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Spike, Benny you'll love this...

Post by Filthy »

...from Crikey:

"“The Cabinet is the key decision making body of the government and comprises senior Ministers. Its deliberations are usually based on discussion of written submissions from Ministers.” You can read that worthy exhortation on the official Australian Government website of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet – but it should be ignored. It is totally meaningless.

The charade of Cabinet as “the key decision making body of the government” was laid bare in Senate Estimates yesterday, when it emerged that the government’s historic $10 billion decision to take over the Murray-Darling Basin from the states was neither approved nor even discussed by Cabinet.

But that’s OK, responded Finance Minister Nick Minchin, because spending decisions are made in various ways -- "If the Cabinet's not meeting but there is an appropriate level of consultation, involvement by means other than Cabinet, then a decision is made." Anyway, the Minister explained, the plan only involved a federal commitment of $1 billion a year, less than half a per cent of the Government's spending, and it’s important to keep things in "perspective".

Policy on the run has taken on a brave new meaning in the final months of the fourth Howard government as it lurches from one massive new policy to another. $10 billion on water here, carbon trading there, a shot at the US Democrats in between, and barely a whiff of deliberation by the “the key decision making body of the government”.

Perhaps a more appropriate website for guidance in the current Australian political climate is thedictatorship.com, which describes a “a form of government in which absolute power is concentrated in a dictator or a small clique; a government organisation or group in which absolute power is so concentrated; a despotic state”."

http://www.dpmc.gov.au/about_pmc/divisi ... /index.cfm

http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/cab ... 73769.html


And further on:

"Can Rudd learn from the Barack Obama masterclass?

Christian Kerr writes:

Canberra and Washington are 15,944 kilometres apart – but in one short sentence at the beginning of the week Barack Obama bridged the gap and skewered the Prime Minister right through the heart:

I would also note that we have close to 140,000 troops in Iraq, and my understanding is Mr Howard has deployed 1400, so if he is... to fight the good fight in Iraq, I would suggest that he calls up another 20,000 Australians and sends them to Iraq.

Barack Obama understands exactly how John Howard operates. He claims the moral high ground in his rhetoric – but in practice makes a minimal effort. As it is on Iraq, it is on every other topic.

Obama pinned the PM deftly. Can Kevin Rudd?

The Obama/Howard stoush is one for the commentariat, not the punters. There are probably no votes in the nuances. Still, it’s important for perceptions. Every Liberal Crikey spoke to yesterday was rattled. The polls have suggested the PM can be beaten.

But can Labor make him appear out of touch, confused or just plain wrong – like Barack Obama did? Can they find the issues and cut to the core so quickly?

Mr Rudd, it’s all up to you.

Hee Hee
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Post by swoodley »

Rudd appears to be doing nicely so far...he just has to be ready for shit like "Tampa 2" and "Who Threw That Kid Overboard 2"

Howard certainly seems vulnerable at present but there is still a lot of time before any election so Rudd needs to keep scoring hits on him on a regular basis.
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Post by BenDoolan »

swoodley wrote:Rudd appears to be doing nicely so far...he just has to be ready for shit like "Tampa 2" and "Who Threw That Kid Overboard 2"

Howard certainly seems vulnerable at present but there is still a lot of time before any election so Rudd needs to keep scoring hits on him on a regular basis.
Yes I agree.

Howard has met a tough customer for the first time. Beazo was unfortunately soft and ineffectual - so to was Crean. Latham was just reckless and provided the Government with many opportunities to expose him as volatile and in need of anger management. Rudd may be in a honeymoon period at the moment, however, one gets the feeling he is very prepared, capable and passionate about leading this Country. I must admit, I have been surprised by his impressive performance thus far.
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Post by spikefan »


but ... never underestimate Howard (dirty) campaigning ability.
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