Aussies hurt in Iraq

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Post by Piaffe »

They aren't joining up for school camp when you join the Military.

It doesn't matter the reasons/wrong reasons we are there, that's a totally different debat.

Yeah, it's sad when someone gets hurt but nothing more.

It's funny when people show outrage when someone in the Military gets hurt/killed, where are you people all the time sending care packages etc?

No where.
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Post by dingus »

Interesting times ahead...
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Post by spikefan »

Piaffe wrote:They aren't joining up for school camp when you join the Military.
I don't think I can agree with this statement...

I very much dislike the people that sent the poor blokes to Iraq to be blown by IED's, but the fact I don't like them does not take my responsibility away. We live in a democracy, even if you did not vote for the government you cannot say - not my problem- if think it is everyone's problem.

And yes, there are many other sources of injustice in the world.... it's difficult to be a citizen.
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Post by Piaffe »


From the sounds of it were are actually on the same page? It's hard to follow exactly what you mean, sorry.

Of course we have to take responsibility for them having to be over there, even if you didn't vote Johnny in. Although I'm pro this war in regards to terrorisim, but against the reasoning and way the USA has gone about it, like I said it's totally another debat.

But the fact is, they are there and nothing we can do about it (until the next election, bring it on!) Therefore people should support the troops even if they don't support the fact they are there or the reason they are there. People only seem to show support when they get hurt/killed. Well these guys are in hell 24/7 while over there, they deserve our support 24/7.
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Post by spikefan »

This was my point, just made clearer by Filth's passionate prose.
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Post by Essendon4eva »

Filthy wrote:
Piaffe wrote:They aren't joining up for school camp when you join the Military.

I actually find your comments quite insensitive and factually incorrect. My Grandfather in WW1 and my Father WW2 and now my nephew signed up to protect this country....not go to a war based on a lie told by liars that are most likely under definition or International Law, war Criminals. Our soldiers, including my nephew, have no place there fighting for a Texan retard, a short arsed lying prick like the Rodent and a huge disapointment in Blair

It doesn't matter the reasons/wrong reasons we are there, that's a totally different debat.

It actually DOES matter knowing what you are fighting for. I'll bet you the majority of the 150k Yanks over there hate being there and want out as sems likely following events this week in the Congress.

Yeah, it's sad when someone gets hurt but nothing more.

Unless you are the poor bastard getting hurt or killed....what an insensitive thing to say. And for what are they getting killed? To make Halliburton richer? And now the terrorism threat is worse now than before.

It's funny when people show outrage when someone in the Military gets hurt/killed, where are you people all the time sending care packages etc?

The only package I would send our blokes is a one way ticket home to look after OUR interests. :evil:

No where.
There is aguy who does a podacst called 'Blast the Right'. In one of those podcasts he actually has the numbers, of how many troops are actually against the war.
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Post by Piaffe »

Filthy wrote:
Piaffe wrote:They aren't joining up for school camp when you join the Military.

I actually find your comments quite insensitive and factually incorrect. My Grandfather in WW1 and my Father WW2 and now my nephew signed up to protect this country....not go to a war based on a lie told by liars that are most likely under definition or International Law, war Criminals. Our soldiers, including my nephew, have no place there fighting for a Texan retard, a short arsed lying prick like the Rodent and a huge disapointment in Blair

It doesn't matter the reasons/wrong reasons we are there, that's a totally different debat.

It actually DOES matter knowing what you are fighting for. I'll bet you the majority of the 150k Yanks over there hate being there and want out as sems likely following events this week in the Congress.

Yeah, it's sad when someone gets hurt but nothing more.

Unless you are the poor bastard getting hurt or killed....what an insensitive thing to say. And for what are they getting killed? To make Halliburton richer? And now the terrorism threat is worse now than before.

It's funny when people show outrage when someone in the Military gets hurt/killed, where are you people all the time sending care packages etc?

The only package I would send our blokes is a one way ticket home to look after OUR interests. :evil:

No where.
1st para:
It's not a soldiers place to question the reasons behind it, they are 'yes sir' people, nothing more and they shouldn't sign up for it if they can't deal with that. Big whoopie, my Grand father was in WW1 but was FORCED to fight, aussie, brits, yanks all sign up for it knowing full well they could be put into situations they disagree/don't like/whatever. Well the stupid people of both Australia and the USA voted Bush and Howard back in after the Iraq war already started, so the majority (In Australias case, not the US as only I think 41% voted) but anyway, if they are voted back in people mustn't disagree THAT much or they would have disagreed with their vote.

2nd para:
A lot of yanks join the military for the wrong reasons, there's a thing called the GI bill, which means once you do 4 years service in the Military you get about $36,000 US to spend on Uni, so yeah free education, no HECS debt etc. Great huh. Not so great when the country decides to go to war and you're not just playing Army dude in the US. If people join up for the wrong reasons, will they have to live with it. I've spent time with a bunch of yanks 3 days before they were to leave for Iraq, and some seemed worried, some freaked out, a lot were happy/excited to go. One guy put his hand up to go even though his unit wasn't. For them it's a chance to put into practice what they have learnt. And if you really knew a soldier, they would tell you, they don't think about the reasons why they are there when they are actually there, it's ALL about the guy standing next to them, their unit, their Sgt...not the reasons.

3rd para:
People die everyday, hundreds upon hundreds die in Africa from starvation, to me that's a purposeless death! Not wearing a uniform defending your country.

4th para:
Is supporting our alliance with the USA not in our best interests? hmmm
Sorry, but I disagree. At the end of the day, that's all this is about, not terrorisim, just to keep the USA happy and keep ourselves in their good books. I certainly wouldn't like to see their subs and ships leave the area between us and Malaysia/Indonisia. Hell no.

But at the end of the day, I don't care what you say because if you really cared, you'd show it, not just bitch...any hippy can bitch. Actions speak louder then words, people with only words mean nothing. So bitch all you like.
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Post by Piaffe »

Don't blame the US, blame the UN for not having the balls to put the USA in it's place and telling them to back off of Iraq. The UN is weak as piss.

Of course some of them would be inept, they joined for the wrong reasons. You brought up the US soldiers, not me. lol

The US has already whipped off their debt Africa owed them. Weird how people never seem to point out the US Government good moves, lol. The US needs to help their own people before they help others more, unemployment, medical etc They need to take care of their own before they rush off to spend billions on war. Very stupid.

If boat people can make it without being noticed, hahaa.

I don't totally disagree with you, so chill out. But you gotta understand where I'm coming from. Personally I think Australians don't show enough support for our troops overseas, not just in the middle east but in places like the Solomon Islands etc. Yeah they shouldn't be in Iraq, but be proud that they are doing a damn fine job while wearing our flag. And rather then being there for front line jobs, they are their training a new nation to defend themselves etc. Sorry to be taking it out on you, but most aussie don't care, don't show it, don't have any interest. It's a huge shame. If anything aussie should support them more because they are over there for the wrong reasons. They should feel even stronger about them. But no, aussies don't give a damn about their own people.

One Aussie? Do you mean the one that got killed by his firearm going off? I agree with his parents, no trained soldier would clean a loaded weapon, that's a joke. I put money on the wife cheater, told him while he's over there, and he couldn't take it with already being under stress over there.

f****** females suck, they have a shame board over there at the camps, they put pictures up on a notice board of all the cheating wives and girlfriends, and it's full.
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