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Team vs Swannies

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:47 pm
by Ossie
All very quiet around here ... what's going on? Normally someone's got this up within three minutes of the announcement.


Sydney Swans
B: Rhyce Shaw, Lewis Roberts-Thomson, Nick Smith
HB: Martin Mattner, Heath Grundy, Nick Malceski
C: Daniel Hannebery, Brett Kirk, Gary Rohan
HF: Ryan O'Keefe, Adam Goodes, Josh Kennedy
F: Henry Playfair, Jesse White, Jarrad McVeigh
Foll: Shane Mumford, Jude Bolton, Kieren Jack
I/C (from): Paul Bevan, Craig Bird, Campbell Heath, Lewis Jetta, Matt O'Dwyer, Mike Pyke, Ted Richards

In: Richards, Bevan, Bird

B: Heath Hocking, Tayte Pears, Courtenay Dempsey
HB: Mark McVeigh, Nathan Lovett-Murray, David Myers
C: Leroy Jetta, Jobe Watson, Jason Winderlich
HF: Angus Monfries, Scott Gumbleton, Brent Prismall
F: David Hille, Michael Hurley, Alwyn Davey
Foll: Patrick Ryder, Brent Stanton, Sam Lonergan
I/C (from): David Zaharakis, Jake Melksham, Jarrod Atkinson, Andrew Welsh, Tyson Slattery, Travis Colyer, Ben Howlett

In: Welsh, Melksham, Colyer, Slattery
Out: Dustin Fletcher (suspension)

Tyson Slattery an interesting 'in' ... how has he been going in the Ressies?

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:31 pm
by s'dreams
I suspect you can draw a line through the last 3 named on the bench (though would love to see T Slattery get a run)

Should the team line up as named:

* Hocking and McVeigh in wrong spots. Swap.
* Lonergan on ball ... novel
* Jetta - should be closer to goal - would prefer Zacha be given a run on the wing.
* Looking forward to a NLM vs Goodes stoush

Would also consider going a bit defensive on the HF line - this is where the swannies get most of their drive ... wouldn't be suprised to see Atkinson or McVeigh on a HFF.

Cheers - STI

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:49 pm
by swoodley
sti dreams wrote:I suspect you can draw a line through the last 3 named on the bench (though would love to see T Slattery get a run)

Should the team line up as named:

* Hocking and McVeigh in wrong spots. Swap.
* Lonergan on ball ... novel
* Jetta - should be closer to goal - would prefer Zacha be given a run on the wing.
* Looking forward to a NLM vs Goodes stoush

Would also consider going a bit defensive on the HF line - this is where the swannies get most of their drive ... wouldn't be suprised to see Atkinson or McVeigh on a HFF.

Cheers - STI
Wouldn't that defensive pressure be coming from Davey and Jetta?

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:58 pm
by Sismis
swoodley wrote: Wouldn't that defensive pressure be coming from Davey and Jetta?
Agree, these two are defensive dynamos as well as handy forwards.

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:59 pm
by s'dreams
swoodley wrote:
sti dreams wrote:I suspect you can draw a line through the last 3 named on the bench (though would love to see T Slattery get a run)

Should the team line up as named:

* Hocking and McVeigh in wrong spots. Swap.
* Lonergan on ball ... novel
* Jetta - should be closer to goal - would prefer Zacha be given a run on the wing.
* Looking forward to a NLM vs Goodes stoush

Would also consider going a bit defensive on the HF line - this is where the swannies get most of their drive ... wouldn't be suprised to see Atkinson or McVeigh on a HFF.

Cheers - STI
Wouldn't that defensive pressure be coming from Davey and Jetta?
Not from the named HF line given Davey has been selected in the pocket and Jetta on the wing

Cheers - STI

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:19 pm
by s'dreams
Filthy wrote:There is a problem punters.

NSW has had massive rain all week. All the races have been on heavy tracks incl. Sydney. ie SCG will be a bog.

This will suit that shit coach Roos and his shit tactics and his less talented team down to the ground. They will try and block it up and have mega stoppages....its the only way they can win which means Woosh & Lonergan play by default needing there in and under and their lack of pace won't matter but strength will.

Get them on a fast track down here and we'd win by 10+. But the AFL won't let them play us down here :roll:
Hmmm... perhaps the lighter and faster players like Howlett and Colyer will be better options in these conditions than Welsh and Pris

cheers - sti

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:01 am
by robrulz5
If Reimers has to come back through the VFL Welsh should have to as well.

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:49 am
by ealesy
Agree completely Rob, absolutely ridiculous that a supposed "leader" at the club can get himself rubbed out for 4 weeks committing a weak, gutless, snipe off the ball and be brought straight back into the team, while another bloke who missed the same period with a hand injury (ie he could still keep his fitness levels up) is required to come back through the magoos.

I won't even get start on what the two players have to offer the team.

Now I reckon that bench will end up as follows:

Welsh, Slattery, Melksham and Zaharakis.

Personally I'd keep Howlett in, instead of bringing Welsh in, but it has been made pretty clear that Welsh will be playing.

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:16 am
by Western Red
Good team - we should win this one! Really is an "8" point game!

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:43 am
by hillchaser
Filthy's right the weather is terrible up there and is going to get worse into Saturday with high winds. We need a bunch of mud runners for this game. I would actually keep Lonergan and Howlett in the team and also bring Welsh in. In this type of game maybe it is better for Melky to rest his ankle another week as I think this will be mostly heavy traffic around stoppages ...

Agree that Coyler would be handy in a game like this with the ability to quickly break the lines. Just not sure who we drop.

Getting interesting with Dyson, Hooker, Coyler, Houli all waiting in the wings plus whoever we choose to elevate from the Rookie list. Howlett and Myers deserve to keep their spots for the moment

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:08 am
by little_ripper
I'm in Sydney, yes its been raining a lot. But the SCG has pretty good drainage. there will according to the forecast showers on Sat/Sun, but also patches of blue sky and sun.

I think it might be a little bit greasy, but not a total bog.

I am concerned the bombers have gone in with too short a backline.(unless hurley goes back i guess)

White, Playfair and Goodes will dominate the contested marks in their forward 50 if the bombers arent careful.

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:45 pm
by saladin
Bendigo played on a pretty sticky ground last week and i didn't think it did trav any favours. that said, it was also blowing a gale so his already iffy disposal struggled a bit. don't think he'll get a run.

Tyson might. depends if they have a specific role in mind. he's a solid, consistent performer. i was surprised to see him in the bendigo bests - he didn't really stand out - but i'm thinking they may have given him a specific role that he carried out well. i have a slightly out-there idea that he may be asked to play on O'keefe in the defensive 50.

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:56 pm
by j-mac31
Boo the hypocrisy with Welsh and Reimers. :evil:
“Kyle Reimers has not played for four weeks now so he would more likely to go to Bendigo on Sunday to play in the VFL to get a full four quarters under his belt."
Doesn't Welsh need 4 quarters under his belt? Oh no I forgot how well he was going this year.

Great that Melksham's back.
sti dreams wrote:Should the team line up as named:

* Hocking and McVeigh in wrong spots. Swap.
* Lonergan on ball ... novel
* Jetta - should be closer to goal - would prefer Zacha be given a run on the wing.
* Looking forward to a NLM vs Goodes stoush
1. It doesn't matter how the team is named on Thursday night.
2. The way the game's gone there isn't a lot of difference how they line up anyway.

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:24 pm
by little_ripper
I just put 20 dollars on the draw.(51-1)

pays a if it happens, you will know who will be celebrating.
(my poor liver).


Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:09 pm
by Ossie
:lol: Speculative!

Final team in - it's Welsh and Melksham in, Howlett and Fletcher out.

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:54 pm
by Jazz_84
Western Red wrote:Good team - we should win this one! Really is an "8" point game!
it's about time we win one of these "8 point" games i think

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:46 pm
by saladin
Howlett is massively unlucky.

Re: Team vs Swannies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:21 pm
by hillchaser
Dissapointed about Howlett.

We will Be ok in defence. Hurley will drop back and nlm will come back in defence. Pears will be back as well. Would rather howlett than melky for this game.