian or not and I stand by that however I do respect others opinions as long as they measured.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:18 pm
by Sismis
That is an excellent point Filth, so much of predjudice is simply our ignorance.

As i said, once we have formed the sterotype in our mind, we constantly seek to reinforce it. And will see it everywhere.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:35 pm
by j-mac31
I went to school with plenty of good Indians.

I don't think "Australia is racist". There is definitely a lot of racist people in Australia, but I'm sure there would be anywhere around the world.

Also I don't think this can possibly be a racist issue. He beat up a taxi driver: you'd struggle to find one who isn't Indian.

Re: This is why...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:45 pm
by gringo
Filthy wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:
Sismis wrote:If you don't believe Australia is a racist country,then this thread is all the evidence you need.
Lighten up Sis, dont think its your position to cast such a judgment on the people in this forum - I for one certainly dont appreciate such a suggestion. Particularly if you knew my background.

As a guy who married an Italian girl of parents who migrated and has been thus involved in that family who married into Greek families :shock: , as a person of Irish descent, my family is as multi-cultural as they come.

I can only comment on my professional and personal relationships with Indians and I stand by what I have experienced. I don't like them. I don't trust them and they lie at the drop off a hat. Look at the Cricket Team as BD said.

As regards Hurley....young dumb and full of cum as they say for being out at 5.30am...what happened after that...well lets wait and see. F.cking depressed, my arse.
I can only comment on my professional and personal relationships with Indians and I stand by what I have experienced. I don't like them. I don't trust them and they lie at the drop off a hat. Look at the Cricket Team as BD said.

When you say "I don't like them" and "I don't trust them" are you referring to the ones you have met? Or every person of Indian heritage walking the earth?