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Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 11:51 pm
by stryper
So I guess now is the time where you can start to wash the mud from your faces... [-X :wink:
Attack Attack Attack - once mastered - build the Defense...
Starting to build into a very exciting football side...
Starting to find consistency which as I have been saying takes time...3 in a row now...

Yes it is True that we aren't there yet but we are definately heading in the right direction.

Credit where credit is due...

Knighta has the balls to get the job done...

Hang on for an exciting second half of the year... =D>
Go hard or Go Home!!!
The future looks very Bright...

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 11:54 pm
by boncer34
Give it up. I've stood by Knights all the way and I can tell you that his haters will never ever admitt that he's right.

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 11:57 pm
by stryper
Even the Most Stubborn can be turned around when it comes to Premierships :wink:
Watch out in the next 2-3 years...
Gotta love that...

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:01 am
by robrulz5
The game plan has changed slightly in the last month or so which has been good. No handballing to stationary players!

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:45 am
by Gimps
Fair to say you are getting ahead of yourself old mate..

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:49 am
by swoodley
Knights coached well tonight...the game plan seemed to revolve around us taking the ball inside 50 from the flanks rather than our usual preference for the centre corridor. The 7 commentary team picked that up and suggested it was a plan to make it more difficult for Lake to be a dominant force and given that he only had 23 possessions (and quite a few of those under pressure) would indicate that it worked.

The tactic of running both Davey and Jetta against Harbrow was also another winner as Harbrow had to be accountable more than usual and was not the playmaker that he often is.

Hocking stitched up Giansiracusa and Pears seemed to enjoy not having the responsibility (if just for a week) of playing on the key forward.

A good effort from tyhe coach and his staff. =D>

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:19 am
by Windy_Hill
swoodley wrote:Knights coached well tonight...the game plan seemed to revolve around us taking the ball inside 50 from the flanks rather than our usual preference for the centre corridor. The 7 commentary team picked that up and suggested it was a plan to make it more difficult for Lake to be a dominant force and given that he only had 23 possessions (and quite a few of those under pressure) would indicate that it worked.

The tactic of running both Davey and Jetta against Harbrow was also another winner as Harbrow had to be accountable more than usual and was not the playmaker that he often is.

Hocking stitched up Giansiracusa and Pears seemed to enjoy not having the responsibility (if just for a week) of playing on the key forward.

A good effort from tyhe coach and his staff. =D>

We still have an inability to close down opposition 5+ goal bursts - I think the Dogs had 6 of the last 7 goals tonight - but there seems to be a far more direct style of play on show than during the first 5 rounds - this can be attributed to the coach

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:47 am
by Rossoneri
Will Knights admit that he has changed his game plan? I think you'll find most us who criticised Knights, it was directed at the fact we over-handballed and had no defensive aspect in our game. As you can see from the last 5 weeks, we have shut teams down and we are kicking more than we are handballing.

And I doubt we have "mastered" the attacking football.

Still, credit where credit is due, it takes a big man to admit he has made a mistake and changed his ways. Knights is now using a more defensive (not over-the-top) gameplan, which is clearly working better than all-out attack.

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:14 am
by MH_Bomber
Attention people that bag people that bagged Knights when the Bombers were playing insipid unaccountable football !!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Stryper you are obsessed with saying I told you so and its getting a bit boring. Give it a bloody rest.

When are you going to realise the reason Bomber supporters were so upset early in the season was because we love the club and didnt want to see the team play that ring-a-ring a rosy soft brand of footy. There were also some recruiting moves that still must be questioned.

I am as rapt as anyone that Knights and the team have now got things right. Are we not allowed to enjoy the win because we were righlfully upset 8 weeks ago when we played crap.

It was fantastic to see the boys play so well especially in the first 3 quarters and the coach and his team did a great job in stopping the Doggies game plan and getting the match ups right. Okay happy now.

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:36 am
by BenDoolan
MH_Bomber wrote:I am as rapt as anyone that Knights and the team have now got things right.

Isn't it more of a case that the players are getting things right? That they are executing their disposal far better, and that they are tackling and supporting one another with intensity? That their whole attitude has changed from insipid to splendid?

I don't think our style of play has changed all that much, it's the efforts that have.

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:50 am
by MH_Bomber
Yes the players have got it right.

I suppose what I am saying Knights has got it right in getting them to believe in themselves and execute properly. The game plan is essentially the same but remember early on in the season our tackle count was high but no where as effective as has it has been over the last month. We have also seen an end to the crazy kamikaze handball.

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:44 am
by keri
Has the game plan changed? I don't think it has. The thing that's changed for mine is that the little blokes are working harder for leads and a bit of confidence means carrying the ball doesn't result in a turnover by pressure we're putting on ourselves.

Knights has always had an Attack At All Costs game plan. Only difference now is the players are carrying it out, and have the confidence to pull it off.

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:01 pm
by rockhole
I believe that the pace that Knighta has reintroduced to the team makes his game plan more workable. The pace that we saw at the beginning of last year disappeared for various reasons but now with Davey, Jetta, Atkinson, Licha etc all playing and contributing good footy the attacking game is achievable. In addition, the insane tackling is also creating so many opportunities as we are catching the opposition off side with turnovers making the passgae to goal easier.

I have learnt from experience that the doomsayers on this site will never reneg on their comments but I have no problem with that. It just shows the passion that we all have for wanting success for the team. The last 3 weeks have given us some fantastic footy especially the 3rd quarter last night which was as good as it gets.

Knighta's coaching strategies especially by bypassing the world's greatest full back and going the flanks have been widely acknowledged in the press this morning. That will do me.

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:04 pm
by Doctor Fish
BenDoolan wrote:
MH_Bomber wrote:I am as rapt as anyone that Knights and the team have now got things right.

Isn't it more of a case that the players are getting things right? That they are executing their disposal far better, and that they are tackling and supporting one another with intensity? That their whole attitude has changed from insipid to splendid?

I don't think our style of play has changed all that much, it's the efforts that have.

Yeah BD. Spike was on SEN before. They asked if the defensive game plan has changed the past few weeks. He said no, not really. But the players have only just started executing what Knighta's been trying to implement all along this year. He said this was severely lacking in the players mindset on Anzac Day. Guess it's finally starting to become second nature which is good...

Again. Well coached Knighta...


Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:02 pm
by robbie67
stryper wrote:So I guess now is the time where you can start to wash the mud from your faces... [-X :wink:
Attack Attack Attack - once mastered - build the Defense...
Starting to build into a very exciting football side...
Starting to find consistency which as I have been saying takes time...3 in a row now...

Yes it is True that we aren't there yet but we are definately heading in the right direction.

Credit where credit is due...

Knighta has the balls to get the job done...

Hang on for an exciting second half of the year... =D>
Go hard or Go Home!!!
The future looks very Bright...

What a stupid post. I suppose next time we lose eveyone who has been critical of Knights can say "Stryper we told you so". Come and see us when the Premiership that all of us want is delivered.

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:01 pm
by j-mac31
So you were happy with the shit we were dealing up early on???

FWIW I still think we should have started with the defensive aspects of the game and then gone to attack, but I'm glad it's all coming together now.

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:24 pm
by stryper
Some people are just so dumb.
It is no secret with the number of people that carried on with Knights is shit - sack him. This Team is shit - will only win 1 game for the year bla bla bla.

For the record I am talking about those idiots - Not the Guys who bleed red and black and are Not happy with how the season started...
None of us were but the difference being that some of us believe in Knighta and what he is trying to achieve.

I was talking about the morons that lined up in numbers on the radio bagging this Great Club...

You say that I am boring well at least I have a passion for this Great Club but I refuse to bag the Club or the coach or the players...
I stick with them through thick and thin and I Wont appologise for that...EVER!!!

I prefer to see the good in people and the potential that we have always had. Game plan - exactly the same - executed a hell of a lot better...

Easy to jump on radio or a computer and carry on...

I am simply speaking from the heart... take of that what you will...

Bombers - Tear em a new one...

Re: Attention Knighta baggers!!!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:48 pm
by Windy_Hill
Knights will not be our next Premiership Coach.

Hi may well go the way of Bill Stephens.

Peopele say our game plan hasnt changed??? Kidding me - the stats clearly shoe that 1) we are kicking the ball more and longer. 2) We are tackling harder and more effectively than in the first 5 rounds (manning up as opposed to zoning off)

If this is due to Knights' coaching then well done