Burke, Rudd, Campbell and Political Convenience.

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Burke, Rudd, Campbell and Political Convenience.

Post by Filthy »

What a crock of shit is this total "scandal". Can't get Ruddy on anything so lets make something up....weasel words like "appears", "maybe".... and if it costs Ian "Orange Bellied" Campbell is job to "get" Rudd, the Rodent plows on about Rudds "integrity".


GST, Iraq, WMD's, Waterfront Affair, Immigration stuff ups, Children Overboard, Ethanol, AWB, bailing out his brothers business etc etc etc claims not one Minister, yet poor old Ian gets in the way of the Rodent "getting", Rudd following the disgraceful behaviour of Abbot and Costello in Parliament last week, being hung out to dry with their comments in cowards castle.

The best article I have seen so far about all this crap.

"Ideas: great or buried

Jill Singer

March 05, 2007 12:00am

YOU have to feel sorry for former minister Ian Campbell. Not a head has rolled over Iraq, children overboard, the AWB scandal etc, yet just because his parliamentary "mates" have gone berko over Brian Burke, he's forced to quit.

Let's get bad political behaviour into some perspective.

Treasurer Peter Costello reckons Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd's 2005 meetings with Brian Burke are worse than PM John Howard's "great idea" response to his mate Ron Walker's private plans to set up a nuclear energy company.

Why? Let's run the "who gains?" test over these exchanges and examine what was at stake.

Costello says the disgraced former WA premier is a convicted fraud who never does something for nothing.

An interesting description, and probably true.

We don't know for sure what Burke might have wanted from Rudd or vice versa.

Costello and Howard declare Rudd looked to shore up support in the West for a leadership bid and thought the well-connected Burke could help. (In the leadership contest WA members voted 2-9 for Beazley so if tahts true Burke did a pretty ordinary job...2 years later)

While foolish, this is pretty small beer. It is not corrupt.

What's more, it pales in comparison with Howard and Costello's own leadership dispute about whether they'd struck a deal together.

When the PM denied he'd agreed to hand power to Costello, the Treasurer pointedly remarked that his parents raised him to tell the truth.

With regard to the PM's private dealings with Ron Walker, we know precisely what these men want from each other.

As with Costello's reflection of Burke's modus operandi, the pair was not about doing something for nothing.

Walker knows nuclear energy can't proceed without a change in the law. He also knows his PM mate can change that.

All Walker had to do was ring the PM, tell him of his plans to set up a nuclear energy company and hear the magic words "great idea, Ron".

Within days of Walker setting up his nuclear energy company the PM announced an inquiry into nuclear power.

And what do you know, but its findings echo the "great idea", proposing we could have 25 nuclear reactors by 2050.

In considering the morality of the PM's dealings with nuclear energy lobbyists, we must also take into account his reaction, or lack of it, to another key report funded by government.

In October (a month before the Switkowski nuclear report was out) the Co-operative Research Centre for Coal in Sustainable Development completed a report on concentrated solar thermal technology.

The centre was set up and supported by federal government funds.

The CRC, with the CSIRO and University of Newcastle, reported that Australia's baseload electricity could be provided from concentrating solar thermal energy.

Australia's power demand could be met with a total of 35 x 35sq km in high irradiance, low cloud-cover locations.

While technology also exists to store concentrated solar thermal energy, the report found by linking such solar technology to existing fossil fuel plants, the need for storage would be reduced or abolished.

Such plants operate successfully in California, where the state's energy commission reports significant economic and environmental benefits.

The plants are hybrids, producing 70 per cent of their electricity from solar and 30 per cent from fossil fuels.

These findings are crucial to the debate about Australia's future energy needs and response to climate change. Why are they ignored?

CRC report author Lewis Wibberley never got to hear the magic words "great idea".

His report has been buried deeper than toxic waste.

So, despite evidence proving otherwise, the Federal Government insists nuclear energy is the only viable option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

That's how Liberal senator Nick Minchin explained his suppression of the CRC report.

This is the real scandal we should be focusing on.

The Howard Government plans to foist nuclear power on us, no matter what.

It might not suit the best interests of Australians, but it suits its business mates.

There is no moral equivalence between the Howard Government's dodginess over nuclear power and Rudd's silly dealings with Brian Burke."
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Post by BERT »

And what about the W.A. state ministers that have been sacked/quit over Burke?

Of course St Kevin has done no wrong. Is he going to come clean? Can't have it both ways.

How would you be looking at it Filthy if an ALP member had resigned and Howard had met Burke?

Post by Filthy »

BERT wrote:And what about the W.A. state ministers that have been sacked/quit over Burke?

Of course St Kevin has done no wrong. Is he going to come clean? Can't have it both ways.

How would you be looking at it Filthy if an ALP member had resigned and Howard had met Burke?
What is his crime?

He has said "sorry" (you know the word that has never left the Rodents lips) I f***** up...error in judgement...end of matter?

I would love to see the Rodent say..."yeah we're f***** up about.... (lets just chose any one of his scandels)....WMD's and illegally invaded Iraq which has cost 100,000 Iraqi lives and over 3000 US/UK troops. Yes it has caused the proliferation of Terrorists into one area, made the world a less safe place and made Australia a less safe place and is costing 3000 Iraqi lives a month. Yeah, we stuffed up big time."

Will we ever hear him say that? Will he ever admit error for anything?

Whats worse? A illconceived meeting or a decison that has caused incredible human suffering?
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Post by BenDoolan »

Howard is dry reaching. His own minister met with Burke and politically assaniated him in an attempt to get at Rudd. Dirty Politics. Still, no vomit has been brought up.

If he wants to make this a big issue, then how far do we dig? How many BIG business honchos have made deals with Burke that are entrenched in the Liberal cause?

Fact is, Hicks, Iraq, Climate Change, IR etc are killing Howard at the moment, so what else has he got?

And for what it's worth.....Burke deserves the fate of several US presidents.
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Post by Madden »

If Rudd met with Burke then it obviously isn't the biggest deal in the world but it is significant none the less.

Howard is right to be hammering Ruddy on it. He hasn't got much else at the moment, and you can bet your bottom dollar that Rudd would be giving it to Howard if the situation was reversed.

Having said all that, I did love Rudd's response - inviting Howard to call an early election so the people can stand in judgment on Rudd/Howard's honesty. Brilliant move, despite the fact that there is no way an election will be called before September at the earliest.

And, if you think this is the only dirt that the Libs have got on Rudd, you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till they start with all the Dr.Death stuff...

Post by Filthy »

Staggy wrote:If Rudd met with Burke then it obviously isn't the biggest deal in the world but it is significant none the less.

Howard is right to be hammering Ruddy on it. He hasn't got much else at the moment, and you can bet your bottom dollar that Rudd would be giving it to Howard if the situation was reversed.

Having said all that, I did love Rudd's response - inviting Howard to call an early election so the people can stand in judgment on Rudd/Howard's honesty. Brilliant move, despite the fact that there is no way an election will be called before September at the earliest.

And, if you think this is the only dirt that the Libs have got on Rudd, you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till they start with all the Dr.Death stuff...
You obviously haven't been listening to Question Time and the Mad Monk Staggy.

Parliament is a disgrace at the moment and the Speaker is a weak prick.
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Post by Madden »

Filthy wrote: You obviously haven't been listening to Question Time and the Mad Monk Staggy.

Parliament is a disgrace at the moment and the Speaker is a weak prick.
That's nothing mate. You don't think they have got anything else up their sleeve?

All of the QT badgering is just a pre-cursor to all the stuff they will release about 4 weeks out from the election. Trust me on this one mate.
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Post by pevfan »

I've said this before and now I'm going to say it again...Labor has got it's timing all wrong AGAIN. Rudd's honeymoon will be well and truly over (it's over already) by the time the election comes around. The ALP should have done what they did with Hawkey, swung Rudd in with about a month to go before the election.

It's (Rudd's honeymoon period)a bit like the market correction. You just knew it had to happen and Labor have allowed the Libs plenty of time to make it happen.
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Post by BERT »

What about the claim he went to dinner with his mate? Pity about the invite that had St Kevin going to the dinner.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

The thing to note here is that Labor/Rudd got rear-ended by their own tactics. If i recall, the information about Rudd/Burke meetings came out in QT on Wednesday or Thursday when Labor were hammering away at Howard and MacFarlane for having meetings with Walker/DeCrespigny and their nuclear company. I think the Liberals had this dirt on Rudd for quite a while, but they released it at a pretty good time (from a Liberal perspective) and that's maximised its effect. Certainly Rudd didn't seem to see it coming.

As to what i think it really means, it registers about a 2 on my richter scale in terms of being a negative for Rudd. Iraq and Tampas carry about an 8, so to put it in perspective, i personally don't really give too much of a hoot that Rudd has had these meetings. He's handled it pretty well given the circumstances, although if his explanation of naivety gets shown up and it comes out that he knew Burke was going to be there, then that'll be bad news for Kev - he then graduates from being naive to being dishonest in his explanations.

Whether it has a long-lasting effect on the electorate is another question. Most people in the eastern states wouldn't know who Brian Burke is, so it'll be interesting to see how long the Libs choose to play this card.

I feel the bigger, long term implication for Rudd is what this'll do to Labor's chances of picking up seats in WA come election time. In 2004 for memory, WA had the strongest swing towards Liberals in terms of two party preferred and i think the Libs picked up 2 or 3 seats. Rudd has to get some WA seats back for Labor this year you'd imagine if he wants to get back the 16 seats needed in total, and him being associated with Brian Burke is a serious issue for him in the minds of the WA electorate i'd imagine.

Post by Filthy »

jimmyc1985 wrote:The thing to note here is that Labor/Rudd got rear-ended by their own tactics. If i recall, the information about Rudd/Burke meetings came out in QT on Wednesday or Thursday when Labor were hammering away at Howard and MacFarlane for having meetings with Walker/DeCrespigny and their nuclear company. I think the Liberals had this dirt on Rudd for quite a while, but they released it at a pretty good time (from a Liberal perspective) and that's maximised its effect. Certainly Rudd didn't seem to see it coming.

As to what i think it really means, it registers about a 2 on my richter scale in terms of being a negative for Rudd. Iraq and Tampas carry about an 8, so to put it in perspective, i personally don't really give too much of a hoot that Rudd has had these meetings. He's handled it pretty well given the circumstances, although if his explanation of naivety gets shown up and it comes out that he knew Burke was going to be there, then that'll be bad news for Kev - he then graduates from being naive to being dishonest in his explanations.

Whether it has a long-lasting effect on the electorate is another question. Most people in the eastern states wouldn't know who Brian Burke is, so it'll be interesting to see how long the Libs choose to play this card.

I feel the bigger, long term implication for Rudd is what this'll do to Labor's chances of picking up seats in WA come election time. In 2004 for memory, WA had the strongest swing towards Liberals in terms of two party preferred and i think the Libs picked up 2 or 3 seats. Rudd has to get some WA seats back for Labor this year you'd imagine if he wants to get back the 16 seats needed in total, and him being associated with Brian Burke is a serious issue for him in the minds of the WA electorate i'd imagine.
Good point Jimmy, and they are losing Kimbo and Graham Edwardes retiring at the next election.

BUT they have picked up some quality candidates especially an ex-SAS Officer (an Iraq vet) pissed off at the Rodents lies over Iraq and the "War on Terror".

Bertie, love ya to death brother but tell me...on Jimmy's Richters scale what is worse....anyone of the Rodents lies over 11 years especially Iraq and this bullshit that happened 2 years ago?
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Post by BERT »

Take each issue at a time Filthy. If it was the other way round and Howard had met Burke, everyone who hates Howard on these boards would be jumping up and down. I would imagine there would be smoke coming out of your computer Filthy. :wink:

All I want is for St Kevin to tell us the truth. Not too much to ask is it.

Post by Filthy »

BERT wrote:Take each issue at a time Filthy. If it was the other way round and Howard had met Burke, everyone who hates Howard on these boards would be jumping up and down. I would imagine there would be smoke coming out of your computer Filthy. :wink:

All I want is for St Kevin to tell us the truth. Not too much to ask is it.
Edwards has issued a statement saying Rudd was staying with him and he, Edwards (the bloke with no legs that were blown off in Vietnam thanks to the Rodents hero, Menzies) invited Rudd to come to the dinner and Burke escalated it to hear from our "guest speaker". There were 30 people there including people from Fortescue Metals, clients of Burkes and mates of Costello and co. Are they tainted too, Mr Costello, morally?

Rudd has issued a mea culpa from a time he was NOT LOTO.

What exactly has he done? How does that compare with the lies and corruption of 11 years of Rodentism?
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Post by pevfan »

Alas Filth, the electorate has pathetically short memories. I think it's going to comedown to who can land the last blow prior to the election that will decide it.

Personally, I'm checking out house prices in NZ ... just in case... Can't stand the way they talk over there but at least they know their place in the world...unlike us.
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Post by BenDoolan »

Wasn't it Harold Holt with "All the way wyth LBJ" that was the cause of our involvement in Vietnam?

Edit: On second thoughts, did Menzies make the commitment and Holt follow through?

Post by Filthy »

BenDoolan wrote:Wasn't it Harold Holt with "All the way wyth LBJ" that was the cause of our involvement in Vietnam?

Edit: On second thoughts, did Menzies make the commitment and Holt follow through?
Pig Iron Bob rang the US and asked to be invited....true story. :roll:

Holt followed Ming and then it was the all the way with LBJ as he was pouring US forces into `Nam.

Post by Filthy »

from crikey:

Lost in translation:

Prime Minister John Howard: "Senator Campbell has behaved with total honour and total integrity ... he's done the decent thing .'' (Translation: "Campbell's resignation should do the trick. Now we can keep kicking Rudd and I'll sling Ian a ministerial job next year if we get back. He's a good soldier for the party").

Senator Ian Campbell: ''The reason I have resigned is I do not want there to be any distraction away from the public's focus on Mr Rudd's concealment of what he has done.'' (Translation: "I resigned because the PM ordered me to and said it was the best contribution I could make to destroying Rudd's credibility, and if this works he'll fix me up next year").

Treasurer Peter Costello: "Anyone who deals with Mr Brian Burke is morally and politically compromised." (Translation: ''When I say anyone, I mean any one of them. You have to admit it was one of my better lines. Pity about the collateral damage to Campbell, though)''.

Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd: "Mr Howard was deploying standards that were invented on the run in Parliament last Thursday, standards which did not exist before last Thursday." (Translation: ''Mr Howard has deployed a political acumen that appeared to have deserted him before last Thursday'').

From Paul John Keating:

Keating comes to Rudd's defence

March 5, 2007 - 2:31PM

Brian Burke and his partner Julian Grill are the "Arthur Daley and Terry" of Western Australia and it isn't possible to visit Perth without running into them, says former Labor prime minister Paul Keating.

Mr Keating today spoke out in support of Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd, who is under pressure from the government over three meetings he had with the convicted fraudster Mr Burke in 2005.

The Burke affair has also claimed a ministerial scalp, with Human Services Minister Ian Campbell resigning from his portfolio on Saturday after admitting he met with Mr Burke last year.

Prime Minister John Howard has attacked Mr Rudd over three meetings the federal opposition leader had with the former Labor premier in 2005.

PM a 'dessicated coconut'

In a brief but colourful foray into political life today, Mr Keating referred to Treasurer Peter Costello as "all tip and no iceberg" and Prime Minister John Howard as a dessicated coconut.

He said the Howard government was attacking Mr Rudd for meeting Mr Burke because it was on the back foot.

"The little dessicated coconut is under pressure and he is attacking anything he can get his hands on," Mr Keating told ABC radio.

"Brian Burke and Julian Grill, they are the Arthur Daley and Terry of the West Australian Labor Party. They are like the wallpaper over there. You can't visit Perth without running into them.

"It is a bit like Kevin Rudd coming to Sydney. Somewhere you are going to meet Johnno Johnson who runs the raffle tickets and things. It is just part of life. What are they — they are a couple of small time lobbyists — so what."

Arthur Daley and Terry McCann were the main characters in the British TV series Minder which recounted the adventures of an unscrupulous importer-exporter, wholesaler and used car salesman and his bodyguard in London.

Pot calling the kettle black?

Mr Keating said the Liberal Party was in no position to complain about Mr Burke.

"Have a look at all the bag men in the Liberal Party, for God sake. If you applied the sanitary test to those guys, I mean no minister would do any business in this country," he said.

Mr Keating said he was no barracker for Mr Burke, who had once been tipped as a possible prime ministerial rival.

"The fact is Burke is smarter than two thirds of the Western Australian Labor Party rolled together," he said.

"That is why he keeps bobbing up.

I heard the interview...it was so funny...wish he was back...place was more interesting then :D
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Post by Makaveli »

I had to laugh when howard was on tv questioning others integrity, i mean he'd come close to the biggest decieving liar in Austrlaian political history.
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Post by BenDoolan »

After all the scandals that the Howard ministers have been involved in over the years, this move is breathtaking in its foolishness. Howard did not sack ministers for doing nothing about illegal kickbacks to Saddam, he did not sack ministers for lying about children overboard, he did not sack ministers for deporting Australians, he did not sack ministers for other similar scandals. Now he sacks a minister for having a meeting with Burke as if daring the opposition leader to resign. It's obvious that it's a political stunt, particularly when Howard will not rule out the possibility of readmitting Campbell to the ministry.

Howard is a hypocrite, pure and simple. If he did not sack ministers for deporting Australians and other misdeeds for which they are eminently sackable, nobody is going to take his calls for Opposition resignations seriously.

Then there's the barrage of questions that the Government is asking. It's pretty funny watching them after they refused to answer a number of questions in Parliament about AWB. Does that mean they will now come clean about their ministers' dealings with AWB? Not likely, particularly when Howard still claims with a straight face that the Cole Inquiry exonerated his ministers when it did nothing of the sort - the terms of reference did not make it possible to investigate them.

I cannot understand why Rudd must face this sort of mudslinging when he has done nothing illegal. Sure, Burke is being investigated for some shady dealings. But in 2005 who knew what he was up to? Obviously not the Government, or else they would not have allowed Campbell to meet him in 2006.
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Post by CameronClayton »

Rudd & the ALP have increased their lead over the Libs in the polls since this issue came out. Seems like the electorate doesn't really give a toss that much about this so-called scandal & are happy with Rudd's replies so far.

If the Libs keep harping & harping about this issue in Parliament forever & a day, & they continue to keep going down the gurgler in the polls, the issue will be quickly forgotten about & the Libs will end up sweeping it under the carpet.

At the end of the day, the Libs don't really give a toss about who has met with Burke; they are purely mud slinging Rudd in the hope that it tarnishes his reputation & his popularity starts to wane. If spending hours & days in Parliament mud slinging is effective use of tax payers money, I'll go heave.

Are they going to pull out some old story of Rudd shagging someone when he was 18, or smoking a joint or something next? I think Rudd has got the Libs on the run, he has got them on the ropes & they are desperate to try anything to try & stay in power (especially Costello cause he knows if Howard wins the next election, he will be PM within 18 months, so he has got the most to lose).

So Libs, keep wasting tax payers money on what most Australian's think is a trivial issue, & you will be digging yourself an early election grave.
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