"Shit Happens"

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"Shit Happens"

Post by dom_105 »

Something has been troubling me these past few days.

First things first, let's leave the issue of Tony Abbott shaking like a Dancing Elvis car ornament to one side. At the end of the day, his reaction is a political issue and should be seen as such compared to the main, ethical issue.

The ethical verdict is in, and Channel 7 are a bunch of f***sticks.

Trying to use the death of a soldier to pin something on Abbott has backfired in their faces. The Abbot tapes, viewed in their entirety, discredits the point of view that they were trying to portray with their creative editing. I would suggest that any reasonable person would realise that Tony Abbott would not be flippant over the death of any soldier, especially amongst other soldiers.

The media doesn't operate in a bubble, at the end of the day their actions have impacts that are too often seen as collateral damage. One such impact is outlined (though edited) below in a much more articulate way then I could manage.

http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/thi ... nd-father/
Lance-Cpl MacKinney deserves better, far, far better, given who he was and what he did than to be remembered for this. In his widow Beckie’s words, the Channel 7 news on Tuesday night was like a scab being ripped off a wound that is in the early stages of healing.

She saw herself on TV at his funeral. She saw images of him and them together and all because of something that was not really news.

The behaviour of the reporter, pulling a statement out of context and twisting it, has disappointed her, she says. I would use stronger words.
Beckie is sad today, not because of what Abbott said, but because the most traumatic event in her 26 years is again the subject of discussion, public opinion and criticism.

S—t does happen, Beckie says. She knows this because it has happened to her.
The stories were just there on the nightly news.

The journalists breaking the stories did not notify her about those stories airing.

It is hard for a family that is tiptoeing through grief. It is hard when they are fragile and tears are still at the surface.

Because he was slain in a war zone, as a member of the army and during an operation the Federal Government felt the nation needed to be a part of, everything is different.

The Premier, Opposition Leader and Prime Minister were present at Lance-Cpl MacKinney’s funeral, when his beautiful widow was racked with the unthinkable combination of inconsolable grief and labour pains. The leaders were all deeply compassionate towards Beckie and her family. Beckie said Abbott was a decent and good person, treating her and the reverence of the funeral with care and concern. He was the same when he called her on Tuesday night to discuss the Channel 7 story.
She is so strong for one who has lost so much in such horrific circumstances. Her response to that observation is ``I have to be. I have two babies to look after.’‘

Since her husband died, Beckie has given birth to their son Noah, celebrated their daughter Annabell’s third birthday, endured their first Christmas apart in 10 years and suffered through the loneliness on their fifth wedding anniversary.

She has remarkable family support, but is ultimately without the love of her life.
That's the real story here.

The focus on Abbott will drift off in the hustle and bustle of the 24 hour news cycle. Mark Riley and Channel 7 will be off next week to chase somebody else on some other issue. But what won't drift off is the real hurt felt by the people most important and most relevant to this whole sorry story.

Mark Riley can put himself out there as a serious political journalist, as he did at election time last year, but that stunt he and Channel 7 pulled is straight out of the Today Tonight playbook. Journalists report the news. They shouldn't set out to distort it.
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Re: "Shit Happens"

Post by Gyoza »

Very well put by both the article you quoted and yourself.

Mark RIley is a first class ordinary person. One of those people who deserve a good smack in the face but seem to often get through life without ever receiving it.

A good test of the public's IQ this story, as the moment it was on the news anyone with a hint of intelligence could see there was nothing there.
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Re: "Shit Happens"

Post by BenDoolan »

Great post dom.

Totally agree with you. Some journalists and media sources act like complete filthy whores when chasing a story and releasing it.

Just looking at images of the frenzied scumbags chasing Warne & Liz Hurley around makes me laugh. What a pathetic collection of maggot infested turds they are.

Glad I have not spent one cent on a newspaper in 6 years.
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Re: "Shit Happens"

Post by MH_Bomber »

It was his reaction to the jourmalist asking him about that is the issue that is the problem. Standing there like a f-ckstick nodding his head from side to side as if to somehow threaten. He has form on this type of reaction and he also has form on the saying "Shit Happens".

The guy is not ever worthy of being considered PM because he seeks to politicise every issue including the need for the flood levy. Bring on Shrek quick smart.
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Re: "Shit Happens"

Post by Gyoza »

MH_Bomber wrote:...because he seeks to politicise every issue...
Isn't that what you just did by grabbing dom's opinion of channel 7 and the related article and pulling it back to another go at the political party you dislike? :?
Last edited by Gyoza on Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Shit Happens"

Post by grassy1 »

For once I'm in ABBOTT'S Corner.

See you on MEDIAWATCH 7.


Pity DAVID COLSTON didn't THUMP that HACK from 7 on his DOORSTEP in '97.None of what RILEY did would have happened then.
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Re: "Shit Happens"

Post by MH_Bomber »

Well I wont stand Idly by an be an apologist for an appalling creep like Abbott.

Now he and Morrison are seeking to politicise the funeral arrangements for the drowned boat people.

Even Shrek wont go along with that.

On the day of the funeral for drowned children they raise the issue. Does Abbott and most of the Liberal Party have a heart ?
Menzie!! ❤️

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Re: "Shit Happens"

Post by pevfan »

Trouble is MH these sorts of comments drag out the "Redneck" element in our community of which sadly, there seems to be plenty...maybe even half the population.

There is quite a lot that labor are doing at present that I don't agree with...but for the life of me I could never bring myself to vote for that Howard clone and his fellow neo-con cronies like Morrison...Did you catch Malcolm Fraser's comments on him today....NOT A FAN...NOT A FAN AT ALL. Funny thing is, you never read about any of Malcolm's comments in the Murdoch rags any more...it's as if he no longer exists, and yet he must be regarded as one of the elder statesmen of the party....a party that he is no longer a member of by the way....something else that we never read about from dear old Rupert especially as it came out (thru the ABC...you know ...that left wing rabble that so poisons peoples view of what is Really happening out there in the big wide but not so wonderful world) during the last election.

I had to shake my head in absolute....dont know how to describe it these days.... disgust...no I've got beyond that now...disbelief...no cos, nothing I see and hear of these days surprises me any more...morbidly, depressed resignation's probably as good a couple or three words as I can think of right now. Can you imagine the headlines that we would have seen had it beeb a Whitlam or a Hawke that had resigned in such disgust as Malcolm....C'Mon ... Gimme a break.

And now the (so called) Libs...they're about as liberal as my left foot (maybe I should used my right foot in that analogy :) ) have the gall to come out and cry "Foul" at being ambushed by the media...once again relying on the almost juvenile short term memory of the general public to conveniently forget how they repeatedly tried to ambush Julia with unannounced walk- ons at her press conferences by Mark (Who) Lathem at election time....see, he's such a forettable nobody that I can't even remember how to spell his name right... and yet Rupert found his comments to be so much more pertinent than the one time hero of the party that he so vehemently supports. As I've said, I find it all just so depressing...I've said this before on this forum but I just have to say it again...Australia is a wonderful country...it's AUSTRALIANS that are getting me more and more worried ... by the day it seems.
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