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Post by dingus »

BERT wrote: At the time every world leader and the intelligence that they had said that Saddam had WMD's so it wasn't a lie.
And at the time, those world leaders were busy telling their intelligence communities exactly what they required the intelligence to say.

Bert, the only way it wasn't a lie was if they found them.

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Post by jimmyc1985 »

BenDoolan wrote:
BERT wrote:By 1990 no child will be living in poverty.
And what happened to Hawke?
Lots of things happened to Bobby after he made that statement. He'd probably count winning two elections after making that statement among his main achievements.
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Post by The Man from Bomberland »

MH_Bomber wrote:Prepare for electoral annihilation Howard. Thats if you make to it the election !!!
K Rudd needs 17 seats. As shit as the Coalition are going right now you all need to remember that. Copnsidering he is probably going to struggle to make a dent in WA that creates even more pressure on other electorates.

I admit I've been convinced over the last month that Labor are certainties until I remember how much of a buffer John Howard has up his sleeve. As good as Rudd is I still think it's going to be unbelievably close.
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Post by robbie67 »

BERT wrote:
MH_Bomber wrote:Look if we're going to resort to that then what about the "never ever GST ? "

I love the way Howard supporters start dragging thing up from 17 years ago when Howard is caught red handed making a monumental mistake.

I remember arguing with you BERT on the old Bombertalk website about Iraq. Do you now acknowledge it has been a disaster ?

I get really annoyed with the way the Right try and question your patriotism because you dont agree with Iraq. Iraq was never ever a hot bed of terrorism. Its now a recruiting tool for moderates to radicalise. Who has put the war on terror in more danger ? I think the incompetence of Bush, Blair and Howard has put the War on Terror back about 30 years.
At the time of the war starting everyone believed that Saddam had WMD. The UN, Both sides of US politics (Clinton said so in his interview with Denton) He was kicking the inspectors out. He was ignoring the 1991 war ceasefire. It would be in the hundreds of thousands that were starving to death as he had stockpiles of food that he wasn't giving out. Mass Genocide. A really great bloke that they got rid of.

At the time every world leader and the intelligence that they had said that Saddam had WMD's so it wasn't a lie.
That last paragraph is at best stretching the truth Bert, and at worst, it's a flat out lie. How many former members of the CIA, and other major intelligence networks have now come out and said, that they new there was no evidence of WMD's, but Bush's self appointed head of that organisation, as well as Condaliza Rice were only telling Bush what he wanted to hear. Reports, and evidence were tampered with. Whole sentances and paragraphs were being edited from intelligence reports, so that they would say the exact opposite thing of what the truth actually was.

Was Saddam an arsehole? Absolutely. Is Mugabe? Yep, nothing being done there. Is Bush? Without question, he is the most irresponsible "free World" leader there has ever been. And all the Rodent is, is George Dubya's lap dog.
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Post by BenDoolan »

jimmyc1985 wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
BERT wrote:By 1990 no child will be living in poverty.
And what happened to Hawke?
Lots of things happened to Bobby after he made that statement. He'd probably count winning two elections after making that statement among his main achievements.
Well, winning an election in 1987 as the statement was made isn't a victory over a mistake that hadn't yet been realised.

Although he won the 1990 election (the year that no Australian child would be living in povertry), he lost 8 seats and the coalition gained 7. High interest rates was probably the main factor in that.

19 months later, he was removed as Labor leader by Keating. So within 4 years of making that statement he was no longer leader of his party.

It has been 4 years since Howard made those comments re: Iraq. He has won an election since then. And now, his time is up.
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Post by bombers_rock »

The Man from Bomberland wrote:I admit I've been convinced over the last month that Labor are certainties until I remember how much of a buffer John Howard has up his sleeve. As good as Rudd is I still think it's going to be unbelievably close.
I, too, have been thinking along those lines. I hear people around me continually talking - not biased in any way, just general discussions about both Elmer Fudd and Little Johnny and what's going on - and quite a number of people have said Elmer is a shoe in. But, as you've mentioned TMFBL, its the number of seats Elmer has to claw back that is working against him. I don't think he'll win 2007, but come 2010 or 2011(?) if Little Johnny is no longer at the helm, who knows what could happen.

My local member is an ALP, and I won't be voting for her. She almost ran me over one day when I was wandering down Sturt St minding my own business. She mouthed "sorry" to me and rightfully so. She was going too fast and as it was between 2 buildings, I couldn't see her, she couldn't see me, so the least she could've done was tooted (as most people do in that situation.) But still, I could've been killed!! or at least injured.. ;)

Add to that all I've ever heard her harp on about is the Deer Park bypass, which is now under construction and (I think this is what I heard) on time and on budget. Apart from that - I can't say I know, from the 6 years(?) she's been an MP, what else she stands for.

Also I think Elmer Fudd is all talk.

Education? People like hearing about health and education - wins support, wins votes. I suspect its all talk though.

Climate change? I don't believe he's going to make a difference any more than Little Johnny will. He's got it on the Government's agenda - good, that's what an opposition does. Doesn't mean he'll do any better himself.

He's got broadband on the Government's agenda - all good and fine. Although, neither the government or the opposition has me convinced on that one. Internet in Australia is never going to get anywhere until Telstra (and Septic Tank Sol) and "G9" join forces and work together on improving Internet in Australia. Telstra can do it well on their own (then slug their competitors obscene amounts to use it - bad result for us consumers), G9 can do it on their on but not as well (bad result for consumers), or together they can produce something amazing and deliver cheaper broadband/Internet to everyone (good result for consumers). It's about sharing resources, something Telstra doesn't know how to do. As both a customer and shareholder of Telstra, I'd much rather they serve me as a customer (regardless of what ISP i use, it all comes back to the big T) before they serve me as a shareholder.

Anyhoo, just my 2 bob..
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Post by BERT »

Remember the L-A-W law tax cuts. That was a ripper.
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Post by BenDoolan »

BERT wrote:Remember the L-A-W law tax cuts. That was a ripper.
Yes, and then he was annihilated in the next election - lost something like 28 seats.....
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Post by BERT »

No tolls on the Scoresby Freeway. That lasted till he got re elected.
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Post by Madden »

BERT wrote:Remember the L-A-W law tax cuts. That was a ripper.
BERT wrote:No tolls on the Scoresby Freeway. That lasted till he got re elected.
Quick everyone, there's red herrings in the water! Time to go fishing....
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Post by robbie67 »

Seeing we are going to bring the past up.

"Life wasnt meant to be easy".
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Post by robbie67 »

That new book that Costello contributed too makes fascinating reading. "When he (Howard) was Treasurer, he was a terrible economic manager".
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Post by BenDoolan »

Let's keep rewinding the clock.....

Harold Holt once said on the topic of Vietnam...."All the way with LBJ!"

Fast Forward to Howard and the quote at the beginning of this thread....
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Post by hillchaser »

called into question his ability to lead the United States in this very difficult conflict. History proved them wrong
This is so hilarious .. it made me laugh out loud until I remembered the hundreds that are dying every day.

I was going to get all deep about this but then I started thinking about what it would be like to actually buy a used car of Brendan Nelson.
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