The Politics Thread.

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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by MH_Bomber »

I can only report it as it is being reported by the Ministers bitching about her. This spin doctor does seem to be overruling Ministers and has a strangle hold on Tony. Not sure if she advised that a little smack is okay though.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by BERT »

Way to avoid the question so I'll ask it again

How can she run the government if Abbott has a problem with women as you claimed?
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by Flip »

Errrkkk. Credlin... :roll:


You'd be giving her the F**k of the Century and she still complain and fire your arse.....assuming you could drink that much beer in the first place.....and didn't notice she fills out Phoneys buggies better than he does. #-o
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by BERT »

Flip wrote:Errrkkk. Credlin... :roll:


You'd be giving her the F**k of the Century and she still complain and fire your arse.....assuming you could drink that much beer in the first place.....and didn't notice she fills out Phoneys buggies better than he does. #-o
And you complain when there is a protest with a "Ditch the Witch" sign. Complain whenever Alan Jones said anything bad about Gillard but you can post this offensive rubbish.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by tonysoprano »

BERT wrote:
Flip wrote:Errrkkk. Credlin... :roll:


You'd be giving her the F**k of the Century and she still complain and fire your arse.....assuming you could drink that much beer in the first place.....and didn't notice she fills out Phoneys buggies better than he does. #-o
And you complain when there is a protest with a "Ditch the Witch" sign. Complain whenever Alan Jones said anything bad about Gillard but you can post this offensive rubbish.
Well said Bert. The hypocrisy of "Flip" and MH is astonishing given how quick they are to point it out in others.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by Flip »

Julia was an elected PM of the country and in a hung Parliament managed more Legislation through the last Parliament in all our history.

What is Credlin?

Jones suggested that Julia be drowned in the Tasman.

Where is such mention of this hard faced bitch with her file of Gillard/AWU in hand on the floor of the house?

Ditch the Bitch? You mean that sign which The Speaker of the House, that thing Mirabella and PM Phoney proudly stood under?

I am only a anonymous punter. I say what I think often in jest.

Show me where any ALP/Green/Indie....and LNP Pollie who thinks the same.... Pollie has said such "offensive" things?

Do not stand between a Tory and the High Moral will get run over.

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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by BERT »

Can we get an Ignore user function on this board??
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by tonysoprano »

Flip wrote:Julia was an elected PM of the country and in a hung Parliament managed more Legislation through the last Parliament in all our history.
Including legislation that the majority of Australian's did NOT want

What is Credlin?
A woman, who you suggested packs more in her pants than Tony does in his budgies - perhaps you are a misogynist?

Jones suggested that Julia be drowned in the Tasman.

Where is such mention of this hard faced bitch with her file of Gillard/AWU in hand on the floor of the house?
I don't known you tell us…

Ditch the Bitch? You mean that sign which The Speaker of the House, that thing Mirabella and PM Phoney proudly stood under?
Derogatory comment "thing" about another woman in your post? Confused much?

I am only a anonymous punter. I say what I think often in jest.
You'er not anonymous - you are Mr Confirmation Bias - only quoting news articles that support your particular slant, while conveniently ignoring all other information.

Show me where any ALP/Green/Indie....and LNP Pollie who thinks the same.... Pollie has said such "offensive" things?
You lost me

Do not stand between a Tory and the High Moral will get run over.
Why, because you are in such a rush to get there like every other morally superior green, social-communist who thinks they know the answer?

The high point in your post.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by MH_Bomber »

I pass no judgement on her other than as a spin doctor she appears to welding a lot of power within the government. Spin doctors generally seem to be calling the shots in politics and I wish it would stop. I hope Labor has learnt its lesson on this especially the repeat of the parrot line of the day that the resident spin doctor has approved. This is what killed Julia - listening to freaking spin doctors. Who could forget the real Julia buso during 2010. Her best speeches were when she was under duress and was thinking on her feet away from the micromanagement of this tawdry bunch.

In terms of misogyny, perhaps the government's inherent misogyny can be seen by 2 decisions. One to ask child care workers (a very lowly paid bunch) to pay back their $3 pay rise awarded by the previous government and secondly to ditch a pay rise to aged care workers. Both these groups are dominated by female workers and lowly paid ones at that and to scrap promised pay rises to lowly paid woman is a perfect example of misogyny.

Peta Credlin being a woman doesn't seem to stop inherently anti women policies within this government. Did she have an input into the make up of the cabinet and ministry ? Apparently so. So BERT's gotcha moment is blown out of the water by his Liberal mates own policies.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by Flip »

So Bert and Signor Soprano.....please comment on these "observations" on our former PM, when she was PM.

These are in the Public domain that millions of Australians heard and were read, disseminated on a daily basis etc. The public vilification of her, led by the Lie-beral Party and Murdoch is the worst I have seen in my life; even worse than Gough in 75 and THAT was horrendous.

It was not carried out in a cosy little Footy Club website with a few hundred members but day after day NATIONALLY.....insult after insult.

"Australian prime minister Julia Gillard has called on the opposition coalition to reject an election candidate over what she has described as a “grossly sexist and offensive” fundraising menu.
She was speaking out against the menu at a Liberal National Party dinner for former minister Mal Brough which made demeaning comments about her body. It advertised “Julia Gillard Kentucky Fried Quail Small Breasts, Huge Thighs, and a Big Red Box

Who can forget Alan "Public Dunny's" Jones: "Julia Gillard's father died of shame". Jones Chief Cheer Leader of Phoney.

and then;

All’s fair in love and war. In the rough and tumble of politics, all are targets. Aren't they?

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has copped her fair share of insults. Is it No Big Deal? Game on, move on, nothing to see here? Or something else entirely?

You decide.

Here are the top 10 most-publicised barbs aimed at Ms Gillard who was sworn in as Australia’s first female Prime Minister on June 24, 2010.

1. “On what should have been one of the proudest days of Gillard’s political career, she bungled it with a less than flattering haircut and a frumpy ’80s tapestry print jacket… Get yourself a stylist your own age.” Anita Quigley. Daily Telegraph. December 2006

2. “I mean anyone who chooses to remain deliberately barren… they’ve got no idea what life’s about.” Senator Bill Heffernan. The Bulletin. May 2007

3. “You won’t need his (PM Kevin Rudd) taxpayer-funded nanny, will you?” Sophie Mirabella. Parliament. May 2008

4. “She has chosen not to be a parent… she is very much a one-dimensional person… she just doesn’t understand the way parents think about their children when they reach a particular age.” Senator George Brandis. ABC Radio. January 2010

5. “She has showcased a bare home and an empty kitchen as badges of honour and commitment to her career. She has never had to make room for the frustrating demands and magnificent responsibilities of caring for little babies, picking up sick children from school, raising teenagers. Not to mention the needs of a husband or partner.” Janet Albrechtsen. The Australian. July 2010

6. “She looks like a real weakling.” Mark Latham. Sky News. August 2010

(Latham also accused the PM of being inappropriate when she touched his chest in an interview: “The physicality of it was all on her side. I’m a happily married man and this sort of stuff I found a little bit out of the ordinary.”)

7. “Juliar Bob Brown’s Bitch” “Burn the Witch”. Placards at anti-carbon tax Rally. March 2011

8. “Put her ( Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney) in the same chaff bag as Julia Gillard and throw them both out to sea.” *Alan Jones 2GB radio. July 2011

9. “You’ve got a big arse, Julia, just get on with it.” Germaine Greer. ABC. Q&A. March 2012

10. “(Australians)… ought to be out there kicking her to death.” Grahame Morris (former John Howard staffer turned lobbyist) Sky News. April 2012

P.S. Kate Ellis MP alleges Kevin Rudd denounced the prime minister as a ”childless, atheist, ex-communist”. He denies it but Ellis is adamant Rudd spoke those words. March 2012

Public hurl insults at Prime Minister Julia Gillard during question time

This story was published: 9 months ago March 12, 2013 3:40PM

MEMBERS of the public have been thrown out of parliament after shouting profanities at Julia Gillard.

Three women sitting in the public gallery shouted separate interjections at different points during question time.

One woman appeared to call Ms Gillard a "moll".

Another called the Prime Minister "Juliar" and a third spoke about Ms Gillard's recent visit to western Sydney.

"You didn't visit us did ya," she said.

During the second interjection an apparent Gillard supporter shouted at Tony Abbott from another public gallery.

"There's your people's revolt Tony," the man shouted.

I could go on but thee is not enough room for 3,380, 000 hits on Google for Insults against Julia Gillard. So off you go to High Tory Moral Ground.

The minute the Extreme Far Right of the Lie-Beral Party goes and it returns to the Party of the Moderates like Menzies, Hamer and so on, all this hate will stop in Australian Politics. Phoney started it. He has to go and a Turnbull comes in before this will happen.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by BERT »

The sad thing is you actually believe all the rubbish you post.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by Flip »

So Bertie old chap, as all of the above post by moi, is actually on the public record, can be please advise the punters which bits are "rubbish"? :|
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by BenDoolan »

Robbie's right. You cause a lot more damage to the ALP cause than not.

It's the dumb blind faith and ridiculous defence of poor policy and decisions that makes everyone laugh.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by boncer34 »

Well the Unions have effectively closed Toyota's door. What was so wrong with the proposed agreement that Toyota was offering? It still included annual payrises etc. But no... of course.... its the Coalition that has closed the manufacturing industry. :roll:

Hope the four workers that took it to court are proud of themselves and we all know the Unions will scream, "WE PROTECTED THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS." Brilliant stuff. Of course its hard to protect rights when there are no jobs.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by Flip »

boncer34 wrote:Well the Unions have effectively closed Toyota's door. What was so wrong with the proposed agreement that Toyota was offering? It still included annual payrises etc. But no... of course.... its the Coalition that has closed the manufacturing industry. :roll:

Hope the four workers that took it to court are proud of themselves and we all know the Unions will scream, "WE PROTECTED THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS." Brilliant stuff. Of course its hard to protect rights when there are no jobs.
The top of the line Holden Caprice was recommended by the Attorney-General's Department last year as the preferred option for a fleet of nine specialised blast-proof VIP vehicles to be used by the prime minister and other dignitaries, according to confidential government documents.

The revelation appears to contradict reported Abbott government sources as saying Holden had not even submitted a bid in the tender because the car maker simply ''was not interested''.

Holden viewed that claim - which appeared in a News Corporation newspaper on Wednesday, just hours before the car maker announced its withdrawal - as part of a deliberate negative backgrounding campaign by Coalition ministers designed to make the company look uncommitted to Australia.

Read more: ... z2nImFUZ75

General Motors Holden's decision to leave Australia was made after the federal government baulked at an extra $80 million a year for seven years, reports The Australian Financial Review.

The appeal for the extra subsidies was discussed at a meeting in Adelaide on October 2 with Holden managing director Mike Devereux, federal Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane, South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill and his Manufacturing Minister, Tom Kenyon.

A summary of the meeting seen by The Australian Financial Review reveals that in order to keep making cars in Adelaide from 2016 until the end of 2022, Holden wanted $80 million a year in addition to the $40 million it was set to receive from the Automotive Transformation Fund and $275 million already pledged for seven years by the federal and state governments.

Read more: ... z2nIojDEOZ

$80m a year out of a budget of tens of billions and in a $1.5trillion economy to keep going a company that employs directly tens of thousands and indirectly at least times 3-4 that.

And they wouldn't do it?

Why? It is illogical..... if you take the IPA wish list out of it.

I will say it again, if a moderate like Turnbull can become PM, a lot of hatred and heat will come out of Australian Politics and we can concentrate on good Public Policy, not ideology.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by boncer34 »

Wow. I talk about Toyota and you rebutt with an article about Holden?

Their the same company now are they?
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by Flip »

Hi Bonce,

Can you send a link re Toyota/Unions as I could only find something that they were in negotiations and nothing else? Then we can chat. Cheers.

Re Holden, your thoughts? Can you make sense out of this as to why a piddling amount of $80m couldn't be found to keep them here for another 10 years versus the Centrelink payments skyrocketing higher than that?
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by Flip »

pevfan wrote:By the way... Welcome back Filth
Cheers Pev. Seems that MH and you were the only lefties left here so...
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by boncer34 »

Flip wrote:Hi Bonce,

Can you send a link re Toyota/Unions as I could only find something that they were in negotiations and nothing else? Then we can chat. Cheers.

Re Holden, your thoughts? Can you make sense out of this as to why a piddling amount of $80m couldn't be found to keep them here for another 10 years versus the Centrelink payments skyrocketing higher than that?
Only if you can explain to me how $80m a year over 7 years only equals $80m and how 2016-2022 equals 10 years.
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Re: The Politics Thread.

Post by ealesy »

Flip wrote:Julia was an elected PM of the country and in a hung Parliament managed more Legislation through the last Parliament in all our history.

What is Credlin?

What an absolute load of bullshit Flip.

Your post was nothing more, than hypocritical, mysoginst bullshit, own up to it apologise for it. Don't try and excuse it by trying to say you are just some average Joe on the Internet and Liberal party figures and members of the right wing media were making similar comments about Julia Gillard publically so that's worse.

Are you suggesting that it fine to make misogynist comments about a woman unless that woman has been elected to high public office? Because that is a load of horseshit?

Those who make misogynist comments need to be called out on their bullshit, no matter who they have made the comments about, or what station in life those they've made the comment about hold in life.

I'm sure you applauded Gillard when she called the likes of Tony Abbot and Alan Jones out on their bullshit behaviour, yet you now sit back and feel like you have the right to make similar comments about a key Liberal Party figure because it suits your political ideology.

Oh and don't try and claim it was tounge in cheek or an attempt at humour, because there is nothing more pathetic than someone who trys to justify their misogyny as an attempt at humour.

Get stuffed!
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