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why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:43 am
by DC
to continue to act as though Fev is on the trade talble after yet another indiscretion? we all know they are full of crap...even Fev knows this now. Fev knows he can act like a knob and get away with it.

Seriously carlscum your fooling no one here.

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:27 pm
by Windy_Hill
Lets be fair, its not Carltons fault that Fevola is a complete imbecile. Of course they dont want to lose him - he's arguably their best player. So naturally they are going to go throuogh the motions of reprimanding him and even going as far as thretening to sack him. But c'mon, no club is ever going to simply sack a player and get nothing back for him. As such, they will go through the motions at trade week and much like the Lovett scenario last year, fail to reach terms with any other club. They will carry in about how diappointed they were at not securing a trade but nevertheless believe that a clear message has been sent to a contrite and remorseful Fevola that enough is enough. Meanwhile back at Visypark Fev, Sticks and Ratts will be cracking a six pack in celebration at how they managed to again dupe the footballing public into believeing that Carlton truly values player behavioural standards.

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:35 pm
by Crazyman
Windy_Hill wrote:Lets be fair, its not Carltons fault that Fevola is a complete imbecile. Of course they dont want to lose him - he's arguably their best player. So naturally they are going to go throuogh the motions of reprimanding him and even going as far as thretening to sack him. But c'mon, no club is ever going to simply sack a player and get nothing back for him. As such, they will go through the motions at trade week and much like the Lovett scenario last year, fail to reach terms with any other club. They will carry in about how diappointed they were at not securing a trade but nevertheless believe that a clear message has been sent to a contrite and remorseful Fevola that enough is enough. Meanwhile back at Visypark Fev, Sticks and Ratts will be cracking a six pack in celebration at how they managed to again dupe the footballing public into believeing that Carlton truly values player behavioural standards.
Agree fully Windy, but after alcohol is yet again the reason everything has come to this point, I found this highlighted section funny...

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:52 pm
by ealesy
Um Windy while it might not be Carlton's fault that Fev is an imbecile, it is their fault that he continues to act like a dick, embarass himself, and bring his club in disrepute.

I mean he has done it constantly throughout his career, yet they have never meaningful punished he has consistently got a slap on the wrist and has learnt that as far as the club is concerned there will be no meanigful consequences to his poor behaviour. You are not going to force and imbecile to change their behaviour unless they realise there are serious consequences to their actions.

The club has also made no attempts to get him any professional help for his very apparent problem with alcohol either.

So while you can't blame the Scum for Fev being an idiot, you can very much blame them for his continued poor behaviour.

I mean they were happy enough to suspend Garlett, Cloke and Betts for not turning up to a recovery session, but last year they were quite happy to allow Fevola to continue playing despite being on the piss 4 days out from the first game of the season and getting so drunk that he thought it would be a good idea to piss on a shop's window.

Clearly double standards at that rabble of a club, meanwhile at our club, if you f*** up whether you are a stupid arrogant kid (Hislop), a bloke with a poor attitude (Lovett) or one of the club's leaders (McVeigh) you all know you are going to cop you right whack.

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:25 pm
by Windy_Hill
ealesy wrote:Um Windy while it might not be Carlton's fault that Fev is an imbecile, it is their fault that he continues to act like a dick, embarass himself, and bring his club in disrepute.

I mean he has done it constantly throughout his career, yet they have never meaningful punished he has consistently got a slap on the wrist and has learnt that as far as the club is concerned there will be no meanigful consequences to his poor behaviour. You are not going to force and imbecile to change their behaviour unless they realise there are serious consequences to their actions.

The club has also made no attempts to get him any professional help for his very apparent problem with alcohol either.

So while you can't blame the Scum for Fev being an idiot, you can very much blame them for his continued poor behaviour.

I mean they were happy enough to suspend Garlett, Cloke and Betts for not turning up to a recovery session, but last year they were quite happy to allow Fevola to continue playing despite being on the piss 4 days out from the first game of the season and getting so drunk that he thought it would be a good idea to piss on a shop's window.

Clearly double standards at that rabble of a club, meanwhile at our club, if you f*** up whether you are a stupid arrogant kid (Hislop), a bloke with a poor attitude (Lovett) or one of the club's leaders (McVeigh) you all know you are going to cop you right whack.
Ealesy, I think its a bit much to expect Carlton to be fully reponsible for Fev's behaviour. Surely the issue here is why Fevola cant be responsible for his own behaviour. Why is it the clubs responsibility to manage his every action. I have no doubt he has been read the riot act time and time again.. Other than sacking him, what more can they do? I dont think its faor to compare our actions against McVeigh and Hislop - they are not even in the same stratosphere as Fevola when it comes to his on-field value.

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:21 pm
by visiting saint
Carlscum have zero integrity. Cheating, rorting, lying, silver spoon arseholes who have a track record of cheating and lying in the pursuit of success. They don't have the nuts to cut Fevola. Their forward structure is farked without him and that will be the bottom line in their decision. Integrity wont come into it. Thanks for having me your forum and not giving me too much shyte btw.

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:03 pm
by boncer34

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:17 pm
by rockhole
I won't believe it until it happens!

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:29 pm
by Madden

Nobody will take him for $700,00 a year unless Carlton pay a significant percentage of that.

So, given that, they have two options:

1. Sack him, and pay him $700,000 a year (which would be included in the Cap) for two years without him on the list; or
2. Keep him on the list, play him, and half of his salary will not count for the salary cap as he will be eligible for the veterans list.

Have a guess which option the Scum will pick.

Total stunt.

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:14 am
by bomberdonnie
Staggy wrote:Stunt.

Nobody will take him for $700,00 a year unless Carlton pay a significant percentage of that.

So, given that, they have two options:

1. Sack him, and pay him $700,000 a year (which would be included in the Cap) for two years without him on the list; or
2. Keep him on the list, play him, and half of his salary will not count for the salary cap as he will be eligible for the veterans list.

Have a guess which option the Scum will pick.

Total stunt.
I wasn't aware that Carlton had a cap???

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:54 pm
by Crazyman
bomberdonnie wrote:
Staggy wrote:Stunt.

Nobody will take him for $700,00 a year unless Carlton pay a significant percentage of that.

So, given that, they have two options:

1. Sack him, and pay him $700,000 a year (which would be included in the Cap) for two years without him on the list; or
2. Keep him on the list, play him, and half of his salary will not count for the salary cap as he will be eligible for the veterans list.

Have a guess which option the Scum will pick.

Total stunt.
I wasn't aware that Carlton had a cap???
Lol Bomberdonnie...I think it is restricted to how much profit Visy makes... :lol:

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:51 pm
by bpdons
I believe the term "Can't hold his liquor" isn't correct.
The truth serum usually shows people their true personality.

When Fevola drinks, it's his actions that prove to everybody just how much of a dickhead this guy really is.
So when he's not drinking, it's just that he masks the inner dickhead.

If he was a few years younger, i'd be enthusiastic about drafting him, paying $700k. Not playing him at all and then trade him to Gold Coast for a top 5 pick in 2010. Best 700k ever spent. But come the 2011 season, he'll be 30 which is the reason why GoldCoast won't give up such a high pick for him.

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:48 pm
by Ossie
Have a squizz at my blog for my views on this.

Ta! :wink:

Re: why do Carlton even bother...

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:32 pm
by billyduckworth
visiting saint wrote:Carlscum have zero integrity. Cheating, rorting, lying, silver spoon arseholes who have a track record of cheating and lying in the pursuit of success. They don't have the nuts to cut Fevola. Their forward structure is farked without him and that will be the bottom line in their decision. Integrity wont come into it. Thanks for having me your forum and not giving me too much shyte btw.
Well said, vs. Good to see it isn't just Essendon supporters who hate the scum from Cardboard Park.