Wild Fire

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Wild Fire

Post by swoodley »

I'm currently reading Wild Fire by Nelson DeMille

Fascinating premise behind the story which is based on rumour the author heard and has seen mentioned on the internet.

Storyline is that The Yanks replaced the old MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) concept that worked during the cold war with a new concept that the author calls Wild Fire.

Basically the concept is that all political leaders of the Islamic world have been told that if terrorists set off a nuclear bomb in the USA, then the USA will retaliate by sending nuclear missiles at most if not all major cities in the Islamic world as well as targetting a number of their major religious cities.

The President has 30 minutes from the time the terrorist bomb goes off to prove that it was not a terrorist attack and if he cannot, then their response system is hardwired to send the orders to fire the missiles.

Quite an interesting theory until I read further and started reading statistics re the potential loss of life eg Missiles take out the Aswan High Dam in Egypt and as a result of the flooding, 40-60 million people die. That is very scary.

What's worse is that the story (it is a novel) has a bunch of fanatical rich Americans who have bought 4 nukes from the wreckage of the old Soviet Union and they plan to set them off in two US cities to cause the plan to be put into action.

I haven't finished the book yet and no doubt the hero will save the world but I thought I'd post this to see what the rest of you think about it.
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Post by ealesy »

Have you read Area 7 by Matthew Reily?

If not I suggest you would like it.
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Post by swoodley »

yeah...I've read all his stuff... a bit far fetched but the action is just non stop so who cares about how unrealistic it all is :D
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Post by pevfan »

Or another of their interesting spin terms Swoodley...Creative Chaos....coined by Perle or Wolferwitz or one of those neo-con, war hawks, who, by the way, are now distancing themselves as quickly as they can from the original decision to invade Iraq.

It (The Wildfire premise)sounds similar to a project the yanks were allegedly working on back in the days when it was Castro's turn to be the U.S.'s baddie. It was called the Northwood project or something similar to that and it involved an inside plan to hit one of Americas cities and blame it on Castro as a means of starting a war with Cuba....sound familiar?

I found that little tid-bit on one of those crazy 9/11 conspiricy driven theory websites........very interesting, some of it....but ultimately none of it true of course...the Yanks would never do anything like that would they...as you say Swoodley it's all just fiction.
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Post by Royza »

Also check out 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' by John Perkins. There's a book club speech available on torrent where he discusses how the US forces countries into debt by loaning from the World Bank for infrastructure. Then gets the country to repay with cheap oil(or whatever the US needs) & gives favours to the leader of that country. If the leader doesn't comply, the CIA steps in(assassination-style). If the CIA doesn't get the job done, then comes the military.

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