Iraq V Washington

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Iraq V Washington

Post by swoodley »

I wasn't sure where to post this. The stats are interesting and I don't mean to offend anyone by including the last couple of lines. I just found it interesting.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue of the U.S.involvement in Iraq, here's a sobering statistic.

There has been a monthly average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theatre of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2,867deaths.

That gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers.

The firearm death rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000 persons for the same period.

That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and
killed in the U.S. Capital than you are in Iraq.

Conclusion: The U.S. should pull out of Washington.
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Re: Iraq V Washington

Post by ZRS »

swoodley wrote:
Conclusion: The U.S. should pull out of Washington.
:D :D
48.2 sismis to ZRS, SIX, ???!!! Its coming towards the commentary box Im leaving!!!
48.3 sismis to ZRS, FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got ZRS
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48.6 sismis to ZRS, SIX, Display of Raw power and brutality by ZRS
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Post by pevfan »

And this is the country that we all look up to as the font of all that is good and righteous in this world, a beacon of democracy (what democracy -they give the word a bad name)...the world's policeman and all that crap!!!

You know, I used to admire America, in fact I'd venture to say there was no greater admirer of the U.S. than me. I've walked through their cemetery at Omaha Beach in Normandy with tears in my eyes moved like never before at the sacrifice of their magnificent soldiers during that horrendous confligration that was WW2.... But now, I hate to say this and I hate myself for saying it...but I just hate their guts....

That country is capable of bringing so much that is good to the world...Look at their Marshall Plan for a magnificent example of that ,but now, all they want to do is wage perpetual warfare.

I've just seen the film 'Bobby' and I came out of that theatre feeling just so angry that a man like RFK and his bro before him, and of course Martin Luther King, men that promised to do so much good in the world but who were cut down so tragically. At the end of the movie they played a speech RFK made about the good that America was capable of, about bringing an end to hatred and conflict . It was a magificent speech, one that I'd not heard before. But, as I said, I came out feeling so angry to think that that ...THING that currently occupies the post of most powerful man in the world can hardly string two coherent sentences together and has done nothing but to intensify the world's hatred of the country that he leads, the country that has so sadly and so tragically for the world at large, lost it's way.....

Sorry guys...just had to get that off my chest...I'll try to be a bit more cheerful next time... :)
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Post by spikefan »

pevfan wrote:You know, I used to admire America, in fact I'd venture to say there was no greater admirer of the U.S. than me. I've walked through their cemetery at Omaha Beach in Normandy with tears in my eyes moved like never before at the sacrifice of their magnificent soldiers during that horrendous confligration that was WW2.... But now, I hate to say this and I hate myself for saying it...but I just hate their guts....

You are overreacting. America elected the worse president that it had in two centuries (not even by a majority since the other guy received more votes).

The country may have lost its way, but it is coming back to its senses very quickly, what I admire in America is its capacity to adapt and face problems.
So, cheer up...

And I believe that America will amend its constitution to require that in the future its presidents have 1/ A working proficiency in English 2/ A basic understanding of the modern world and history. :wink:
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

pevfan wrote:Sorry guys...just had to get that off my chest...I'll try to be a bit more cheerful next time... :)
Haven't you been getting your hatred of America off your chest in just about every post you've placed in the General Discussion forum for the last 6 months?
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Post by pevfan »

Only just starting Jimmy, and (I'll use a bit of Dubya talk here)....'You aint seen nuttin yet pal...Or what about 'You are either with us or against us'...and 'These men are killers'...Wonderful oratory...Winston Churchill eat your heart out. Like I said..he can hardly string 2 sentences together and as even his wife said about him...North Korea need not fear invasion from the U.S. George wouldn't know where to find it on a map.

Whereas Jimmy old pardner, old pal, you probably think the sun shines out of the proverbial A..... hole of that magnificernt pillar of democracy from the good ol' lone star state???

But then again, maybe Spikefan is right...we can only hope. The U.S. has lost it's way in the past and been good enough to recognise it and mend it's ways, maybe it can do so again...despite the Rodent's entreaties to the contrary.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

pevfan wrote:Only just starting Jimmy, and (I'll use a bit of Dubya talk here)....'You aint seen nuttin yet pal...Or what about 'You are either with us or against us'...and 'These men are killers'...Wonderful oratory...Winston Churchill eat your heart out. Like I said..he can hardly string 2 sentences together and as even his wife said about him...North Korea need not fear invasion from the U.S. George wouldn't know where to find it on a map.

Whereas Jimmy old pardner, old pal, you probably think the sun shines out of the proverbial A..... hole of that magnificernt pillar of democracy from the good ol' lone star state???

But then again, maybe Spikefan is right...we can only hope. The U.S. has lost it's way in the past and been good enough to recognise it and mend it's ways, maybe it can do so again...despite the Rodent's entreaties to the contrary.
My point exactly. You're obviously a reasonably intelligent person with a good grasp of history, but if anyone even hints at you being wrong or, heaven forbid, hold a different opinion regarding the US, they're likely to get a puerile or vicious response. I've never stated my opinion on George Bush on this website, so you're either telepathic or overly presumptuous to say that i think the sun shines out of his arsehole.

Everyone on here has an opinion as they're naturally entitled to, so why is it that you trumpet yours as 'correct' whilst shouting down others? Ostensibly one of the reasons you hate Bush so much is for that very reason, so i consider your responses when challenged on Bush/USA as pretty ironic most of the time. Anyone who occasionally flicks through this part of the forum would be aware of your stance towards the US, and i was merely pointing out that i think it's getting tiresome.

PS: Didn't you say you'd try to be a bit more cheerful next time?
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Post by pevfan »

Wasn't aware I'd been banging on all THAT much about it Jimmy, after all I'm only up to 68 posts now (the majority of which would be about footy) and only Top up Player status which pales into insignificance compared to some... yourself for example, what is it... 1908 posts and a Regular Senior Player.

Still, you're probably right , I know I can get a bit carried away sometimes. It's just that as a Grandfather to be, this silly old fart can get a bit passionate about what kind of world his Grandchild is going to be born into...but please don't get me started on global warming... :)

There you go..... a smile.
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Post by dingus »

THe Mighty Boosh is a mere puppet for the likes of this fellow and his human-flesh-eating neocon buddies:

Fortunately, I think Spikefan is correct, the country seems to be growing tired of the right wing, uber-capitalist christian conservative tripe and lies that these people have dished up for 7 years and will soon evict this scum from office.

P.S: In this instance I speak of the U.S., but I have copied the above text for use in my next post about Howard.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

pevfan wrote:Wasn't aware I'd been banging on all THAT much about it Jimmy, after all I'm only up to 68 posts now (the majority of which would be about footy) and only Top up Player status which pales into insignificance compared to some... yourself for example, what is it... 1908 posts and a Regular Senior Player.

Still, you're probably right , I know I can get a bit carried away sometimes. It's just that as a Grandfather to be, this silly old fart can get a bit passionate about what kind of world his Grandchild is going to be born into...but please don't get me started on global warming... :)

There you go..... a smile.
OK :)!

And here's one you might like, from today's Good Weekend in The Age: "Proportion of Americans surveyed who can name two of Snow White's Seven Dwarfs: 77%. Proporion of Americans surveyed who can name two Justices of the Supreme Court: 24% :lol:
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Post by spikefan »

now, it's tiresome :wink:
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Post by Filthy »

pevfan wrote:And this is the country that we all look up to as the font of all that is good and righteous in this world, a beacon of democracy (what democracy -they give the word a bad name)...the world's policeman and all that crap!!!

You know, I used to admire America, in fact I'd venture to say there was no greater admirer of the U.S. than me. I've walked through their cemetery at Omaha Beach in Normandy with tears in my eyes moved like never before at the sacrifice of their magnificent soldiers during that horrendous confligration that was WW2.... But now, I hate to say this and I hate myself for saying it...but I just hate their guts....

That country is capable of bringing so much that is good to the world...Look at their Marshall Plan for a magnificent example of that ,but now, all they want to do is wage perpetual warfare.

I've just seen the film 'Bobby' and I came out of that theatre feeling just so angry that a man like RFK and his bro before him, and of course Martin Luther King, men that promised to do so much good in the world but who were cut down so tragically. At the end of the movie they played a speech RFK made about the good that America was capable of, about bringing an end to hatred and conflict . It was a magificent speech, one that I'd not heard before. But, as I said, I came out feeling so angry to think that that ...THING that currently occupies the post of most powerful man in the world can hardly string two coherent sentences together and has done nothing but to intensify the world's hatred of the country that he leads, the country that has so sadly and so tragically for the world at large, lost it's way.....

Sorry guys...just had to get that off my chest...I'll try to be a bit more cheerful next time... :)
Pev..I am sure you don't HATE American people per se.....just Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and co.

I remember once a Holocaust replying to a question about whether he hated Germans, he said "No I don't. Peoples are not evil...only individuals". And so it is with America.

It is a tragedy the world has to endure Bush for another 18 months but he will disappear after that into the history books as the USA's worst President....ever. Hopefully an Obama or a Hilary can heal the US' reputation around the world. They are essentially a good nation.
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Post by spikefan »

Just what i said.

Talking about history books, in Roman times when a Roman Emperor was just too bad, the senate would vote "Damnatio Memoriae" and the
official record would erase all traces of the bad guy's principate on monuments, coin et.c .

Ironically, the bad emperors are today much more famous (infamous) than the good ones. :wink:
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Post by pevfan »

That's right Filth, I don't hate AmericanS as such. I've travelled a fair bit and gotton to know and make good friends with several of them...mind you, there were also other Yanks on those trips that the less said about the better but then you can say that about any race...even some Australians...look at Carlton supporters for example :)

That's an interesting post of Dingus' though re John Bolton. I read when he was first appointed to the UN that that was principally why he was chosen... to white ant the UN; but that's the first time I'd actually seen/heard him in action....Anyway, thank God he's gone...kinda got white anted himself didn't he.

There's another interesting clip on that Dingus post as well...did you catch the tape of Bush recorded 10 years ago when Gov. of Texas sounding quite articulate and coherent, then comparing it to his recent....efforts (being kind there) the conclusion drawn being that he's gradually losing his mind ?? and that that's just one more thing that Americans should be worried about...Not only Americans I say.
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