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Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:53 am
by Mrs Mercuri
This news certainly put a dampener on my morning.... surely the club will give these guys long term deals and not risk losing them for nothing. They are the old heads of the club now and their leadership over the next 3 or more years is going to be crucial... make it happen Bombers... :x

Im sure some other players havent re-signed yet either and i think Dyson is one of them.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:31 am
by Scott
Is this Knights again?

The club has turned into an absolute rabble with this man at the helm. he needs to piss off!!!

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:46 am
by Madden
Sign Welsh. Let McPhee go for nothing.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:13 am
by Ronny Rotten
Give Welsh 3, however he should be reminded that the club stood by him during his severe injury this year!!!

McPhee , well i hear that he is undecided, whats new, 1 year, 2years, oh hell 3 years. What do i do?

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:23 am
by boncer34
Scott wrote:Is this Knights again?

The club has turned into an absolute rabble with this man at the helm. he needs to piss off!!!
How about you piss off?

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:32 am
by Scott
boncer34 wrote:
Scott wrote:Is this Knights again?

The club has turned into an absolute rabble with this man at the helm. he needs to piss off!!!
How about you piss off?
How about you go f*** yourself ya cock head, if you don't like what I write don't f****** read it!!!!

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:42 am
by boncer34
Scott wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Scott wrote:Is this Knights again?

The club has turned into an absolute rabble with this man at the helm. he needs to piss off!!!
How about you piss off?
How about you go f*** yourself ya cock head, if you don't like what I write don't f****** read it!!!!
Well if you're going to dribble bullshit do it somewhere else.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:43 am
by andrewb
Two players who will probably be fringe members of our best 22 in 2011, let alone 2012. McPhee played 21 games in 2009 and still only managed 9th in the Crichton Medal. He should be doing better than that at this stage of his career.

Two year deals are fair and reasonable. Any team prepared to offer more than that is crazy.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:55 am
by Rossoneri
Welsh I would give 3 years too if it came down to it.
McPhee can leave, we don't need players who can't make a f****** decision.

Look at it this way, if these guys are in our best 22 in 2011-2012, have we really moved forward?

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:19 pm
by Windy_Hill
Scott wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Scott wrote:Is this Knights again?

The club has turned into an absolute rabble with this man at the helm. he needs to piss off!!!
How about you piss off?
How about you go f*** yourself ya cock head, if you don't like what I write don't f****** read it!!!!

Deep breaths Scotty, deep breaths.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:23 pm
by robbie67
2 years is all they should be given, seeing as neither of them have ever strung 2 good years together in their careers. Williams should never have been given 3. I hate that deal more and more every day.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:23 pm
by robbie67
Scott wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Scott wrote:Is this Knights again?

The club has turned into an absolute rabble with this man at the helm. he needs to piss off!!!
How about you piss off?
How about you go f*** yourself ya cock head, if you don't like what I write don't f****** read it!!!!

Try writing something more than drivvle then idiot.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:26 pm
by Windy_Hill
I dont know why football clubs cant offer performance based contracts to players whereby they get an automatic extension of their contract provided they are achieving certain KPI's (ie game time, disposals per game, B&F votes etc)

Offer Welsh and McPhee 2 years with a performance triggered 1 year extension. Surely they couldn't knock that back and it provides the club with some guarantees

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:57 pm
by Madden
The reason why they are both desperate for 3 year deals is the exact reason why we should only give them two years. Think about it.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:03 pm
by ealesy
Scott wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Scott wrote:Is this Knights again?

The club has turned into an absolute rabble with this man at the helm. he needs to piss off!!!
How about you piss off?
How about you go f*** yourself ya cock head, if you don't like what I write don't f****** read it!!!!

According to who? Where has anyone involved with the club said anything that could possibly be used as evidence to back up your claim.

You are you simply basing your rant on what dickhead wankers in the media write in order to sell newspapers and spout on radio to win ratings!!

Just because we made a mistake in offering Mark Williams a 3 year deal, which we only did to entice him away from the Hawks, doesn't mean we should then make equally stupid mistakes in offering McPhee and Welsh 3 year deals.

I'm sorry, 2 year deals are the norm in this game, very good/oustanding players/highly promising youngsters get three years deals, absolute elites players of the comp might wrangle a 4 or even 5 (if their club are retarded) deals.

Welsh and McPhee are at best good players, who have been inconsistent over the course of their careers. 2 year deals are fair.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:42 pm
by j-mac31

McPhee is NOT worth 3 years. I would not be disappointed if he left. Pretty average most of the time.

If Welsh will only re-sign for 3 years, make the final year very performance based. We could still use his big body in the midfield.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:38 pm
by JimboC
Me thinks they will sort out their differences, and come to an agreeable conclusion with both players staying at the club.

People on here are right in saying that they have been mediocre most recently in their careers, but are still required as leaders around the club....

I'm sure this will get sorted.

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:09 pm
by Jazz_84
if we lose Welsh then thats it for me, ill be on the wrong side of Knights if it happens... McPhee well not a great loss as he should really get pushed out of the side very soon anyway

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:20 pm
by Windy_Hill
Jazz_84 wrote:if we lose Welsh then thats it for me, ill be on the wrong side of Knights if it happens... McPhee well not a great loss as he should really get pushed out of the side very soon anyway
According to our B&F - he was the 9th best player in the club this year??? :shock:

Re: Woosh and Smoke to leave?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:02 pm
by BenDoolan
Scott wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Scott wrote:Is this Knights again?

The club has turned into an absolute rabble with this man at the helm. he needs to piss off!!!
How about you piss off?
How about you go f*** yourself ya cock head, if you don't like what I write don't f****** read it!!!!
Well that's just ******* impossible! How are you supposed to dislike something if you haven't read it?