The Rodent goes into bat for Bush

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The Rodent goes into bat for Bush

Post by Filthy »

Rodent seems to think his good ol' boy needs a hand. ... 13766.html

However Barama thinks not. :wink:

Obama hits back at Howard
February 12, 2007 - 8:02AM

US presidential hopeful Barack Obama this morning blasted as "empty rhetoric" Australian Prime Minister Howard's attack.

"I think it's flattering that one of George Bush's allies on the other side of the world started attacking me the day after I announced," Obama told reporters in the mid-western US state of Iowa.

"I would also note that we have close to 140,000 troops in Iraq, and my understanding is Mr Howard has deployed 1400, so if he is . . . to fight the good fight in Iraq, I would suggest that he calls up another 20,000 Australians and sends them to Iraq.(No thanks)

"Otherwise it's just a bunch of empty rhetoric." (Got him in one Obama)

Howard earlier attacked Obama's plan to withdraw US combat troops from Iraq by March 31, 2008.

The conservative leader said on commercial television that Obama's pledges on Iraq were good news only for insurgents operating in the war-ravaged country.

"I think he's wrong. I think that will just encourage those who want to completely destabilise and destroy Iraq, and create chaos and a victory for the terrorists to hang on and hope for an Obama victory," Howard told the Nine Network.

"If I were running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and be praying as many times as possible for a victory not only for Obama but also for the Democrats."(What a dickhead!)

Democrats react angrily

A string of Democrats have reacted angrily to Mr Howard's comments which have received widespread media coverage in the US.

Terry McAuliffe, a former chairman of the Democratic National Convention, criticised Mr Howard's strong links to US President George W Bush.

"The prime minister has been a great friend of George Bush's, he has been with him lock-step from day one on this war in Iraq," Mr McAuliffe said.

"He and George Bush, they can go off and talk to each other, we don't care what he says."

Democrat senator Ron Wyden said it was hard to be polite about Mr Howard.

"The most charitable thing you can say about Mr Howard's comment is bizarre," Senator Wyden said.

"We'll make our own judgments in this country with respect to elections and Barack Obama is a terrific public servant."

Even Republicans have criticised Mr Howard for interfering in US domestic affairs.

"I would prefer that Mr Howard stay out of our domestic politics and we will stay out of his domestic politics," Texas Republican senator John Cornyn said.(Why didn't you in 2004?)

However, Republican presidential candidate Duncan Hunter has defended Mr Howard.

"I think the Aussies have earned a right to comment on the world stage about their partner in this endeavour because they've been fighting side-by-side with us in Iraq," Congressman Hunter said.

Prime Minister John Howard has defended his criticism of US presidential hopeful Barack Obama after Labor accused him of risking Australia's alliance with America.

Mr Howard attacked the Democratic presidential aspirant over his pledge to withdraw American troops from Iraq by March 2008.

The prime minister warned the policy could destroy Iraq and remove hopes of ever achieving peace in the Middle East.

Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd accused Mr Howard of putting the alliance at risk because of his personal relationship with US Republican president George W Bush.

"The prime minister's partisan attack on Mr Obama and the Democratic Party risks the strength of the US alliance," he said.

"Mr Howard must not allow his personal relationship with President Bush to impact on Australia's long-term alliance relationship with the United States.

"The alliance between Australia and the United States has prevailed with such strength and certainty because it has always been above party politics."

But Mr Howard said he had worked closely with both Democrat and Republican leaders.

A spokesman for the prime minister said he had worked closely with Democrat president Bill Clinton and Mr Bush, a Republican.

"The prime minister remains of the view that the policy Mr Obama is advocating regarding Iraq is not in the security interests of the USA or Australia," the spokesman said.

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Post by BenDoolan »

Q: How do you divert attention away from growing embarrassment over the handling of the David Hicks affair?

A: Make a comical, controversial statement about a candidate in the US election to hit the headlines instead.
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Post by temporary stevo »

hilarious to see the worm try to attain the high ground - "see, he didn't answer the question!" err... Howard was going fishing, not trying to elicit a reasonable answer.
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Post by pevfan »

Extrordinary outburst by the Rodent. I think the little metal balls are getting a real work-over now. I'm beginning to think he might have lost it. Clearly he's been spooked by the report from his rodent's rodent Downer upon his recent return from the U.S. when he said he was alarmed by the rising isolationist fervour in America.

It's just as I predicted in this forum. If the U.S. does return to it's isolationist policies of the past then where does it leave us. The Rodent has tossed all his eggs in the George Bush basket seemingly ignoring the fact that the Democrats are on the rise. I had to laugh when Howard said that Obama was a long way from becoming the next U.S. President...Well let us fill you in on something little man, he's a lot closer to being just that than one (Lame duck) G.W. Bush. Rather than being the man most likely to protect Australia's security interests (as shown in todays Neilson poll) IMO Howard has instead now placed this nation in harms way by making potential enemies of all the worlds muslims and now facing the very real possibility that the good old U.S. might not be there to save us after all.

Without wishing to blow my own trumpet on this, for I have already been criticised for expressing this view publicly, but Obama has come out and said precisely what I reckoned the Democrats and every one else opposed to the war in the U.S. would be well entitled say... especially the Mums and Dads of those serving over there in that hell hole...and that is, who the hell does Howard think he is sooling America on to face more carnage and casualties while we have just a bare handful of troops serving over there and no casualties.....except for Pvte Kovco.

No little man, you have not done us any favours at all with your ridiculous outburst. The Democrats will not soon forget your comments when they are ruling the White House.
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Post by ealesy » many people we aware that the latest opinion polls now have Kevin Rudd leading as the preferred prime minister with 48% to Howard's 43%.

I doubt too many, which means that the slimy little rodent bastard has got exactly what he wanted and needed from making this outburst!!!!

48% is the highest approval rating for an opposition leader in the past 35 years. Let's hope Rudd doesn't run out of steam before November, or that little Johnny can pull another Tampa out of his arse!!
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Post by BenDoolan »

He's getting desperate. He's slowly realising that he has REAL opposition now. He's trying the scare tactics already.....national security......economic growth.......Rudd is inexperienced.....blah, blah, blah. It's funny how he's reminding everyone of Labor's poor economic performance in the past. Just wind the clock back a litlle further, little man.......say back to 1982......what a wonderful treasurer you were......hahahaha.
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Post by Makaveli »

I amazed Howards comments even registered in the U.S
Obama knocked it on the head with his comparison in troop numbers, though knowing johnie his probably sitting back smuggly thinking his top shit because his comments got airtime in the states.

Post by Filthy »

pevfan wrote:Extrordinary outburst by the Rodent. I think the little metal balls are getting a real work-over now. I'm beginning to think he might have lost it. Clearly he's been spooked by the report from his rodent's rodent Downer upon his recent return from the U.S. when he said he was alarmed by the rising isolationist fervour in America.

It's just as I predicted in this forum. If the U.S. does return to it's isolationist policies of the past then where does it leave us. The Rodent has tossed all his eggs in the George Bush basket seemingly ignoring the fact that the Democrats are on the rise. I had to laugh when Howard said that Obama was a long way from becoming the next U.S. President...Well let us fill you in on something little man, he's a lot closer to being just that than one (Lame duck) G.W. Bush. Rather than being the man most likely to protect Australia's security interests (as shown in todays Neilson poll) IMO Howard has instead now placed this nation in harms way by making potential enemies of all the worlds muslims and now facing the very real possibility that the good old U.S. might not be there to save us after all.

Without wishing to blow my own trumpet on this, for I have already been criticised for expressing this view publicly, but Obama has come out and said precisely what I reckoned the Democrats and every one else opposed to the war in the U.S. would be well entitled say... especially the Mums and Dads of those serving over there in that hell hole...and that is, who the hell does Howard think he is sooling America on to face more carnage and casualties while we have just a bare handful of troops serving over there and no casualties.....except for Pvte Kovco.

No little man, you have not done us any favours at all with your ridiculous outburst. The Democrats will not soon forget your comments when they are ruling the White House.
Forget the balls Ben, I reckon the Rodent is losing his marbles!!!
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Post by danstar84 »

There is no doubt he is becoming desperate. Going in to bat for Bush, whose popularity is slumping badly also. Could be going senile, has been in for quite a long time.
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Post by Madden »

BenDoolan wrote:Q: How do you divert attention away from growing embarrassment over the handling of the David Hicks affair?

A: Make a comical, controversial statement about a candidate in the US election to hit the headlines instead.
More importantly, how many people are now talking about Climate Change (ie, the hot issue which Howard was getting hammered on last week). Zero.

Howard knows that, stupid statement or not, his strength is national security so he has brought the debate back to that.

Post by Filthy »

Staggy wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:Q: How do you divert attention away from growing embarrassment over the handling of the David Hicks affair?

A: Make a comical, controversial statement about a candidate in the US election to hit the headlines instead.
More importantly, how many people are now talking about Climate Change (ie, the hot issue which Howard was getting hammered on last week). Zero.

Howard knows that, stupid statement or not, his strength is national security so he has brought the debate back to that.
And in QT today, watch Ruddy get into about announcing his $10bil uncosted Water Initiative that didn't even get Cabinet policy on the run. :wink:
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Post by BenDoolan »

Staggy wrote: More importantly, how many people are now talking about Climate Change (ie, the hot issue which Howard was getting hammered on last week). Zero.

Howard knows that, stupid statement or not, his strength is national security so he has brought the debate back to that.
Yeah, not so sure Staggy. I think local issues will be very important in this election...climate change, greenhouse emissions, drought etc are being discussed in great detail. Work choices legislation and a combined slow rise of interest rates are hurting many people. Howard is desperate. If he thinks his strength is national security based on the occupation of Iraq, then I think that argument is extremely weak and increasingly unpopular.
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Post by Madden »

BenDoolan wrote:
Staggy wrote: More importantly, how many people are now talking about Climate Change (ie, the hot issue which Howard was getting hammered on last week). Zero.

Howard knows that, stupid statement or not, his strength is national security so he has brought the debate back to that.
Yeah, not so sure Staggy. I think local issues will be very important in this election...climate change, greenhouse emissions, drought etc are being discussed in great detail. Work choices legislation and a combined slow rise of interest rates are hurting many people. Howard is desperate. If he thinks his strength is national security based on the occupation of Iraq, then I think that argument is extremely weak and increasingly unpopular.
I agree with all of that.

However, it was a deliberate move to move the debate back to National Security and Terrorism, issues where Howard has been traditionally at his strongest.

You're right, Iraq is a disaster, and certainly not an election winner. But what Howard is doing (IMO) is trying to get Rudd to make a move on the withdrawal issue one way or the other, a fair way out from the election (he challenged him to do so tonight on the 7.30 report).

Think about it, either Rudd advocates withdrawal - which is a hard position to advocate in an election (cut and run, defeat by terrorists etc, remember Latham's 'troops home by christmas'?) OR: Rudd doesnt advocate withdrawal, and Iraq is consquently neutralised as an election issue.

So when you think about it. Howard is one clever sneaky little f**ker. Rudd doesnt want to make a call on Iraq (that's why he hasnt already), and this is going to force him to make policy on the run.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

Staggy's right here. Anyone who saw the 7.30 Report tonight would know.

The wedge machine, aka Johnny Howard, is back in action.
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Post by BenDoolan »

Staggy's hit the nail on the head, unfortunately. I'm spewing I missed the 7.30 report. Damn good program.

Perhaps the Labor Party should ignore his rants re: Iraq and keep attacking on the home front. There are ample debates to challenge him on domestically, just have to maintain a view that "we will assess our position on Iraq dependant upon the result of the US election".

Don't know if anyone saw Nelson on the 7.30 report the night before, but he was rabid. He continually ranted about ongoing deployment in Iraq to ensure terrorists are defeated (like f****** how?). When he was asked "would you maintain our 1400 troops if the US withdraw?". He looked rather horrified at the thought and said "that is a ridiculous hypothetical". My question is.....WHY?
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Post by The Man from Bomberland »

It may have long term consequences should Obama win the White House but in the short term it gets the talk off climate charge and back on to National Security. I think this was a calculated move from Howard. It puts him back into his comfort zone and allows him to drive the agenda and target Labor. The PM always has an ace up his sleeve even when it looks like he's struggling ;)

As much as you all hate the man you can't help but admire his tactics.
Bombers till' I die

Post by Filthy »

BenDoolan wrote:Staggy's hit the nail on the head, unfortunately. I'm spewing I missed the 7.30 report. Damn good program.

Perhaps the Labor Party should ignore his rants re: Iraq and keep attacking on the home front. There are ample debates to challenge him on domestically, just have to maintain a view that "we will assess our position on Iraq dependant upon the result of the US election".

Don't know if anyone saw Nelson on the 7.30 report the night before, but he was rabid. He continually ranted about ongoing deployment in Iraq to ensure terrorists are defeated (like f****** how?). When he was asked "would you maintain our 1400 troops if the US withdraw?". He looked rather horrified at the thought and said "that is a ridiculous hypothetical". My question is.....WHY?
Another Labor rat like Turnbull who were ALP members for 20 yrs plus before putting personal ambition before principle. Nelson=used car salesman.

One of the Rodents usual cheer squad has written an excellent appraisal of this diversion and straw man politics in the Oz today. ... 01,00.html
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Post by BenDoolan »

Filthy wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:Staggy's hit the nail on the head, unfortunately. I'm spewing I missed the 7.30 report. Damn good program.

Perhaps the Labor Party should ignore his rants re: Iraq and keep attacking on the home front. There are ample debates to challenge him on domestically, just have to maintain a view that "we will assess our position on Iraq dependant upon the result of the US election".

Don't know if anyone saw Nelson on the 7.30 report the night before, but he was rabid. He continually ranted about ongoing deployment in Iraq to ensure terrorists are defeated (like f****** how?). When he was asked "would you maintain our 1400 troops if the US withdraw?". He looked rather horrified at the thought and said "that is a ridiculous hypothetical". My question is.....WHY?
Another Labor rat like Turnbull who were ALP members for 20 yrs plus before putting personal ambition before principle. Nelson=used car salesman.

One of the Rodents usual cheer squad has written an excellent appraisal of this diversion and straw man politics in the Oz today. ... 01,00.html
That is an excellent article and a very good read.

I never thought that KRudd could be such an effective opposition leader. For the first time in years, we are seeing real pressure applied and a fairdinkum contest for the Prime Ministership. I really think the Coalition's power is under serious threat...however, 9 months is a long time in politics.
KRudd is certainly putting together a good team, and he is leading them well. Getting Rod Eddington on board is the vital link between ALP policy and the business sector. Having Peter Garrett run environmental issues will put the Government under huge pressure. For the first time in 10 years, the ALP are in a position to present themselves as a strong alternative Government (IMO).
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