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Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:46 am
by keri
I've got a bottle of Annie's Lane Sav Blanc 2006 at the ready, and I'm hoping it's opened in celebration and not in an attempt to drown my sorrows!

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:35 am
by Sismis
I very much doubt there will be a result on Saturday.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:58 am
by Madden
Sismis wrote:I very much doubt there will be a result on Saturday.
Depends which poll you believe today.

News Limited (Galaxy);
ALP: 52
Coaltion: 48

Fairfax (Nielsen);
ALP: 57
Coaltion: 43


Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:07 am
by Sismis
Staggy wrote:
Sismis wrote:I very much doubt there will be a result on Saturday.
Depends which poll you believe today.

News Limited (Galaxy);
ALP: 52
Coaltion: 48

Fairfax (Nielsen);
ALP: 57
Coaltion: 43

Fair point, based on most of the comentary I've been hearing it would seem as if it was going down to the wire. Hard to reconcile that with the Nielsen poll! I guess there is only one poll that really counts though.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:15 am
by Madden
I saw Antony Green on the 730 Report last night.

He seems to think that he'll be calling it within the first 45 minutes, or we'll have to wait until about 10.30.

This is basically what he said;

Scenario 1:
Big ALP gains in the Eastern states (Victoria, NSW, Tas). If these results come through early, then the ALP will win as Qld is projected to be their strongest state. Result will probably be called by 7.

Scenario 2:
Mixed results in the Eastern states, with the ALP not doing as well as polls suggest. In this case, then we will have to probably wait for the results in WA - with Swan and Cowan being crucial - there's probably a good chance the Libs could snatch them both against the trend. Result called by 10.30ish or later.

Gonna be an interesting night.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:02 pm
by jimmyc1985
Staggy wrote:I saw Antony Green on the 730 Report last night.

He seems to think that he'll be calling it within the first 45 minutes, or we'll have to wait until about 10.30.

This is basically what he said;

Scenario 1:
Big ALP gains in the Eastern states (Victoria, NSW, Tas). If these results come through early, then the ALP will win as Qld is projected to be their strongest state. Result will probably be called by 7.

Scenario 2:
Mixed results in the Eastern states, with the ALP not doing as well as polls suggest. In this case, then we will have to probably wait for the results in WA - with Swan and Cowan being crucial - there's probably a good chance the Libs could snatch them both against the trend. Result called by 10.30ish or later.

Gonna be an interesting night.
The pollster from The Australian who accompanied Green on the 7.30 Report last night had very pointy ears.

That is all.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:20 pm
by keri
Jimmy, you've gotten right to the heart of the issue there, haven't you?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:07 pm
by MH_Bomber
I wouldnt exactly say "doctors wives" (that is such a demeaning descriptor) but most of us are stay at home mums (child care too expensive and inaccessible to be worth it in my case) or mums with part time work. It was just interesting the vehemence of their belief in Labor and their utter hatred of Howard. Perhaps they are pretty much as rusted on Labor as I am.

I was accosted this morning by a died in the wool Liberal who asked me why I voting for Rudd when she saw the badge. I basically said I was a Labor voter ,I cant stand Howard and WorkChoices was the end. I didnt want to get into a full debate with her because I didnt see the point. But quite frankly the number 1 issue is the environment and there is more chance of Australia moving in the right direction with a Rudd government.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:51 pm
by The Man from Bomberland
jimmyc1985 wrote:
Staggy wrote:I saw Antony Green on the 730 Report last night.

He seems to think that he'll be calling it within the first 45 minutes, or we'll have to wait until about 10.30.

This is basically what he said;

Scenario 1:
Big ALP gains in the Eastern states (Victoria, NSW, Tas). If these results come through early, then the ALP will win as Qld is projected to be their strongest state. Result will probably be called by 7.

Scenario 2:
Mixed results in the Eastern states, with the ALP not doing as well as polls suggest. In this case, then we will have to probably wait for the results in WA - with Swan and Cowan being crucial - there's probably a good chance the Libs could snatch them both against the trend. Result called by 10.30ish or later.

Gonna be an interesting night.
The pollster from The Australian who accompanied Green on the 7.30 Report last night had very pointy ears.

That is all.
Sol does look a lot like Gollum from LOTR.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:12 pm
by Madden
I think before the day tomorrow, and after all these weeks of discussion - it's time to take a quick straw poll as to who everyone on BT is voting for. If you don't feel comfortable writing it down, then that's okay, for everyone else, just say who you are voting for: no explanation needed, just the name. Simple exercise.

My vote will be

Lower: Greens
Upper: Greens
(Electorate: Menzies)

Anyone else?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:24 pm
by keri


Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:25 pm
by jimmyc1985
Greens in both houses (Electorate: Kooyong), much to the dismay of my old man who declared me a reprobate.

Not because i agree with all (or even a vast majority) of their policies but mainly because by voting for them, my intention is to place the environment further up the mainstream political agenda. If they pull off another couple seats in the senate and poll a bigger portion of the primaries in the HORs, the majors will be on notice that the environment is a very serious concern for a lot of people. Which is a good thing.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:41 pm
by ealesy
Lower: Greens (Electorate: Dunkley)
Upper: Greens

Hope the Australian public have learnt their lesson from last time....if you must re-elected least for love of Jesus H. Christ don't give the bastard control of the Senate again.

Not much point having a House of review, if it is controlled by the same party as controls the Lower House, in it's own right, without the need for the support of independents or minor parties to get its bills passed.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:50 pm
by Paul18
woke up this morning to the neilson poll and the wife is spending the winnings. Then came the Gallaxy poll and I was told I'm not only lossing me money but me plums also. !!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:25 pm
by swoodley
Labor - House of Reps
Greens - Senate

Seat of Moore (Generally safe Liberal with quite a reasonable sitting member)

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:37 pm
by BenDoolan
swoodley wrote:Labor - House of Reps
Greens - Senate

Seat of Moore (Generally safe Liberal with quite a reasonable sitting member)

Seat of Calwell - safe ALP.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:59 pm
by MH_Bomber
ALP - Reps
Greens - Senate

Electorate Higgins (smirkmeister Costellos seat !!!) I am praying for such a hefty swing that he is unseated too.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:49 pm
by grassy1
Curtin - (Safe Liberal regardless of which side wins.)

HOUSE of REPS - Greens 1 ALP 2 Bishop 5 of 7.

SENATE - Greens 1 - 3(?).ALP 4 - 9,Democrats 10 -11,Independents etc,etc.

I NEVER Vote Above the Line.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:23 pm
by dingus
Greens Greens for me. Seat of Port Adelaide: 10.8% labor at last Election.

The greens need the balance of power in the senate, and I think Bob Brown has done an ecxcellent job in selling the greens as a viable option in the face of crap campaigning against them, particularly from the family first (as long as you go to Hillsong) party.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:26 am
by grassy1
Let me guess.The Coalition and/or FAMIILY FIRST had a good SOOK about NO CHECKS and BALANCES in the Senate if the ALP and GREENS Held the Balance of Power.

Coming from the Pair who gave us(for 5 minutes)FAMILY IMPACT STATEMENTS?