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The Inbetweeners

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:13 am
by grassy1
Another show that’s tickled my funnybone lately,this time from England in recent times(what was the last decade referred as?).

The misadventures of 4 misfit teenage lads,who get themselves into all manner of mischief and hilarious scenarios,especially on their night in the town,around girls and embarrassing pickles.

It provides quite a laugh. :lol:

Anyone else watch this?

Re: The Inbetweeners

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:34 pm
by Jazz_84
It's a great show, shame it didn't last that long

Another British comedy that was very good but didn't go for long is a show called "Coupling", Kinda like the British version of Friends I guess but more based on relationship and life "rules", very funny!

Re: The Inbetweeners

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:23 pm
by grassy1
Jack Davenport was the main act in that Jazz and in the early Noughties,was quite the Star attraction from the UK.

He was also on This Life and of course,Pirates of The Caribbean.