For the sake of democracy....

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Re: For the sake of democracy....

Post by dom_105 »

Lara Giddings said it more succinctly then I could on this weeks Q&A

On the issue of one-paper towns, like Tasmania
Well, no, I don’t in the sense that I think people are starting to look for other forms of gathering their information, as well, and our local paper is important. Don’t get me wrong in relation to that. It is important around the regions. But people are certainly seeking their information from many different sources now, which gives them an opportunity to at least test the different agendas and the reality is we all have agendas, whether they’re right or wrong. We are all running an agenda of some sort, because we have beliefs, we have passions and we want to help bring the community with us according to what our belief and passion is. And at different times I feel that that is seen through the media too. Now, certainly I know I’ve spoken to Garry at times and said, “I don’t like what you said there,” and he says, “Well, somebody else doesn’t like what I’ve said over here either but Lara this is what happens.
And another comment from Christine Milne on bias
Look, the Murdoch press has been running a very strong campaign against action on climate change. The bias is extreme in The Australian in particular. You’ll see column inch after column inch after column inch of every climate sceptic in the country run with exactly the same authority as the intergovernmental panel on climate change as if they are the same. You’ll find, day after day, a real attempt at regime change. Now, a newspaper is supposed to be running with fairness and with balance and that paper is not doing it and one of the useful things about the hacking scandal in the UK is that it will lead to an inquiry into the media in Australia and that is well and truly overdue and we are, at last, going to see some real discussion about issues around rights to privacy, around issues like the level of ownership and dominance of the Murdoch press in several capital cities around Australia. We’ll also have a look at a range of other issues, including who are fit and proper people into whether we need that test of people to be running media outlets. So I think this is a really useful opportunity, especially at the media is changing so rapidly. Everything is going online. Newspapers online, you wonder if you can call them newspapers anymore in that sense, so it’s time we had a good inquiry and certainly bias is going to be one of the things that certainly will be looked at.
Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but I find the above themes extremely dangerous. A Government determining what is or is not bias, who is fit or not fit to own and run newspapers, what is or is not fairness or balance. It just seems like a recipe for disaster.
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Re: For the sake of democracy....

Post by BERT »

dom_105 wrote:Lara Giddings said it more succinctly then I could on this weeks Q&A

On the issue of one-paper towns, like Tasmania
Well, no, I don’t in the sense that I think people are starting to look for other forms of gathering their information, as well, and our local paper is important. Don’t get me wrong in relation to that. It is important around the regions. But people are certainly seeking their information from many different sources now, which gives them an opportunity to at least test the different agendas and the reality is we all have agendas, whether they’re right or wrong. We are all running an agenda of some sort, because we have beliefs, we have passions and we want to help bring the community with us according to what our belief and passion is. And at different times I feel that that is seen through the media too. Now, certainly I know I’ve spoken to Garry at times and said, “I don’t like what you said there,” and he says, “Well, somebody else doesn’t like what I’ve said over here either but Lara this is what happens.
And another comment from Christine Milne on bias
Look, the Murdoch press has been running a very strong campaign against action on climate change. The bias is extreme in The Australian in particular. You’ll see column inch after column inch after column inch of every climate sceptic in the country run with exactly the same authority as the intergovernmental panel on climate change as if they are the same. You’ll find, day after day, a real attempt at regime change. Now, a newspaper is supposed to be running with fairness and with balance and that paper is not doing it and one of the useful things about the hacking scandal in the UK is that it will lead to an inquiry into the media in Australia and that is well and truly overdue and we are, at last, going to see some real discussion about issues around rights to privacy, around issues like the level of ownership and dominance of the Murdoch press in several capital cities around Australia. We’ll also have a look at a range of other issues, including who are fit and proper people into whether we need that test of people to be running media outlets. So I think this is a really useful opportunity, especially at the media is changing so rapidly. Everything is going online. Newspapers online, you wonder if you can call them newspapers anymore in that sense, so it’s time we had a good inquiry and certainly bias is going to be one of the things that certainly will be looked at.
Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but I find the above themes extremely dangerous. A Government determining what is or is not bias, who is fit or not fit to own and run newspapers, what is or is not fairness or balance. It just seems like a recipe for disaster.
You don't get it Dom. Rupert is bad and we must close him down but we won't look at the ABC, SMH or The Age as they write what we like.
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Re: For the sake of democracy....

Post by robbie67 »

Dont talk shit Bert. You know very well, that the ABC has to answer to a lot more scrutiny when it comes to bias then any privately owned outlet. Dont make a lazy argument based purely on cliche.

Re: For the sake of democracy....

Post by filthy2 »

Too bloody right Robbie.

Age today: ... 1hyzt.html

Labor Party Hack is Julie stick up my arse Bishop

A refugee from the DLP like rAbbot. ... 1hn1e.html

Peter "All Heart" Costello....friend of the workers.

ABC Website:

Reith a closet Marxist in the ABC whose Board are almost entirely still Rodent appointees.

Ahhh...the IPA a closet marxist/leninist conspiracy.


Lets flick over to the Australian to find all those balanced articles just today. ... 6102308194

Good balance. ... 6102316185

A note moderate rightest. ... 6101597493

Another Bolt who screams over Current Affairs "commentator" on shows to get his "points"across. His display on Insiders Sunday defending Murdoch a disgrace.

And the piece de la resistance....The Tele....

This fat ugly, toad-like pig leads a pack of fellow turds like Devine et al, that lower the Journalist to that lower of a Used Car Salesman.

So Bertie mate....go back 3 years of the Australian/Tele and produce one...just one...positive Labor Government headline. Please.

And I haven't even mentioned Bolt, the Sydney shock jocks like Jones who promoted Cronulla and drowning Julia last week, 3 MTR, 3 AW et al......


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Re: For the sake of democracy....

Post by pevfan »

The problem I have with so much of what you and your kind say about the ABC and Fairfax Bertie is that you adopt dear old Dubya's mantra of "If you're not with us you're against us" i.e. If ANY views expressed by these media organisations are not ALWAYS pro conservative then they must therefore be empiracaly branded as anti-conservative. ..You simply do not understand the meaning of balance. To ALWAYS favour either one side or the other is a ridiculous (or did) you always agree with everything your Mother or Father or Life partner said or did?

As you know, I'm a leftie but that does not mean the I ALWAYS AGREE with EVERYTHING Labor does...Why is that notion so hard to understand.
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