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Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:24 am
by Gimps
Nice easy one here..

Who is your favourite and least favourite commentator on T.V? No radio, just T.V... Feel free to go on a 'rant' if you wish.

I've got very little respect for the majority of the guys on T.V these days, they are absolute rubbish.. Oh, special comments men are included (David Schwarz comes to mind) #-o

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:26 pm
by jimmyc1985
Favourite used to be Clinton Grybas - sad that he passed. Probably is now Dennis Commetti and Anthony Hudson as general callers, and for special comments i find the recent ex-players (i.e. Hird, Darcy, Buckley) to all be superior to the long-retired players (i.e. Walls, Schwarz, Healy etc).

Strongly dislike Schwarz and Walls for special comments, and Dwayne Russell and Quartermain as general callers. If Quartermain had any integrity, he'd excuse himself from commentating on games involving Hawthorn - he's fking uselessly biased, much worse than Lane/Carlton, Russell/North, or even MacGuire/Collingwood.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:33 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
Dennis Commetti is easily my fave TV commentator...i used to like Sandy Roberts as well when he was on 7.

Rex Hunt used to be my fave but over the past couple of season i switched to triple M and enjoyed big BT. I might have to switch back to 3aw now though!!

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:08 pm
by Gimps
Agreed with Grybas.. I think Cometti is slowly losing it.. Hudson is a clown.. Quartermain is a disgrace.. Russell is a fool.. Bruce has lost his junk.. Tim Lane should be lining up at CentreLink..

As for "special" comments - Schwarz is an absolute dodo.. Walls & Blight should be in a retirement home.. Buckley started off well, but lost his lustre towards the end.. I rate Hird (obviously) and Darcy.. But, my absolute worst would have to be Healy. Talk about bias, that peanut is a disgrace when we play, he talks up the other team all day at almost orgasmic proportions!

Oh, and whatever Andrew Maher is.. drives me nuts.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:02 pm
by robrulz5
The best at the moment is Cometti but in the past Sandy Roberts and Drew Morphett were always good to listen to. Quartermain is horrible.

Past dislikes that come to mind are Craig Hutchinson who just plain stank.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:04 pm
by Megan
I find Cometti to be highly amusing but once you take out the witticisms, I can take or leave him.

And Quarterbrain makes me want to neck myself. He's laughably biased. And whilst we're talking bias thank christ Voss took up coaching, because a player I rated him, as a commentator??? Shit. My ex could've done a better job (post car accident) and his only vocal noise was honking. f***.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:39 pm
by Gimps
Ha ha, nice one Megan.. Voss was biased, but would still rate him far more highly than dipshits like Schwarz and Gerard Healy.. If people haven't noticed Healy as much as I have, wait until we play West Coast or McFlea's lot in Perth this year. He goes troppo in those twilight time-slots, and just Shits me to tears. If the Eagles/Dockers are playing junk footy, he just goes on about what they need to do to improve. If they are kicking the crap out of us, he just rubs it in.. RARELY mentions us, and loves kissing the arse of Glen Jackovich. :x

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:05 pm
by vern
Megan wrote:I find Cometti to be highly amusing but once you take out the witticisms, I can take or leave him.

And Quarterbrain makes me want to neck myself. He's laughably biased. And whilst we're talking bias thank christ Voss took up coaching, because a player I rated him, as a commentator??? Shit.
Spot on :)

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:33 pm
I loved the chemistry between BT and JB on MMM. Will be interesting to see how Rex goes on MMM and BT on 3AW. I thought Hirdy and BT were really good on the twighlight games last year. Think Dwayne Russell should be sacked. He is useless.

Special comments I enjoy Buckley and Blight. Blight comes from left field and I like what he brings to the table. Jakovich should be banned from calling West Coast games. He with Walls (who states the bleeding obvious) should be put out to pasture.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:55 pm
by Windy_Hill
Who is that Nong that often does the Brisbane games - is it Matthew Clark?? Total imbecile with a moronic monotone delivery.

Reminds of a greek guy at a BBQ that just whines on and on in that irritating accent. (Apologies to my many Greek friends)

I like Malcolm Blight on special comments - always says it how it is - refreshingly honest. IS he still doing Special Comments.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:22 pm
by Gimps
Are you thinking of Matty Campbell Windy? He used to call a lot of their games. He is an out-and-out knob. I watched an NBL game not long ago, he and BT were calling it! I remember saying to my mate "Are you F****** kidding me?!!!". He's also the face of SportsBet, and has been the ring announcer for Green v Mundine & Green v Jones Jnr. Surprise surprise, he has been absolutely useless at all of them!

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:39 pm
by bomberdonnie
Gimps wrote:Are you thinking of Matty Campbell Windy? He used to call a lot of their games. He is an out-and-out knob. I watched an NBL game not long ago, he and BT were calling it! I remember saying to my mate "Are you F****** kidding me?!!!". He's also the face of SportsBet, and has been the ring announcer for Green v Mundine & Green v Jones Jnr. Surprise surprise, he has been absolutely useless at all of them!

I will never forget how he introduced Danny 'The Man' Greeeeeeeeeen that night... Knob

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:17 pm
by BenDoolan
I find all of them shithouse these days. They all try to be over excited about passgaes of play - and most of the time it is very noticeable and very annoying. That said, the one's I enjoy listening to (because they have their own wit and style) are Dennis Cometti and Brian Taylor. I get a laugh out of them.

And I used to enjoy (now shoot me) Kevin Bartlett years ago as he had a certain wit about him. Now he's just a f*** wit.

But for special comments, I really enjoyed Nathan Buckley's views. Thought his read of the play was exceptional - and he was very quick to point out how a passage of play came about, or even what passage of play was about to occur. Very good reader of the game IMO.

In days gone by, I would religiously switch on 3AW to listen to Rex Hunt and Sam Newman. They entertained me for years. Just loved all the bullshit they came up with. Laughed my head off on many occasion.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:19 pm
by Doctor Fish
The Good: =D>
Blighty ("Rats Tossbag" = Gold. The only "special comments" guy that doesn't suck...)

The Bad: [-X

The Absolute Horsefart Stinkers: :-&
Dermie (Whatawanker!!!)

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:56 pm
by Gimps
Ah, didn't think it would take long for my old favourite to show up on here.. Old mate Dermie.

I still cringe at the thought of his commentary. For one, his wankish voice just cuts straight through you, no matter what he says. But for me, the thing that really pi$$ed me off, was when he continually tried to pre-empt the play. He words of wisdom like "I reckon he go out to the the right here.. oh no, yep, no.. he didn't".

The day Channel 9 lost the rights was an absolute blessing. No more Eddie, and no more of that feral rat Dermie! vingertje

Re: Commentators

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:01 pm
by 84859300
jimmyc1985 wrote:Favourite used to be Clinton Grybas - sad that he passed.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:20 am
by MH_Bomber
Dwayne Russell makes me want to throw a brick at the TV. His use of the term "position A" for a start, the sing-song cresendo his call gets into is totally maddening and his nowadays claims to be affilated with Geelong - phftt - he was calling for Bombers head with the best of them in 2006. ( I know he played with them for a short while but he was always an arsehole from Port who ,in reality, couldnt play).

I dont mind BT. Cometti is getting a bit too cute with his witticisms as many of them appear to have been pre-planned. Anthony Hudson has lifted his game over the last few years.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:29 am
by paddyl90
Yep was Clinton Grybas for me too. Rex & Clinton were a great team together on 3AW :(

Anyway TV - I like BT, Huddo, Dennis. Hird for special comments. Bout it

I don't have a strong hatred for any commentators...just have to deal with them.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:25 am
by Ossie
MH_Bomber wrote:Dwayne Russell makes me want to throw a brick at the TV. His use of the term "position A" for a start, the sing-song cresendo his call gets into is totally maddening and his nowadays claims to be affilated with Geelong - phftt - he was calling for Bombers head with the best of them in 2006. ( I know he played with them for a short while but he was always an arsehole from Port who ,in reality, couldnt play).
If I hear him describe one more goal as a 'gem' I think I really will kill someone.

Re: Commentators

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:30 pm
by Windy_Hill
Gimps wrote:Are you thinking of Matty Campbell Windy? He used to call a lot of their games. He is an out-and-out knob. I watched an NBL game not long ago, he and BT were calling it! I remember saying to my mate "Are you F****** kidding me?!!!". He's also the face of SportsBet, and has been the ring announcer for Green v Mundine & Green v Jones Jnr. Surprise surprise, he has been absolutely useless at all of them!

Yep, thats the one