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Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:48 pm
by Paul18
Rudd much better that Howard.
Rudd - " I believe in education, I believe, I Believe.

Howard -" I want to be PM, I want to be PM, I want to be PM

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:53 pm
by Paul18
Barnaby Joyce says, Government is gone.
You know it's over when they start giving up
before hand.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:59 pm
by BenDoolan
Paul18 wrote:Barnaby Joyce says, Government is gone.
You know it's over when they start giving up
before hand.
When did he say that? And I wouldn't bet on anything. With elections, it's never over until it's over.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:22 am
by grassy1
Now the Tories(an old Country Party HACK this time)are DANCING ALL OVER HAROLD'S GRAVE.

Funny how they lecture others on Speaking ILL of the DEAD.They just EAT thier PAST OLD LEADERS.

Leave the Poor Bugger alone Doug Anthony.He got caught in a strong rip which even a strong swimmer such as he,could not overcome.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:53 pm
by Sismis
Paul18 wrote:Rudd much better that Howard.
Rudd - " I believe in education, I believe, I Believe.

Howard -" I want to be PM, I want to be PM, I want to be PM
Howard -" I want to be PM, I want to be PM, I want to be PM"

Rudd - " I want to be Howard, I want to be Howard, I want to be Howard"

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:00 pm
by grassy1
Very good,but RUDD said no such thing.

Not that the(Have their Cake and Eat it TOO) Tories would give Ground on a LIE!

Many LIES!

If RUDD is smart,his Goverment Ministers WILL RESIGN wirh any COCK UP!There'll be no ME TOO on this Goverment's APALLING TRACK RECORD of BROKEN CORE and NON-CORE PROMISES.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:24 am
by The Man from Bomberland
Game over man game over

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 9:25 pm
by Paul18
Filthy wrote

"Paul..MH is a lady!!!"

Sorry but how was I to Know it's the net and I'm just a Labrador (typing in hard with paws)

BenDoolan wrote

Paul18 wrote:
Barnaby Joyce says, Government is gone.
You know it's over when they start giving up
before hand.

When did he say that? And I wouldn't bet on anything. With elections, it's never over until it's over.

Yes he did and Vale had to say he was wrong and a mavrick. Barnaby claim the LIbs keep talking about dry topics with no impact on peoples lives.

With the poles solid 8 to 6 leads and only days to go and with Tony Abbott on your side saying dump stuff when you need a clear message they are gone.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:49 pm
by MH_Bomber
Well only 5 more sleeps until election day and I really feel there is an air of expectation for a change of government.

I was quite impressed with one of the ALP ads that just uses sound effects with captions "He wont" juxtaposing the positions of Rudd and Howard on the major issues.

As far as I am concerned Labor MUST win. Democracy demands a change from the most incompetent, corrupt and disgraceful government in Australia's history. Labor has demonstrated it is more than capable of taking the reins.

I can not contemplate the pure torture of seeing those arrogant born to rule bums back in again. For a start Costello's smirk would create a world record of the smirkiest smirk ever going round. Howard would consider going for Menzies record and renege on his deal with Costello pre poll to hand over. Furthermore, Andrews would re-start his war on African migrants and refugees, Abbott would continue to be an out of touch want to be monk, global warming would continue to be denied, Hockey would undo the fairness test to allow business to screw over workers even more than WorkChoices mache I, Downer would continue to argue that we should stay the course in Iraq, Julie Bishop would continue to direct public money into the private school system.... on and on it goes.

Its time to wake up Australia and elect a government that has the possibility of restoring the respect Australia had for itself. Lets get rid of the spectre of appealing to the worst side of our psyche as exemplified by 11 years of Howard rule.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 6:51 pm
by pevfan
I pray you are right MH Bomber, but I can't help this nagging feeling of dread in my bones that the significant undecided (read unthinking) voter will roll up to the booths next Saturday saying to him or herself " I wonder who to vote for....Ah better stick with the Libs" Tick, Tick.

The words of Labor polster Rod Cameron keep sticking in my mind...taking 16 seats off the Coalition while not losing any of it's own marginals will be a very big ask especially as Labor are counting on taking Bennelong as one of them. Like Cameron, I just can't see that happening...would be fantastic if it did but I'm a realist I'm afraid.

Think it's gonna be like the Eagles v Swans GF's of 05, 06 a real cliff hanger.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:40 am
by grassy1
Will ANDREW ROBB be the JOHN BUTTON(1996) of this election?

Open his MOUTH WIDE OPEN with some RIDICULOUS CLAIM akin to a DROWNING man clutching a SINKING SHIP.

If ROBB'S DESPERATE CLAIM of 13 ALP pre-selections not resigning before nominating,doesn't SINK his MOB like the TITANIC,nothing ever will.

Any doubt about the ALP Falling in '96 was COMPLETELY removed by BIG MOUTH JOHN(whose Lip I wanted to BUTTON FAST),making some PATHETIC CLAIM about JEFF KENNETT,on the eve of the Count.

It may have had something to it,but the timing and air of desperation was UTTERLY RIDICULOUS,you could not only hear the COLLECTIVE GROANS of "DICKHEAD!"from ALP faithfull,but the NUMBER of LEAD BALLOONS,droppping from the sky.

Your turn ANDREW!

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:19 am
by Paul18
I'm on. Saw the polls, heard Jackie Kelly and put all me money on the election.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:42 am
by Madden
Paul18 wrote:I'm on. Saw the polls, heard Jackie Kelly and put all me money on the election.
Remember when Kennett got beaten in 99 despite every poll saying he would romp it in?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:38 pm
by Malky
Staggy wrote:
Paul18 wrote:I'm on. Saw the polls, heard Jackie Kelly and put all me money on the election.
Remember when Kennett got beaten in 99 despite every poll saying he would romp it in?
Dude, for a completely different reason, we do not refer to that day, ever!

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:43 pm
by BenDoolan
Malky wrote:
Staggy wrote:
Paul18 wrote:I'm on. Saw the polls, heard Jackie Kelly and put all me money on the election.
Remember when Kennett got beaten in 99 despite every poll saying he would romp it in?
Dude, for a completely different reason, we do not refer to that day, ever!
That was the day I broke my seat at the MCG.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:50 pm
by grassy1
DICK was $700MILL over the CAP.

Will it HURT the BLUES in a LITERAL SENSE,come Saturday?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:58 pm
by grassy1
I'm glad I'm working(at the WILDCATS V TIGERS).Start at 4 with my 1st port of call,by the time I get into the Stadium about 5.15PM,a clear pattern may start to develop.


If they don't,Howard may just survive.God I BLOODY HOPE NOT.

My Home state is a aworry.I tend to think the Pro Howard Trend,is a Backlash against STATE ISSUES.I hope not.Their turn will come.The time of INCUMBENCY is nigh and NOW is a Grteat time to start.

As for WALL to WALL ALP Governments,RODENT LET THE CAT OUT THE BAG it'll be a 1st for the ALP.So it has happened before with the Libs and in due course,it changes.Either that or the BORN TO RULE BRIGADE are LOATHSOME that the ALP Beat them to it.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:18 pm
by BenDoolan
I get a feeling Rudd will just lose the election by a very small margin. 16 seats is an enormous task to recover. Enormous.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:47 pm
by grassy1
Either way,how will the SENATE shape up.

With a more sensible Preference allocation,the Coalition may lose their OUTRIGHT advantage.

With any luck,the NSW Right have done enough DAMAGE to their own with their CHICANERY as to SINK the Federal Governmentm LIKE THE TITANIC!

In BOTH Houses!

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:19 am
by MH_Bomber
Oh BenDoolan please have more faith ! You make my heart sink by your pessimistic realism.

I got my Kevin07 badge and wore it to Kinder drop off and pick up today. We are talking electorate Hotham (safe Labor - Crean) and border Higgins (safe Liberal - Costello). Unsolicited a number of the mums came up to me and basically had quite a bit to say about how they wanted the ALP to win and they couldnt stand Howard. This was not something I expected. My mood is buoyed by this.

I choose to believe the AC Nielson Poll not the latest Galaxy. Lets split the difference and say the reality is somewhere in between. This gives the ALP the 16 seats with a uniform swing. Richo, love him or hate him but an astute political judge reckons 20 seat win to the ALP.

What is with the Herald Sun editorial advocating a vote for the coalition ?At lease the Courier Mail and the Daily Telegraph have for the first time editorialised on Labor's side. Sounds like Rupert is having a bet each way.
The Age bloody well sat on the fence - gutless bastards.

Most pundits reckon it will be won and lost in how much Labor picks up in Qld and NSW. Well my gut instinct is that Victoria is going to heavily swing to Labor as well. Multicultural Melbourne will finally seen through Howard' lies and swing both to Labor and the Greens.

Go Labor. The champagne is on ice and ready to drink. I just hope I can savour the sweet taste of success on Saturday night.