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Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:54 pm
by pevfan
I'm not normally one to criticise our players and I can probably be accused of stating the bleedin obvious here but so help me, it's simply got to be said.... I don't reckon Jobe Watson could run out of sight on a dark night.

Sure he gets the ball a lot still seems reluctant to kick it (sadly not Robinson Crusoe in that regard though) and his handpasses don't seem to create anything....(then again does anyones in that side at present?)

Fair dinkum, I used to think Joe Misiti was slow but Jobe would make Joey look like Usain Bolt by comparison. It's got me tossed, what happened to the gene pool here. Timmy had pace to burn especially for the 6' 1" 15 stone plus dynamo that he was. I hate to say it but if, as Knights says, Jobe is our only elite player then we are indeed in deep, deep S***t.

Re: Jobe

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:00 pm
by gringo
pevfan wrote:I'm not normally one to criticise our players and I can probably be accused of stating the bleedin obvious here but so help me, it's simply got to be said.... I don't reckon Jobe Watson could run out of sight on a dark night.

Sure he gets the ball a lot still seems reluctant to kick it (sadly not Robinson Crusoe in that regard though) and his handpasses don't seem to create anything....(then again does anyones in that side at present?)

Fair dinkum, I used to think Joe Misiti was slow but Jobe would make Joey look like Usain Bolt by comparison. It's got me tossed, what happened to the gene pool here. Timmy had pace to burn especially for the 6' 1" 15 stone plus dynamo that he was. I hate to say it but if, as Knights says, Jobe is our only elite player then we are indeed in deep, deep S***t.
There's no doubt we've got a disgraceful list.

But you stick any extracator of the ball in our midfield and they'll look shit. Jobe was able to set up Lovett last year with his handball, and to a lesser degree Winderlich, Dyson and Dempsey. Lovett is gone, Winder and Dysn are out of form, and Demspey isn't being played of a back flank as much.

He's a good player is Jobe, but he needs quick skillful midfielders around him.

Re: Jobe

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:12 pm
by BenDoolan
Jobe would be the last player you'd be pointing the finger at. The bloke is simply carrying the side in the midfield. He has a great pair of hands and is generally excellent with a constructive handball. His foot skills has improved heaps over the years, even though he kicks less than he handballs.

Yes, he's slow. So what. Diesel Williams was a slug. But a damaging footballer when he had the pill. Misiti (as you've mentioned), was never a "runner" or a "chaser". He was excellent with the handball and a damn good kick. No point comparing him to his old man. That is a futile excercise. But Jobe has earned the captaincy for his sheer hard work at getting the best out of himself, and IMO, is one of the best extractors of the ball at stoppages in the comp.

As gringo said, he needs good running / creative / skillful players around him - of which we have 3/5ths of f*** all.

Re: Jobe

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:10 pm
by Rossoneri
And in more modern terms BD, Bartel and Kirk are slow but seem to go alright.

As we have seen first hand, PACE IS OVER-RATED!!!!!!!!!! Need to get the footy first, then have the unique ability to hit a target. When you can do those two things, then pace is damaging.

Re: Jobe

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:24 pm
by Jazz_84
holy hell now we're sticking the boot into Jobe? :roll:

Re: Jobe

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:35 pm
by pevfan
Think you might have hit the nail BD. Lack of good runners around him certainly aint helping. We seem to have fallen off appallingly in that area this season which probably explains why Jobe seems so ineffectual.

I know there are other class midfielders who are not exactly blessed with pace... Mitchell and Black are two others that come to mind but they get away with it (though not so sure that the Hawks are at pres... but then they do have a less than 2 year old cup in their trophy room) because they have better, far better, support staff around them....But Gees, looking at him last Sunday Jobe seemed even slower than normal. Maybe that's just more of an indication of how crap we are going ATM though.

Re: Jobe

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:56 pm
by robrulz5
Maybe he is suffering from carrying the midfield all year much like Jason Johnson did for quite a while. JJ burned out eventually so lets hope this doesn't happen to Jobe.

Re: Jobe

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:37 pm
by Windy_Hill
Jobe Watson is solid gold.

Our best player by a country mile at the moment. He is surrounded by Muppets and as such his style of play is not being exploited.

Gary Ablett would look just ok playing in our midfield.

Re: Jobe

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:06 pm
by MH_Bomber
I am convinced Jobe is actually carrying an injury.

He has never been lightning quick but I reckon he looks slow even for him of late.

Re: Jobe

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:38 pm
by Rossoneri
MH_Bomber wrote:I am convinced Jobe is actually carrying an injury.

He has never been lightning quick but I reckon he looks slow even for him of late.
He is carrying an injury, it's called the Essendon midfield.

Re: Jobe

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:39 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
Rossoneri wrote:
MH_Bomber wrote:I am convinced Jobe is actually carrying an injury.

He has never been lightning quick but I reckon he looks slow even for him of late.
He is carrying an injury, it's called the Essendon midfield.
:lol: =D>

The pace and skill of our guys last year definately made him look a lot better. The kid cant be expected to carry our midfield by himself.