PM Julia

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Re: PM Julia

Post by MH_Bomber »

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> vingertje vingertje vingertje vingertje =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Thank God for that !!!

It will be trickey for her but if anyone can pull this off its her.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by BERT »

It will be interesting. Having the commies having to suck up to the greens and the National independents.

Giving her track record of negotiating was her mining tax breakthrough that fell apart within 2 weeks.

We will be back at the polls within 12 months.

I suppose it doesn't matter if you get 500k more votes and win the 2pp vote these days.

It will be funny watching the ALP implode in the next 12 months.

I wouldn't want to be the ALP member who gets crook or wants to quit.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by Sismis »

I'm happy with the result. I am especially glad it was achievable without Katter.

I hope Labor takes note that it was the NBN which got it over the line. They made a brave call to invest in positive change. They need to make more calls for the good of the country, rather than the good of Labor.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by dom_105 »

I'm happy that Labor got the kick up the arse that they deserved, and the way it's played out it's obvious that there will no more of the complacency that we have seen in the past when governments have had the numbers to fend off any opposition.

But if one thing can be assured, it's the fact that this experiment isn't lasting for three years.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by BERT »

I also hope Joolia isn't going to move into the lodge. She said she wouldn't until she was elected in by the Australian people

She still hasn't been.

Enjoy living in Altona.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by BenDoolan »

If there is one blessing in this decision, it is the fact that Barnaby Joyce remains in opposition.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by BERT »

BenDoolan wrote:If there is one blessing in this decision, it is the fact that Barnaby Joyce remains in opposition.
Yeah but Peter Garrett remains in government.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by Gyoza »

BERT wrote:
I wouldn't want to be the ALP member who gets crook or wants to quit.
Over everything else, but I enjoyed this. Very true. :D
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Re: PM Julia

Post by BenDoolan »

BERT wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:If there is one blessing in this decision, it is the fact that Barnaby Joyce remains in opposition.
Yeah but Peter Garrett remains in government.
:lol: touche! =D>
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Re: PM Julia

Post by dodgey »

Oakeshott spent over 20 minutes Crapping on before announcing what we already knew. #-o .. as soon as the mad hatter "broke ranks" to side with abbott you knew which way the other 2 were heading..

I just hope the Independants can let Julia "Govern" WITHOUT tacking on 273 riders to each piece of legislation that will only benefit THEIR electorate
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Re: PM Julia

Post by swoodley »

BERT wrote:It will be interesting. Having the commies having to suck up to the greens and the National independents.
Bert channels Bob Menzies and his "reds under the bed" :lol:
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Re: PM Julia

Post by BERT »


Where you going to find the extra $10b you just bribed to get back into power.

With the $8b black hole in the mining tax you really have to find $18b. That doesn't include the NBN that will probably run over budget as well. I'm tipping by at least 50%.

Good luck with that one.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by Mrs Mercuri »

woooooooo Julia!!!!!! vingertje =D>

Thank God for that, I was having nightmares that I would wake up and Abbott and his cronies Bishop and Hockey were running the country.....

Looking forward to seeing the "new" government in action. I really like the independents, Oakshott in particular! They bring some normality to the craziness that is politics!!
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Re: PM Julia

Post by pevfan »

Pheeew!!...Yep, Filth, we sure did didge a bullet there. Even with all the mistakes that Labor made in the lead up to the election (I thought their actual campaign absolutely stunk)The thought of Australia returning to that Howard clone absolutely filled me with dread.

And to you Bert...let me say this....if the coalition had stuck with Turnbull, you would have romped it in.

Am currently reading Malcolm Fraser's memoirs and as much as I used to hate the guy's guts I have to say that there you have a TRUE liberal NOT a neo con masquerading as a so called liberal. I don't know why more was not made of his (Fraser's) resignation from the party virtually the moment that Abbott was made leader. To me that was a case of the Elephant in the was an appalling indigtment but it all seemed to go by unnoticed. No doubt aided and abetted by the selective reporting of the right wing bile that is the Murdoch press. No doubt you right wingers will Pooh Hoo that statement but I'd bet London to a brick that if it had been a Whitlam or a Hawke that had done the same thing it would have been all over the media. As it was, they (the media's) futile attempt to embarass Labor with that sadly irrelevant clown Latham, a move that left them with egg all over their collective rabidly conservative right wing faces, only served to prove just how hoplessly and dangerously biased they are.

I agree with you Bert in that I very much fear that Labor has now inherited a poisoned chalice and that they face a huge battle to see out a full three year term. I can only hope that the Libs will now see the light and reinstate Turnbull so that if they do eventually roll Labor, at least the country may still have some chance of being led forward into the future in stead of back to the future under that Howard lovechild.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by little_ripper »

i wish the democrats would come back.

i also reckon a minority government will result in more hot air and less action.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by billyduckworth »

Interesting times lie ahead. Will co-operating with (or is that allowing oneself to be bribed by?) the independents lead to a sensible compromise or will it all end in tears and an early election? Time will tell.

I find it fascinating that virtually everyone involved (Labour, Liberal, Nationals, independents, Greens and general wackos included) keeps talking about "stability" and "stable" government. Whilst there have been some examples in history of minority governments surviving and even working well, it is very much the exception rather than the rule.

I also find it fascinating that many of the individual figures involved are, to put it mildly, not very likeable. Many people, myself included, feel uneasy about Joolia with her fake "working class" accent and her backstabbing of Rudd. Many people (myself included) feel uneasy about Mr Rabbit and his neo-con views. The Mad Katter is hardly a likeable figure either and Oakshoot (or whatever his name is) comes across as a cross between the tooth fairy and spiderman. Bob Brown has been in the parliament so many years and yet still ummms and arrrs like a nervous first year. The only one IMO who comes across okay is Tony Windsor. Maybe we should have made him a "neutral" PM? Or bring back Turnbull & Rudd!?
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Re: PM Julia

Post by BERT »

What happens if Rudd gets offered his dream job at the UN within the next 3 years.

He wouldn't want to resign this term.

Could be the ultimate revenge.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by MH_Bomber »

billyduckworth wrote:Interesting times lie ahead. Will co-operating with (or is that allowing oneself to be bribed by?) the independents lead to a sensible compromise or will it all end in tears and an early election? Time will tell.

I find it fascinating that virtually everyone involved (Labour, Liberal, Nationals, independents, Greens and general wackos included) keeps talking about "stability" and "stable" government. Whilst there have been some examples in history of minority governments surviving and even working well, it is very much the exception rather than the rule.

I also find it fascinating that many of the individual figures involved are, to put it mildly, not very likeable. Many people, myself included, feel uneasy about Joolia with her fake "working class" accent and her backstabbing of Rudd. Many people (myself included) feel uneasy about Mr Rabbit and his neo-con views. The Mad Katter is hardly a likeable figure either and Oakshoot (or whatever his name is) comes across as a cross between the tooth fairy and spiderman. Bob Brown has been in the parliament so many years and yet still ummms and arrrs like a nervous first year. The only one IMO who comes across okay is Tony Windsor. Maybe we should have made him a "neutral" PM? Or bring back Turnbull & Rudd!?
Julia Gillard's accent is NOT fake. She has always spoken in the way. It was obvious the style masters tried to get hold of her at the start of the campaign and her diction at that time was quite different to her normal voice. She obviously thought to herself stuff this and then reverted to type. When she came out as the "real Julia" that in fact was the real Julia with the real accent.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by BenDoolan »

I wouldn't call this term of government "interesting". I think it will be littered with arguments, bickering, stonewalling and "pay offs". You will find that the regional areas will get all the grease (and probably deservedly so after years of neglect), and the cities will start to squeak.

Virtually none of the ALP policies will get through without considerable amendments (whatever suits the Greens + Independents) and that will reflect heavily on the perception that they cannot deliver on their promises as orignially designed.

I think the Coalition and mRAbbott are sitting back nicely in the knowledge that they can launch attack after attack while any conflict emerges between the ALP and the Independents - damaging the public opinion of the ALP. And the media will be all over it like a rash.
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Re: PM Julia

Post by MH_Bomber »

For everyone citing the two party preferred figures as some kind of pointer to Labor's illegitimacy as of the time of this post. The ALP is now ahead on the two party preferred. This is not the final figure and will be subject to fluctuations because of the 8 seats they are still adding into the figure.
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