Hard to believe this....

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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by billyduckworth »

[Rudd was then stunned to hear Bush say: "What's the G20?"]

[ I could not have imagined John Howard talking to Bush like that.]

The two key points IMO. We are clearly much better off with Rudd now than we were with Howard.
The Americans will be much better off soon with Obama (or even McCain should he pull off a miracle).
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by BenDoolan »

I'd like to thank the people of Australia for voting the way they did last November. Thank you.
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by pevfan »

Dear old Dubya....And this was the man, never let it be forgotten, whose arse, John Howard believed, the sun shone out of.

Totally out of his depth when it came to world affairs, then, as he would be now, if he was still our leader. (like you BD I would sincerely like to thank my fellow Australians that he is not)

I recently saw a replay of an old interview done with Howard when he first became treasurer under Malcolm Fraser. Commenting along the lines that he had got to where he was not through any great degree of inherent talent....And so do I rest my case.
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by grassy1 »

That a HUGE UNDER CURRENT of BLATANT RACISM still THREATENS to Undermine BARAK'S Chances. :evil:
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by dom_105 »

In all fairness, it was only a matter of time.

http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/ ... 17,00.html
Three strikes for Kevin747
Andrew Bolt

KEVIN Rudd blabs. Kevin Rudd betrays. What's more, Kevin Rudd appears to make things up.

And on Saturday our Prime Minister managed to commit all three fouls at once against US President George W. Bush.

Trying to sell himself as a statesman, he blabbed to The Australian all the details of a private talk he'd had with the President of our most important ally.

Not only that, he betrayed Bush by retelling their conversation in ways to make the President seem a donkey, and Rudd the genius who trained him to behave. And Bush has noticed.

Still not satisfied, Rudd then apparently made things up - to take public credit for a decision Bush had already made.

I can't recall a greater breach of confidence, a more studied insult to an ally or a more craven attempt at big-noting from an Australian Prime Minister.

Is there a single foreign leader who can now be confident Australia's Prime Minister won't blab about their private talks and betray them, too?

Last Saturday The Australian ran an extraordinary story that was fed to them by Rudd or a close aide clearly acting with his approval. (Either that, or Rudd's staff are dangerously beyond his control, trading his secrets without his knowledge - something I doubt a single journalist or politician in Canberra would believe.)

Here are the key details from that article:

Kevin Rudd was entertaining guests in the loungeroom at Kirribilli House in Sydney when an aide told him George W. Bush was on the telephone.

It was 10.40pm on Friday, October 10

(Note that date, by the way. Rudd trips over it.)

What followed was an extraordinary exchange in which Rudd advised the most powerful man in the world that a plan to address the global financial crisis through the G7 group of leading industrialised nations was wrong . . .

It made no sense, he said, to take action on the crisis without engaging China. Rudd argued that the better vehicle for a co-ordinated response to calm the markets and toughen financial regulation was the broader G20 grouping (which includes China) . . .

Two weeks later, Rudd's view has prevailed . . . Perhaps more so than any of his predecessors, Rudd is bringing a new understanding to world politics . . .

(Good heavens. Did Rudd write that bit of halo-polishing himself? Or was that just reporter Matthew Franklin's way of saying "thank you"?)

Rudd was then stunned to hear Bush say: "What's the G20?" . . .

He told Bush he had heard through back channels that the Chinese believed the economic collapse underscored the inherent failures of capitalism and the benefits of a planned economy.

Rudd's view on China was probably better informed than he let on to the US President. Just four days earlier, the fluent Mandarin speaker had discussed the global turmoil on the telephone with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao . . .

Sources said Bush spent the first third of the conversation attempting to keep Rudd at bay . . . But over time, Rudd appeared to convince Bush he had a reasonable point.

"He was like a bull terrier," said one source. "He was polite but firm. He was not deferential at all. I could not have imagined John Howard talking to Bush like that."

And right there is the reason Rudd - or his agent - blabbed. To make Rudd seem a player. A tough guy. The man who forced Bush to invite the G20, including Australia and China, into talks about the financial crisis.

What a genius.

Oops. I shouldn't overlook this line, added to distance Rudd from the leak:

Rudd, who refused to comment on his dealings with Bush for the preparation of this article . . .

Yeah, right. Must have been Bush, then, who quietly rang the reporter in Australia to explain in such detail what a goose he'd been.

But let's now check this story that Rudd - or his agent - sold The Australian so successfully. You'll find that it's made up not just of braggadocio, but big dollops of fantasy.

Most obviously, of course, Rudd or his agent passed on to a friendly journalist details of his private conversation with a world leader - or two, actually, because he also let slip what China's Premier told him. He prides himself very much on those calls, you see.

Surely Rudd's arrogance has now overtaken all judgment on this point alone. Which leader will now dare be frank with an Australian Prime Minister so indiscreet?

Note also that Rudd did all this simply to mock Bush and praise himself as a world statesman, just at a time when The Australian was starting to ask a couple of tough questions.

As in: how did Rudd's attempt to stop a run on the banks lead to a run on other financial institutions instead?

As in: why is he about to fly off yet again to solve the financial problems of the rest of the world, when he can't even fix the one he caused back here?

Note further that Rudd in this leak sniggeringly tells a local journalist what he kept secret from the President of the US - that the "back channels" he relied on for his Chinese gossip was actually China's Premier.

All this is extraordinary enough - and another insight in how much Rudd, who exudes arrogance, actually craves status. (Has this chronic name-dropper mentioned lately how often he rings Britain's Prime Minister? American leaders? Cate Blanchett?)

It also reminds us of his tale-telling from the Beijing Olympics's opening ceremony, when he excitedly told journalists he'd seen Bush and Russian leader Vladimir Putin argue about the fighting in Georgia.

But perhaps more brazen still is Rudd's attempt in this latest retelling to belittle Bush and steal his credit.

Go back to the date of this conversation, when Rudd claims to have been "stunned" by Bush's ignorance about the G20, and had to "convince" the fool to use it.

For a start, a search of White House transcripts reveals Bush knew what the G20 was long before Rudd allegedly had to lecture him.

In June 2006, for instance, he gave a press conference in which he explained he had "problems with the G20 position" on global trade.

In July 2006, he said he'd have a "good forum" to discuss trade problems "when the members of the G20 come" to Russia.

And Bush certainly didn't need a "polite but firm" Rudd in their conversation on October 10 this year to tell him to get the G20 involved in talks on this financial crisis.

You see, Bush and his Treasury Secretary had two days earlier already agreed to do just that, and the G20 was already gathering to convene in Washington that very weekend.

As AFP reported the day before Bush called Rudd: "The central bank chiefs and finance ministers of 19 nations, including the United States, Europe's biggest economies, China, India and Russia, are to hold a crisis meeting in Washington on Saturday. . .

"The impromptu gathering of the

so-called G20 group to examine the worldwide financial turmoil was called by the Brazilian Government, which currently chairs the body . . . News of the meeting followed telephone calls between US President George W. Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva earlier Wednesday."

So if Bush had already agreed to a G20 meeting on Wednesday, how does this square with Rudd's bragging account of their call on Friday - of having to spend "the first third of the conversation" like "a bull terrier", demanding Bush do what in fact he'd already done days before?

In fact, Channel 9's Laurie Oakes last night reported that White House staff deny Bush ever asked Rudd: "What's the G20?" They're on to Rudd.

So we know Rudd is indiscreet. We know he's a braggart. Now we must ask: how much does he make things up?
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by BenDoolan »

"Betrayer". "Liar". The two things Bush has made into an art form.

But no, George Bush is a genius, well......because Bolt says so. I guess he is just bitter because his mates were caught out in the assassination plot to kill Obama. Bad luck Andrew.
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by boncer34 »

Filthy wrote:hahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaaha....................

Using that "great" "journalist" and well known balanced "commentator"........Von Bolt as a retractor.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Did you bother reading it Filthy? It doesn't concern you that in your story it claims Rudd suggested it on Friday yet the plans were set in place Wednesday by Brazil?

Deep breath and go and read Filth. The Australians story has some holes in it which Bolt has poked through, you may not agree with the guy but his industry thinks he's one of the best. But let me put it in football terms, even Aaron Henneman played a good game once or twice.
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by BenDoolan »

Andrew Bolt is the Grand Wizard. Make no mistake.
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by dom_105 »

What you are saying then Filth, is that Bolt's story is just a fabrication to suit his agenda.
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by boncer34 »

Filthy wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Filthy wrote:hahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaaha....................

Using that "great" "journalist" and well known balanced "commentator"........Von Bolt as a retractor.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Did you bother reading it Filthy? It doesn't concern you that in your story it claims Rudd suggested it on Friday yet the plans were set in place Wednesday by Brazil?

Deep breath and go and read Filth. The Australians story has some holes in it which Bolt has poked through, you may not agree with the guy but his industry thinks he's one of the best. But let me put it in football terms, even Aaron Henneman played a good game once or twice.
Why should I read this pricks hate driven drivel Bonce?
Coz as I said even Henneman played a good game:
http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/latest/511 ... -question/
Appears the Australian was wrong and Bolt was right. I enjoyed the rant though Filth even though it didn't actually answer anything I pointed out, but as I suggested next time read it. THEN abuse him. :lol:
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by The Man from Bomberland »

lolz I don't get what the big deal is. Bolt is anti Labor. It's not like he makes a secret of it. Phillip Adams probably has a similar strike rate towards John Howard during his Prime Ministership.
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by dom_105 »

There are more than enough anti-Libs running around in press circles to outweigh Bolt.
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by grassy1 »

JULIE BISHOP the MISS PRISS should SHUDDUP for a bit unless she wants to PRESS Chris Mitchell for an Answer or 3 on how RUDD'S Conversation with George got out.

But of course she won't. :roll:
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by dom_105 »

http://www.streem.com.au/politics/7317- ... d-turnbull
New President can't trust Rudd: Turnbull

Lindsay Tanner says despite the grim global outlook, Australia will continue to invest and grow in the years to come.

Malcolm Turnbull says the new US President won't trust our Prime Minister thanks to a recent diplomatic incident.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's office is accused of leaking the contents of a phone conversation between him and the US President, George W. Bush.

During the call, which was conducted on speakerphone, Mr Bush is alleged to have asked 'What is G20'.

That alleged information was then leaked to The Australian newspaper, causing a minor diplomatic issue between the two countries.

Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull says the new President, who will be elected later today, can't trust Mr Rudd.

"There is nothing that he could have done that could have done more damage to Australia's reputation in Washington than that," Mr Turnbull is quoted as saying.

"What it means is that when the next President is in office, whether it is President Obama or President McCain, and a call comes in from the Australian Prime Minister, that new president will be told, 'Don't say anything to the Australian prime minister unless you want to read about it in the newspaper'."

Americans are currently electing their new President; Democrat Barack Obama or Republican John McCain.
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by The Man from Bomberland »

Turnbull's points are valid. I wonder what happened?
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by billyduckworth »

Is it just my early morning imagination or does Malcolm Turnbull look like Joh Bjelke-Petersen in that cartoon? :shock:
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Re: Hard to believe this....

Post by F111 »

Yup. :lol: #-o
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