Has Peter Garrett sold his Soul ???

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Post by pevfan »

A bit more eloquently put of course but in essence it's like I said above....See Dennis Altman's piece "It's time to take the blinkers off" on P17 of today's Age

Post by Filthy »

spikefan wrote:
Filthy wrote: I think a few Russians might argue with you there Sis. They took on and beat the major enemy....Germany....and lost 30 million doing so.
Well that's not totally correct, the Russian did not take on and beat the major enemy, at least not at the beginning, they started happily sharing the spoils in Eastern Europe (Poland, Baltics, Eastern Slovakia, ...) with Hitler.
When Germany invaded Russia then they had no choice but fight for their lives. Stalin seriously mismanaged the Russian military in the pre-war years and his insane repression before, during and after did cost countless lives, possibly half the 30M.

Your point is still well taken, we owe the defeat of the totally evil Nazi Germany to the Russian armies that contributed immensely and at a very huge human cost, so thank you Russian soldiers, but no thanks to Stalin.
US casualty's for the whole war on all fronts were 300,000 dead.
Don't blame the US for losing "only" 300,000 people, the relatively low number showed that democracies with a lively public opinion have a natural respect for human life (at least in their own country). This said I find no excuse whatsoever for Hiroshima.
As for us being stoic...yes we were being the 1st of the allies to beat the Krauts at Tobruk and the Nips on Kokoda. And by War's end we had a million men/women under arms out of 8mil people. I think we had something like the 3rd or 4th biggest Navy and Airforce in the World!!!
Totally agree with this!

The US is quite similar to Australia in many ways and should always be viewed as a friend (but not as a master)- the issue is that good friends are allowed to criticize each other when wrong. Good friends also accept criticism.
Well written piece Spike.

Your point about "did not take on" is correct. Hitler broke the Pact by attacking. Stalin couldn't believe it. There are still story's of trains full of goods from the USSR still going into Germany passing the advancing German Army's. The USSR's initial problem is that butcher Stalin (as bad as Hitler) shot most of the Red Army's senior Officer Corp during the purges, meaning the Red Army for 1941 and 1942 was ill-prepared, ill-equipped and poorly lead. after that it was only a matter of time....

The US losing "only" 300000 dead is 300000 dead too many as is the 3000 dead Americans in Iraq is equally sad but this time equally sad as it is for what? WW2 ws a noble cause. Iraq? And that also includes the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have died.

This said this is not because there is a dangerous idiot in the White House that you should totally revile the US - I know you don't. no I don't. The nation of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy and Clinton (with his pants on) deserves better than the dangerously incompetent and murderous incumbent and the shadowy figures who control him.
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Post by dingus »

Sismis wrote:
dingus wrote:If it is such a crime to change your mind on an issue, Why doesn't mr Garret point out that Austrlaia has a GST? At least Garret has never lied to the electorate about his agenda.

And this Myth that Australia was "saved" by the U.S. in WWII... pffft. Anyone who has read anything about Australia's role in the pacific conflict will know that it was the political toughness of John Curtin and the determination of Australian servicemen that "saved" this country.
While Australia was unbelieveably stoic in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. We (and the rest of the allies) would have been in real strife had the US not (belatedly) gotten involved. Their industrial might tipped the balance. Their battle with the Japanese Navy deflected a lot of attention. And in the end it was their troops who forced the Japanese back to japan.

While the current bloodthirsty regime in the white house is deplorable, you cannot deny their actions were instrumental in keeping us a free state.
Point taken, Sismis, but the yanks were in real trouble at the time we fought the Japanese in PNG. Australia was the first nation to inflict a land defeat on the seemingly invincible Japanese Imperial Army. This was after Major defeats such as Singapore, The Phillipines etc, not to mention Pearl Harbour (Which is the sole reason the U.S. entered the conflict). The Australian victory allowed the U.S troops and McArthur to regain the incentive in the pacific conflict.

McArthur made it very clear to both Curtin and General Blamey (whoring, corrupt pisspot) that the U.S. was only Australia's friend for as long as it suited them to be so, all the while bitching about the incompetence of the Australian troops.

Post by Filthy »

dingus wrote:
Sismis wrote:
dingus wrote:If it is such a crime to change your mind on an issue, Why doesn't mr Garret point out that Austrlaia has a GST? At least Garret has never lied to the electorate about his agenda.

And this Myth that Australia was "saved" by the U.S. in WWII... pffft. Anyone who has read anything about Australia's role in the pacific conflict will know that it was the political toughness of John Curtin and the determination of Australian servicemen that "saved" this country.
While Australia was unbelieveably stoic in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. We (and the rest of the allies) would have been in real strife had the US not (belatedly) gotten involved. Their industrial might tipped the balance. Their battle with the Japanese Navy deflected a lot of attention. And in the end it was their troops who forced the Japanese back to japan.

While the current bloodthirsty regime in the white house is deplorable, you cannot deny their actions were instrumental in keeping us a free state.
Point taken, Sismis, but the yanks were in real trouble at the time we fought the Japanese in PNG. Australia was the first nation to inflict a land defeat on the seemingly invincible Japanese Imperial Army. This was after Major defeats such as Singapore, The Phillipines etc, not to mention Pearl Harbour (Which is the sole reason the U.S. entered the conflict). The Australian victory allowed the U.S troops and McArthur to regain the incentive in the pacific conflict.

McArthur made it very clear to both Curtin and General Blamey (whoring, corrupt pisspot) that the U.S. was only Australia's friend for as long as it suited them to be so, all the while bitching about the incompetence of the Australian troops.
Spot on!
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Post by BERT »

dingus wrote:If it is such a crime to change your mind on an issue, Why doesn't mr Garret point out that Austrlaia has a GST? At least Garret has never lied to the electorate about his agenda.
Lied about his agenda. What part of taking a GST to an election is lying about it? He did say it was dead but at least he took it to an election.
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Post by dingus »

BERT wrote:
dingus wrote:If it is such a crime to change your mind on an issue, Why doesn't mr Garret point out that Austrlaia has a GST? At least Garret has never lied to the electorate about his agenda.
Lied about his agenda. What part of taking a GST to an election is lying about it? He did say it was dead but at least he took it to an election.
His agenda pre-dated that election. He knew full well as the words "never, ever" left his thin, lying lips that he would introduce the GST at the first opportunity.

Children overboard. WMD's. Wheat Kickbacks. GST. Interest Rates. Waterfront disputes. The list goes on.

He's a liar.
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