Rudd's tough day.

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Rudd's tough day.

Post by dom_105 »

First, his new best mate Cate Blanchett is giving him grief. ... 02,00.html
Cate Blanchett calls on Kevin Rudd to soften Bill Henson art remarks
Corrie Perkin and Lauren Wilson | May 28, 2008

KEVIN Rudd's handpicked arts mentor Cate Blanchett yesterday co-signed an open letter urging the Prime Minister to rethink his public comments about artist Bill Henson's work.

Blanchett, co-chair of the Creative Australia group at last month's 2020 Summit, was joined by other summiteers including Nobel Prize-winning writer John Coetzee, Museum of Contemporary Art director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor and economist Saul Eslake in expressing dismay at last Friday's raid on Henson's exhibition at the Roslyn Oxley9 Sydney gallery.

"The potential prosecution of one of our most respected artists is no way to build a Creative Australia, and does untold damage to our cultural reputation," said the letter, which was also addressed to NSW Premier Morris Iemma and federal Arts Minister Peter Garrett.

"We should remember that an important index of social freedom, in earlier times or in repressive regimes elsewhere in the world, is how artists and art are treated by the state.
Members of the arts community yesterday continued to condemn the police action as censorship. One collector likened the confiscation of art works to book-burning in Nazi Germany.

Sue Curtis, an art and design consultant who has been collecting Henson's works for 20 years, told The Australian she was deeply upset for Henson.

Ms Curtis said she hoped no further Henson images would be removed from galleries. "I don't think it could possibly get to the stage where galleries or collectors who own Bill Henson's work would have to give them up," she said. "If it did, it would be like Nazi Germany's burning of the books."
And then, it seems that the only thing Fuelwatch will watch is the prices go up.
Rudd ignored FuelWatch price warnings

The federal government is reeling tonight following the revelation that it ignored warnings from its own public service experts in four key departments that a National FuelWatch Scheme could increase petrol prices rather than reduce them.

In a massive embarrassment for Kevin Rudd, a Cabinet document has been leaked to the Nine Network showing concerns about the scheme expressed by the prime minister's own department, as well as the Finance Department, the Department of Resources and Energy, and the Industry Department.

FuelWatch, due to start in December and modelled on a scheme operating in Western Australia, would require service stations to nominate prices 24 hours in advance and stick to them.

The four departments warned Cabinet it was possible that the scheme could result in higher petrol prices. They also expressed concern about the increased financial cost it would impose on service stations, particularly small independent operators.

A spokesman for the prime minister said late this afternoon: "In deciding to support a National FuelWatch scheme the government received conflicting advice, which is normal.

"The government chose to accept the advice of the competition regulator, the ACCC, in adopting a National FuelWatch scheme."

The leak follows the disclosure early this week of a cabinet submission from Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson opposing FuelWatch.

It will provide the opposition — already intending to block a central aspect of the scheme in the senate — with powerful new ammunition.

The leaked document shows the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet did not support a scheme based on the Western Australian model.

It says: "PM&C notes that, while the proposed national FuelWatch scheme will likely succeed in removing intra-day price volatility in the retail petrol market, which is a concern to many consumers, the impact of the proposed scheme on the overall pump price is not clear.

"Econometric modelling undertaken by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is somewhat inconclusive with respect to the overall pump price, but indicates that a small overall price increase cannot be ruled out.

"The proposed scheme will also result in an increase in the compliance burden in the economy, with Treasury estimates indicating that the proposed scheme will result in ongoing increased operating costs of around $4000 per annum to affected small businesses."

The Department of Resources and Energy also says it does not support the scheme, and appears to question the government claim that FuelWatch in Western Australia has reduced the average petrol price by 1.9 cents a litre.

The department, according to the document, "would contend that other factors such as the competitive entry of Woolworths and Coles into the Perth fuel market as well as the alignment of fuel standards between Perth and the east coast market have both acted to improve the competitive nature of the Perth market, thereby exerting downward pressure on prices."

It expresses concern that "the scheme will reduce competition and market flexibility, increase compliance costs and has more potential to increase prices."

According to the document: "Finance does not consider that the proposed FuelWatch scheme is good practice regulation...

"This proposal will increase the regulatory burden, with inconclusive, unquantified and negative results...

"Finance considers that the introduction of a price commitment rule may result in higher average petrol prices over time as the option may lead to the creation of a de facto price floor…

"The proposed FuelWatch scheme would increase the regulatory burden to business in the magnitude of $20.7 million in the first year and $18.7 million per annum thereafter. The impact is likely to fall disproportionately on independent retailers."

The Industry Department is "concerned about the anti-competitive effects of the proposed FuelWatch scheme, which prevents businesses from reacting to market forces to adjust their prices for a 24-hour period.

It says the scheme "also has the capacity to increase petrol price co-ordination amongst retailers".

The Prime Minister's Department suggested that another option — simply providing increased price information to consumers, possibly on an hourly basis — would be preferable to the scheme adopted by Cabinet.

It would be "more likely to enhance competition and lower the overall pump price without a significant increase in the compliance burden".

The Resources and Energy Department also favours an option "to increase petrol price information to consumers via a comprehensive internet service hosted either by the ACCC or automobile association/ motoring club websites and focusing on real-time pricing information".

This, the department said, "would not have the potential to lower competition or alter existing price cycles as it maintains the scope for retailers to reduce prices and respond to intra-day price changes".

This Fuelwatch business needs to be thought out in more depth.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by grassy1 »

Does he wanna review his SOLAR POWER Policy?Probably not.The OIL BARONS would see to that.Gotta watch that folm,WHO KILLED THE ELCTRIC CAR?Any theories?

On the other matter,HENSON has made a BAD mistake,but there's bound to be some RAGING HYPOCRISY on CHILD EXPLOITATION,most likely from the NEO CONS PILLORYING HIM.RUDD may be aware of that,but he ain't taking any chances on this.Putting a DEAD STRAIGHT DEAD BAT on it that GEOFF BORECOTT would be proud of.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by BERT »

Looks like the honeymoon is over. The Ruddling might now have to do something and not keep saying working families.

The Fuelwatch will never work. Petrol prices are a fact of life. Nothing any government can do about them apart from cutting the tax on it. Both sides don't want that to happen. For the Ruddling to imply that he would keep prices low was a massive mistake. It's like what Howard said about intrest rates. They never said that they would keep them low but implied that they would.

If there is another intrest rate rise in the next 3 months then the Ruddling is in big trouble.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by MH_Bomber »

Yes I have to agree. Unless you are going to move away from world parity oil prices you should just shut up about them.

This whole debate from both sides is ridiculous. The price of oil is higher now because its running out. What needs to happen is look at alternative fuels ,totally overhaul public transport to make it user friendly and get freight running on rail. This fiddle faddling around at the edges is wasting time and money and its bad for the environment.

I still cant work out why no-one is pushing for CNG - compressed natural gas. There was a good story on this on the 7.30 report.

The other worry for the Rudd meister is someone - very senior has leaked cabinet material twice.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by BERT »

MH_Bomber wrote:
The other worry for the Rudd meister is someone - very senior has leaked cabinet material twice.
It wouldn't be Julia would it?
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by MH_Bomber »

I 've just been listening to Question Time and the government has hit back hard and made the Opposition look a bit stupid. They needed to do this earlier but I think they seem to have regrouped. Now to find the leaker.....
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by pevfan »

Gees...bloody Rudd, why did I ever vote for him. World oil prices have gone mad...It's all Labor's fault.

Heard Kochie say on 7's Brekky show this morning that it was the burgeoning global price of oil that started the inflation monster that drove interest rates up to 17% in the late 80's...and here I was thinking all along that that was all Labor's fault as well :wink:
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by dom_105 »

pevfan wrote:Gees...bloody Rudd, why did I ever vote for him. World oil prices have gone mad...It's all Labor's fault.

Heard Kochie say on 7's Brekky show this morning that it was the burgeoning global price of oil that started the inflation monster that drove interest rates up to 17% in the late 80's...and here I was thinking all along that that was all Labor's fault as well :wink:
Rudd should have kept his mouth shut then.

This populist politics will come back to bite him, just as it did Howard.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by grassy1 »

Probably so.

He seems to be looking for a SCAPEGOAT.And I'm glad to say,he found the RIGHT ONE.Whilst all the HOO-HA has been spinning around in Hyperbole about us getting a LOUSY 5C DISCOUNT,SLITHERING under the RADAR,SNIGGERING under their breaths are the OIL COMPANIES,Swimmin' in their SHITLOADS of MOUALLAH,taking us ALL for FOOLS.

Because they know they've got many Politicians on BOTH SIDES,BY THE BALLS.And RUPERT MURDOCH ONSIDE OF COURSE.Rupe's National is STILL FIGHTING the COLD WAR,this time on ASIOP'S Behalf.Can you possibly imagine Rupe doing anything more LAUGHABLE when it comes to NATIONAL SECURITY Matters? :twisted:

RUDD MUST GET LOUDER on this and CONTINUE to POINT THE FINGER at those THIEVING BASTARDS RIPPING THE SHIT out of it's Customers.Meanwhile,we must do our part and FIND a way to use our CARS FAR LESS than we do.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by The Man from Bomberland »

dom_105 wrote:
pevfan wrote:Gees...bloody Rudd, why did I ever vote for him. World oil prices have gone mad...It's all Labor's fault.

Heard Kochie say on 7's Brekky show this morning that it was the burgeoning global price of oil that started the inflation monster that drove interest rates up to 17% in the late 80's...and here I was thinking all along that that was all Labor's fault as well :wink:
Rudd should have kept his mouth shut then.

This populist politics will come back to bite him, just as it did Howard.
It's foolwatch :lol: :lol:

Dud policy. He should bin it and get on with fixing the real issues. Fuel is out of his hands and everyone knows it.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by Rossoneri »

Agree with MH here. Surely we should start pushing more for other forms of fuel? Havign said that, the oil companies are very powerful and it will be hard.

Its the petrol prices that have driven up inflation, there is no doubt about that. Things now cost more due to petrol, if you want proof, have a look and the next tax invoice you get from a delivery. There is always a cost of "fuel levy" added onto everything these days. And the supplier will pass this onto to consumer (us).

There is nothing Rudd can do about it. We can't even spend less because our basic necessities have increased at a significant rate.

Our infrastructure for transport here in Victoria is an absolute disgrace, not sure what its like in other cities around the nation.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by Rossoneri »

And as for Kate Blanchet, she can go get f*cked. Painting a 12 year old in the nude is not art, its pedophilia. So now any twisted prick can take photos of 12 year olds in the shower and call it art? Turn it up!
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by The Man from Bomberland »

Rossoneri wrote:And as for Kate Blanchet, she can go get f*cked. Painting a 12 year old in the nude is not art, its pedophilia. So now any twisted prick can take photos of 12 year olds in the shower and call it art? Turn it up!
I don't know if it's pedophilia. Apparently he got permission from the parents. But I didn't find it artistic at all. It just seemed like a shock tactic to help with proting the exhibit. I'm all for artists and freedom of expression but I think you have to draw the line somewhere. Front on child nudity crosses that line IMO no matter how much you ramble on about artistic value.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by The Man from Bomberland »

The Man from Bomberland wrote:
Rossoneri wrote:And as for Kate Blanchet, she can go get f*cked. Painting a 12 year old in the nude is not art, its pedophilia. So now any twisted prick can take photos of 12 year olds in the shower and call it art? Turn it up!
I don't know if it's pedophilia. Apparently he got permission from the parents. But I didn't find it artistic at all. It just seemed like a shock tactic to help with promoting the exhibit. I'm all for artists and freedom of expression but I think you have to draw the line somewhere. Front on child nudity crosses that line IMO no matter how much you ramble on about artistic value.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by Madden »

Rossoneri wrote:And as for Kate Blanchet, she can go get f*cked. Painting a 12 year old in the nude is not art, its pedophilia. So now any twisted prick can take photos of 12 year olds in the shower and call it art? Turn it up!
Couldn't be more wrong. Pictures of naked children are not considered pornographic unless there is some element of sexualisation to them.

I don't think that these photos have that element and I would think it is very very highly likely that these charges will be dropped.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by bomberdonnie »

Staggy wrote:
Rossoneri wrote:And as for Kate Blanchet, she can go get f*cked. Painting a 12 year old in the nude is not art, its pedophilia. So now any twisted prick can take photos of 12 year olds in the shower and call it art? Turn it up!
Couldn't be more wrong. Pictures of naked children are not considered pornographic unless there is some element of sexualisation to them.

I don't think that these photos have that element and I would think it is very very highly likely that these charges will be dropped.
What determines the element of sexualisation though?
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by dom_105 »

bomberdonnie wrote:
Staggy wrote:
Rossoneri wrote:And as for Kate Blanchet, she can go get f*cked. Painting a 12 year old in the nude is not art, its pedophilia. So now any twisted prick can take photos of 12 year olds in the shower and call it art? Turn it up!
Couldn't be more wrong. Pictures of naked children are not considered pornographic unless there is some element of sexualisation to them.

I don't think that these photos have that element and I would think it is very very highly likely that these charges will be dropped.
What determines the element of sexualisation though?
That's what concerns me about this whole thing.

Where is the line?
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by jimmyc1985 »

Staggy wrote:Couldn't be more wrong. Pictures of naked children are not considered pornographic unless there is some element of sexualisation to them.

I don't think that these photos have that element and I would think it is very very highly likely that these charges will be dropped.
Correct. Not sure whether the charges will be dropped though - might be worth just going through the courts anyway for precedence purposes. Community standards of decency don't get tested too often and by their nature they're constantly changing, so i'd actually like to see this case proceed.

It's a work of art published by an artist. In that context, it's much more difficult to declare them indecent. This whole thing reminds me a bit of the "Piss Christ" painting a while ago, which infuriated the Catholic clergy and many thought indecent......but the courts thought otherwise. This is perhaps even closer to the line of what i would imagine as being the community's standards of indecency, but we'll see.
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by dodgey »

what's going on..... A political argument and not 1 comment from Filthy :wink:

maybe the excuse book is wearing thin :D
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Re: Rudd's tough day.

Post by grassy1 »


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